Author Topic: UPDATED **Now Available** Printable BitShares TriFold Brochure  (Read 27690 times)

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Witness: rmglab /// Buenos Aires BTS Meetup /// [old BTS 1.0 chain] Delegate bitshares-argentina (ex argentina-marketing-matt608) Thread,15781.0.html

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New Keyoteeid: 5rUhuLCDWUA2FStkKVRTWYEqY1mZhwpfVdRmYEvMRFRD1bqYAL
new08/21 id 5Sjf3LMuYPSeNnjLYXmAoHj5Z6TPCmwmfXD6XwDmg27dwfQ

Offline fran2k

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Hello everyone!

Just added the Spanish A4 format to the OP. Zip file has pdf's in color and B&W along with .jpeg and .tiff


Perfect. I'm printing the first batch asap. Will post some pics of the finished brochures later.

The best price I got for 20x30cm HQ full color is 210USD for 5000u and 150USD for 1000u. It seems a bit too much, I think I'm going to iterate in my continuum inkjet printer until it looks perfect.
Witness: rmglab /// Buenos Aires BTS Meetup /// [old BTS 1.0 chain] Delegate bitshares-argentina (ex argentina-marketing-matt608) Thread,15781.0.html

Offline fran2k

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Hello everyone!

Just added the Spanish A4 format to the OP. Zip file has pdf's in color and B&W along with .jpeg and .tiff


Perfect. I'm printing the first batch asap. Will post some pics of the finished brochures later.
Witness: rmglab /// Buenos Aires BTS Meetup /// [old BTS 1.0 chain] Delegate bitshares-argentina (ex argentina-marketing-matt608) Thread,15781.0.html

Offline emailtooaj

Hello everyone!

Just added the Spanish A4 format to the OP. Zip file has pdf's in color and B&W along with .jpeg and .tiff

Sound Editor of Beyondbitcoin Hangouts. Listen to latest here - support the Hangouts! BTS Tri-Fold Brochure,15169.0.html

Offline fran2k

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First version. Needs some design improvement but we are closer.

Witness: rmglab /// Buenos Aires BTS Meetup /// [old BTS 1.0 chain] Delegate bitshares-argentina (ex argentina-marketing-matt608) Thread,15781.0.html

Offline fran2k

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Spanish translation with the help of @rnglab.

@emailtooaj could you do the design? Thanks!

bitshares - Secure, Dynamic and Decentralized

bitshares - Seguro, Dinámico y Descentralizado
Up And Running

En Funcionamiento

(remove http / https, add )


A New Global Economy

Imagine wrapping our whole Global Economy into a single decentralized and secure software program. A program that operates 24hrs a day, 365 days a year. A program that can never go bankrupt, never get shut down by governments and never run away with your money. This is now possible, thanks to BitShares and its secure network. Opening the doors for Businesses and Consumers to connect instantly, with no middle men.

Bitshares gives you…
Secure BlockChain Technology
5-10 Second Confirmation Times
Free and Easy to Use Software
Interest on your “Asset” Account Balances

Una Nueva Economía Global

Imagínese envolver toda nuestra economía global en un único programa de software descentralizado y seguro. Un programa que funciona 24 horas al día, los 365 días del año. Un programa que nunca puede ir a la quiebra, ser apagado por los gobiernos ni huir con su dinero. Ahora esto es posible gracias a BitShares y su red segura; abriendo las puertas a empresas y consumidores para conectarse al instante, sin intermediarios.

Bitshares le brinda ...
La tecnología segura de la BlockChain
Tiempos de confirmación de 5-10 segundos
Software libre, gratuito y fácil de usar
Intereses en sus "activos"


Easy, Secure Payments

Transfers of Money and Assets have never been easier. Unlike traditional banks, payments with BitShares are fast, easy and cost effective. Using the BitShares payment network only costs pennies per transaction, with less than 10 seconds for a fully verified confirmation. Not hours or days, like other digital systems.

So why use BitAssets? …
Exceptionally Low Volatility
$1 bitUSD Relentlessly tracks $1 USD, Period
5-10 Second Cryptographic Transfer Times
Ultra Low Transaction Fee
Earn Yield on Account with Balances
Instant World Wide Money Transfers

Pagos fáciles y seguros

Transferencias de dinero y activos nunca han sido más fáciles. A diferencia de los bancos tradicionales, los pagos con BitShares son rápidos, fáciles y rentables. El uso de la red de pagos BitShares sólo cuesta centavos por transacción, con menos de 10 segundos por confirmación verificada. NO días ni horas como otros sistemas digitales.

¿Por qué utilizar BitAssets? …

Volatilidad excepcionalmente baja
1 bitUSD se mantiene implacablemente al valor de 1 USD
Tiempos de transferencia criptográfica de 5-10 segundos
Comisión de transacción ultra baja
Obtener intereses con los balances de su Cuenta
Transferencias instantáneas a todo el mundo


The System Decentralized

The BitShares Decentralized Exchange is truly a work of art. BitShares has the capability to handle the transfer volume of every World Stock Exchange, Forex Money Market, Businesses, Banks and Consumers accross the globe. BitShares will never need a bailout, it can’t be manipulated, scammed or have funds fraudulently transferred. It is a trustless system where “The Code is the Constitution” and the code can never be compromised. Read more about this amazing system at

A new dawn is rising and BitShares welcomes everyone to join us.

El Sistema Descentralizado

El Exchange Descentralizado de BitShares es una verdadera obra de arte. BitShares tiene capacidad para manejar el volumen de transferencia de cada bolsa mundial, mercado Forex de dinero, negocios, bancos y consumidores a lo largo del globo. BitShares nunca necesitará un rescate financiero (bailout); no se puede manipular, estafar ni transferir fondos de forma fraudulenta. Es un sistema sin riesgos de contraparte o terceros.  "El código es la Constitución" y no puede ser comprometido. Lea más sobre este increíble sistema en

Un nuevo amanecer está en camino y BitShares da la bienvenida a todos a unirse.


Business on The Blockchain

Entrepreneurs and Businesses now have the ability to integrate into the BitShares Eco System by creating their own “Usser Issued Assets” or UIA’s. Similar to stocks, UIA’s give businesses the power to legally issue IPOs of their stock, as well as engage in other forms of crowd funding. Users can then trade this stocks for pennies per transaction, in a decentralized market that includes bitAssets like bitUSD, bitCNY, bitEUR and more. Preserve your Bottom Line and get Business done today, not tomorrow.

BitShares make this happen by enabling …
Custom creation of UIA’s
Ability to “Whitelist” Users
Legal IPOs for Small and Large Businesses
Accepting of bitAssets for payment of goods or services
Easy access to a Global liquidity

Negocios en la blockchain

Emprendedores y empresas ahora tienen la capacidad de integrarse en el ecosistema de BitShares mediante la creación de sus propios "Activos Emitidos por Usuarios" (“User Issued Assets”) o UIA’s. Similares a las acciones, los UIAs ofrecen a las empresas la facultad de emitir legalmente IPOs (Initial Product Offerings, Oferta Pública de Venta) de sus Acciones, así como participar en otras formas de financiamiento público. Los usuarios pueden operar estas Acciones a centavos por transacción, en un mercado descentralizado que ademas incluye bitAssets como bitUSD, bitCNY, bitEUR y muchos otros. Preserve sus balances y haga negocios hoy, no mañana.

BitShares hace que esto suceda, permitiendo ...
La creación personalizada de la UIAs (Activos Emitidos por Usuarios)
Capacidad para poner Usuarios en su Whitelist (elegir con quiénes operar)
IPOs legales para pequeñas y grandes empresas
Aceptación de bitAssets para el pago de bienes o servicios
Fácil acceso a una liquidez global

Witness: rmglab /// Buenos Aires BTS Meetup /// [old BTS 1.0 chain] Delegate bitshares-argentina (ex argentina-marketing-matt608) Thread,15781.0.html

Offline kenCode

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The German version is now updated and listed at bottom of OP  :D

Thank you so much!
BTW - Anybody who wants FREE high quality color printing on nice paper in the Munich area, please let me know how many flyers to print up for you. I can print more for free as needed too, so please only ask for as many as you plan on distributing, thank you :)
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise

Offline emailtooaj

The German version is now updated and listed at bottom of OP  :D
Sound Editor of Beyondbitcoin Hangouts. Listen to latest here - support the Hangouts! BTS Tri-Fold Brochure,15169.0.html

Offline xeroc

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I am ok with this ... was afk over the weekend .. sorry for the delay ..
give this thing to the copy shop but let us not stop here and improve this flyer even further ..

@all: good job

Offline kenCode

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when the german version is finished.
where are the best places to share these?

We're going to have a meeting about this. If you're in the Munich area, can you join us?
See here:
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise

Offline JA

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when the german version is finished.

where are the best places to share these?

Offline emailtooaj

Sound Editor of Beyondbitcoin Hangouts. Listen to latest here - support the Hangouts! BTS Tri-Fold Brochure,15169.0.html

Offline clayop

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We (Korean marketing team) printed 2,000 copies and will distribute it to both crypto and non-crypto people :)

Bitshares Korea -
Vote for me and see Korean Bitshares community grows

Offline kenCode

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Dang straight xeroc.  Stop being lazy...I'll work on translating it into every language I, an American citizen, know.... we have it in English yet?  :-\

Yes. I used the English version to create the German version. xeroc was gonna grammar check my Deutsch first tho..........
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise