Author Topic: New DVS delegate - devshares.warlock  (Read 2342 times)

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Offline davidpbrown

Ah!.. of course, would help if I put the DVS in the right account LOL  :D
Version published now!

Offline testz

Voted, please publish version by command wallet_publish_version

Thanks - wallet_publish_version wants 100000 DVS!..
I got caught out with only ~30% of the DVS I expected to see from the BTS I had, so stuck for the moment. Hopefully that version being published doesn't stop block production.

100000 DVS in "satoshi" = 1.00000 DVS  :)

Offline davidpbrown

Voted, please publish version by command wallet_publish_version

Thanks - wallet_publish_version wants 100000 DVS!..
I got caught out with only ~30% of the DVS I expected to see from the BTS I had, so stuck for the moment. Hopefully that version being published doesn't stop block production.

Offline testz

Votes for DVS delegate: devshares.warlock appreciated.

Voted, please publish version by command wallet_publish_version

Offline davidpbrown

Votes for DVS delegate: devshares.warlock appreciated.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 01:48:46 pm by cass »