Author Topic: [Delegate proposal] martin-38ptswarrior-raum  (Read 61898 times)

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Good luck Martin - wish you best - long live BitShares!!!
+5% .. hope you have some left in your wallet ..

Offline cass

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Good luck Martin - wish you best - long live BitShares!!!
█║▌║║█  - - -  The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear  - - -  █║▌║║█


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Dear supporters. I could not get enough votes. Sorry for that. It's time to stop for me. Good luck and a long life to you.


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Wow, I went there and talked to people with shirts of the help crew.

They told me to talk to a woman. I asked her if she had some time.

Another woman asked her something and she told me to wait a second. Then a young man said to the woman that I am dangerous in dutch. Suddenly the woman was not talking to me anymore. He asked me, 'do you work here or not?' I said that I wrote the leader of the helper team yesterday. He said that he is the organizer and that I should go (kicks me out).

Yesterday they told me that they need help.

I asked the man, who they are. Because I had s very dark feeling seeing the behaviour of the people towards me.

So much that I am affraid to talk about it!

Your thirdyeight
« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 09:19:07 pm by 38PTSWarrior »


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I think we should orchestrate now the activity.

Because the mobile app is not on the app center, trust..

Then they can make a user-name.

This name in combination with an ad as a button maybe. And with a little luck shops will accept it or others.

@xeroc @liondani @bytemaster @puppies @all :D

The most important is that the refugee helpers trust me now. Therefore I need all good angels behind me.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 01:51:21 pm by 38PTSWarrior »

Offline Pheonike

You need the mobile app for your work to be most effective. That way you can demonstrate to ppl at that moment. Mobile app plus referrals we be great for your marketing method.


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I talked to the people who give refugees food in Amsterdam Central Station. They also gave me little food (political drug war refugee :D ) and that's how we got into a conversation. I told them about BTS but cannot do much without the help of community members.

The people have spoken..


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Thank you OMALLY! You speak from my heart.

I could not resist today. I introduced to a man who is a technician and a member of Toastmasters International.

He invited me for food and drinks and asked me if I could explain bitcoin in 30 minutes.

I explained everything. See what I wrote on his paper:

It would help to be voted. The people see that my work is good and it does not look good when I tell them that I do not get more support.

My listener will maybe read this thread. Thank you Sir for the time and interest and for the food and drink.

He is interested but first has to read about BTS in detail.


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I think the work you are doing is awesome.  You're out there in direct contact with the general public, the very people that need to be informed.  I don't think the referral system will pay for the work you are doing, that's for users that get friends, friends of friends and family and their friends yet not exclusive to that, and it requires a level of trust to be effective!  The work you do, I feel is worth 1 of the 101 positions. 

You're audience should be on voters minds more so than the focus on you... If you do misbehave you'll be fired (voted out of position). 

Can anyone else reach the same audience as directly as you, my guess is no.  Working the streets, or in a privileged position, should not matter.  It is this type of mind-set that makes a great community

I say give him a chance


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Lol. Yesterday I was not feeling well. I only mentioned BTS twice or so.

It's hard to stop an automatism.

Offline liondani

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What should the referral system change?

I mean you can use the referral system to earn money instead a worker delegate.... Worker delegates are more for coders/programmers,designers,developers etc. and not for marketers...
For your style(bitshares marketing)  it's obvious you  must use the referral system and that's it.

take a look here. It will be your greatest opportunity to make what you already do but NOT FOR FREE ....
OK, I will stop all activity until 13th.

If a massive dumb happens now you know who to blame....  :P


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What should the referral system change?

I mean you can use the referral system to earn money instead a worker delegate.... Worker delegates are more for coders/programmers,designers,developers etc. and not for marketers...
For your style(bitshares marketing)  it's obvious you  must use the referral system and that's it.

take a look here. It will be your greatest opportunity to make what you already do but NOT FOR FREE ....
OK, I will stop all activity until 13th.

Offline liondani

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What should the referral system change?

I mean you can use the referral system to earn money instead a worker delegate.... Worker delegates are more for coders/programmers,designers,developers etc. and not for marketers...
For your style(bitshares marketing)  it's obvious you  must use the referral system and that's it.

take a look here. It will be your greatest opportunity to make what you already do but NOT FOR FREE ....


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I will make a nice holiday. Why should I work for free?