Author Topic: Need $10K bitUSD, will pay actual USD with 5% premium  (Read 9216 times)

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Type up a storm, don't hold back.  +5%

Offline fuzzy

Sounds good.  Looking forward to hearing more from you :)
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Offline tsaishen

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I hope you were able to acquire the bitUSD you were looking for. As soon as I saw your willingness to escrow through a trusted MOD on this forum, I felt confident and had no doubts. People are reading too much into this (albeit from feeling burned in the past). Best of luck with your project!

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Oh yeah of course.
Sorry so quiet, I needed to sleep after 28hrs of being online.

Also I don't blame anyone a bit for being concerned.  It's not fun being scammed.

@Luckybit, you never even asked to get paid guy ;)  You're a real booster and I find that awesome.

No one demanded anything.  I never said they did.  Please re-read what I said before.  A few people mentioned that they would like to be paid upfront (or paid before they start), and I realized that this was actually a good idea and a thing that needed to be taken care of.  I'm not sure where any other intimation is coming from. 

Once we started talking about pay, I came to the sudden realization that despite having cash to do so, we had no legitimate plan to get them that cash.   

Since everyone (who agreed) had agreed to a USD amount, bitUSD seemed viable, but making a large acquisition in an illiquid market is never a good idea.

In the end we got some of it from market, the remainder is being bought direct through bank wires with a few whales. 
We fronted the cash and when it arrives safely at it's destination we will have the bitUSD.
Pretty much what we had set out to do.

What I didn't expect was the community reaction to a public offer to trade, which was really the intent of this thread.

It sort of devolved there for a bit didn't it?

@Fuzzy you make a salient point about getting to know the company better.
The vetting process is important, especially since a HUGE part of our plan is to make it easier and more transparent for the community to vet others.

I said from the beginning that our plan is to "eat our own dogfood" as it were.

I am ready to start talking about what we are planning to do and how it impacts the bitshares community.
Be advised that I have some legitimate technical concerns that need to be overcome first before I start linking websites, talking about tech etc.
I seem to still be the public face of things for now.  The others all seem to be busy doing their jobs while I'm here talking to you guys.

As far as my words "your community", "your coin" etc. 
You need to understand where I come from on this.  I'm absolutely, brand shiny new here. 
I've not exactly had the warmest reception.  I still feel like an outsider, hence "your this" and "your that".

This community has been around for quite awhile.  Most of you that are still around, are diehards and outlasters that have weathered one hell of a storm and yet still clung to hope that things will turn around.  You all have a common bond in that shared hope.  I wasn't there, I can't make that same claim.  I'm an outsider looking in.

My perspective is that I'm helping to build something.  We are building something that leverages your tech and your coin, to do something that we expect will be immensely profitable for us.  It stands a real chance of more than doubling the value of your coin, because it can alter the current market dynamic at a fundamental level.  We expect that what we are doing will drive demand for BTS by exposing it to a new audience.  Nevertheless, that is a side effect of what we are actually trying to achieve here.

We ask nothing of the community at large. 

We would like you as individuals to examine what we are doing and to join up in your own capacity if what we are doing is something you would like to be a part of.  We have need of people who are experts with this technology, because it will make it easier to guide new people into it.  Some of you are already a part of this, some of you are considering it, some of you have rejected it.  Most of you know little or nothing.

So here's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to ask a mod to lock this thread. 
Replying to it is distracting, the original need for it has been solved and this is not the correct forum for where this conversation is going.

In the meantime I'll head over to,9.0.html sometime in the next 24hrs and start a thread. 
I will detail ...
#1 Who we are
#2 What we have planned
#3 Why we are planning it
#4 How far along we are
#5 What we still need to do
#6 It's expected impact
#7 Roles that remain to be filled

Just be advised that we are not a DAC.  If we need BTS we'll buy it ;)
The choice for that forum section is merely because I don't see a "Announce your company here" area.

Thanks guys!

Offline fuzzy

I hope you count me as one of those 80+ that considers the 'hang outs' valuable. Couse I do find them valuable! Very much so!

My point was different though. Way too often being there is linked to being interested/involved and  having the BTS interest at heart. A golden ticket of kind. The examples I provided were to show that being on the show and being legit and/or interested in BTS are not necessarily the same thing.

I do not believe the 1M USD runway, for open-software project the slightest, btw. But it could easily be my usual cynicism.

nothing wrong with a healthy dose of cynicism...
i agree 100% with you actually.  Unfortunately at this phase of growth it is what we have (and far better to have it imho). I would love to be able to eventually pay some community "cynics" to do investigative pieces on the projects that show up to get that golden ticket..but the time will come for this soon enough i suspect.
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I hope you were able to acquire the bitUSD you were looking for. As soon as I saw your willingness to escrow through a trusted MOD on this forum, I felt confident and had no doubts. People are reading too much into this (albeit from feeling burned in the past). Best of luck with your project!

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I hope you count me as one of those 80+ that considers the 'hang outs' valuable. Couse I do find them valuable! Very much so!

My point was different though. Way too often being there is linked to being interested/involved and  having the BTS interest at heart. A golden ticket of kind. The examples I provided were to show that being on the show and being legit and/or interested in BTS are not necessarily the same thing.

I do not believe the 1M USD runway, for open-software project the slightest, btw. But it could easily be my usual cynicism.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 07:49:05 am by tonyk2 »

Offline fuzzy

Thanks for clearing things up tsaishen. I for one can't wait to hear what you guys have in store. I've always thought that your postings were legit; seems pretty obvious to me from your posts that you're serious about this whole thing. I mean come on, you even offered escrow in your OP; it's ridiculous to see a bunch of community members immediately jump down your throat and scream scam without hearing you out first. You clearly have big plans for BTS and should be welcome with open arms, especially considering the rough past few months.

Just remember that the cries of a few outspoken community members are not at all representative of the community at large. Myself and I'm sure many others are eagerly awaiting to hear more.

I'm working behind the scenes to coordinate a hangout for tsaishen to answer any questions/concerns.

This is great news, thank you Fuzzy.

I'm disappointed in the community's reception of tsaishen thus far; since when are folks guilty until proven innocent?

How about we give tsaishen the benefit of the doubt and support his/her efforts in whatever way we can... until given a good reason to do otherwise.

Well, that is another thing.
Somehow appearing on "The fuzz show" makes any project legit. Quite the opposite in my recollection.

I sorry to post that but:

- there was the 'NHZ' project - They were going to be a DPOS chain and drop on us or whatever. Well we did not hear from them ever after...and during the show - for the lack of mic. ....the usual excuse...

- this one is semi-relevant but... there was the great destroyer of BTS.... the alphaBar guy... fuzz show made him legit for just appearing there....he launched the DPOS PTS and faded in black.

- Open source hardware anyone? Great idea.... not much news as of late. I believe the guy is hard at work on the hardware wallet for BTS! I have no doubt this is exactly what he does right now :)

- and there was 3D I am not so sure. But for sure 150,00 businesse accept BTS as of this writing.... not really but they accept can pay those BTC with BTS, through shapeshift , you know.

Finally I sorry for all great (and very short lived) ideas pushed by this venue and not included in this writing.

BTW, I truly love and admire fuzz's enthusiasm after all this. I do know you are just a dreamer, brother!

I'm not upset.  There is a reason why anyone (including you) can show up and say whatever they want/need to say at our hangouts--to make it (NOT) the "Fuzz Show". :)

Also, although this format does help weed out people who would be potential scammers (most people who would try to scam on bitcoin talk [ANN]'s would not do so if people got to hear them speak and ask literally any question that comes to mind), it is not fool-proof.  There are very charming people out there who will be more than willing to join up and pour honey in our ears.  A hangout is not the precursor to being "legit"...and I have never advertised it as such. 

As for NHZ.  It was never going to go DPoS.  Not sure where that comes from but they never said that.  What happened there is that I worked with them to offer IOU's tradeable on their NXT-based decentralized exchange.  At the time I thought it would be a really good idea to have a decentralized exchange partnered with us so we could trade BitShares DACs' tokens.  I also thought it would help us strategically to help elevate the value proposition of a NXT competitor (who is allied with us).  Of course, many things changed when they decided to go with Horizon (HZ) instead of NXT Horizon (NHZ)...along with the inclusion of blocknet. 

As for Open Source hardware.  I would love to give you an update.  They now are working out of Hanoi (vietnam) where they have acquired a large manufacturing facility, a hotel, a college campus (open source university) and approximately 1 million dollars a month for 10 months as a "runway" for take-off.  They have acquired a contract with one of the leading board manufacturers in Hanoi and are in the process of getting up and running.  As for them not being around...well all I can say is they are busy and found very few people interested in purchasing from for the time being, they are working on more profitable endeavors (I can't blame them).  They have not forgotten about the BitShares community...but getting set up and going is a pretty big undertaking so they are obviously a bit too busy to worry about creating their blockchain. 
I was working with them behind the scenes, however, to ensure that even if the marketcap went very low, the bitshares team could have had a free place to stay and also a platform to teach others about blockchain technology (open source university).  But it seems the team has a better thats fine too! :)

As for ISG3D...well lets just say they did great advertising for us on twitter.  They also made some pretty epic stuff.  Not sure anyone in the community cared enough to buy that "10,000 BTC Pizza" off them though.  It is really hard to get companies to join our cause when they feel they get little in return...but the connections they make with the community may give them a heartfelt incentive later on to ally with us. 

*Now for the final...and serious note.  I never, ever say that anything is guaranteed.  What I do is constantly reach out and try to make connections for all the people trying to provide value to bitshares.  Rather than spend time complaining...I feel it is FAR better for all of you if I continually reach out and get shot down...or connect our community with people/companies who go nowhere, but whose connections might someday pay off in a way I have yet to see. 
I have said it many times before...but this is a good time to say it once more:  Our hangouts are specifically to help people who want to earn our community's trust do so.  It is a "gauntlet" of sorts that is intended to enable anyone to join and have a voice--regardless the size of their stake in the project.  It is also intended to increase the efficiency of communication and to serve as a backup for our community should something happen to the forums for extended periods of time. 

P.S.  I know of at least 80+ people who think the hangouts are valuable to BitShares.  I also know that there is not a single other Crypto community out there that has its own equivalency...imagine what they are saying about scammers in their midst!
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 07:30:49 am by fuzzy »
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Offline luckybit

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+5% Confirmed and accepted.

He is one of 2 community liason's recently brought onto gemspaces.

I added some conditions for our mutual protection. Gemspaces may very well be a legitimate company but it has to go through a community vetting process and I don't know whether or not you've gone through that process.

Considering the potential for scams and the rush to pay us I think it's fair for you to subject yourself to community vetting before I can work with your company or anyone else.

Are you prepared to be vetted and have your company be vetted? Do you have a way to show us that you're legally incorporated? If I'm going to represent the interests of the Bitshares community I have to ask you to subject yourself and your business to community vetting. This has to happen prior to you conducting any sort of crowd sale because of the potential for funny business.

I learned one thing in ~3 years crypto: it's guilty until proven innocent.

would've offered to do the escrow, however, they used blocktrades to cover it seems.

Money isn't really the issue. Basic due diligence is the issue. The more we know the safer we are. Escrow could work fine but once again, at this moment in time there is a bit too unknown for anyone to make a rational decision.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 06:54:35 am by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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I learned one thing in ~3 years crypto: it's guilty until proven innocent.

would've offered to do the escrow, however, they used blocktrades to cover it seems.


  • Guest
Thanks for clearing things up tsaishen. I for one can't wait to hear what you guys have in store. I've always thought that your postings were legit; seems pretty obvious to me from your posts that you're serious about this whole thing. I mean come on, you even offered escrow in your OP; it's ridiculous to see a bunch of community members immediately jump down your throat and scream scam without hearing you out first. You clearly have big plans for BTS and should be welcome with open arms, especially considering the rough past few months.

Just remember that the cries of a few outspoken community members are not at all representative of the community at large. Myself and I'm sure many others are eagerly awaiting to hear more.

I'm working behind the scenes to coordinate a hangout for tsaishen to answer any questions/concerns.

This is great news, thank you Fuzzy.

I'm disappointed in the community's reception of tsaishen thus far; since when are folks guilty until proven innocent?

How about we give tsaishen the benefit of the doubt and support his/her efforts in whatever way we can... until given a good reason to do otherwise.

Well, that is another thing.
Somehow appearing on "The fuzz show" makes any project legit. Quite the opposite in my recollection.

I sorry to post that but:

- there was the 'NHZ' project - They were going to be a DPOS chain and drop on us or whatever. Well we did not hear from them ever after...and during the show - for the lack of mic. ....the usual excuse...

- this one is semi-relevant but... there was the great destroyer of BTS.... the alphaBar guy... fuzz show made him legit for just appearing there....he launched the DPOS PTS and faded in black.

- Open source hardware anyone? Great idea.... not much news as of late. I believe the guy is hard at work on the hardware wallet for BTS! I have no doubt this is exactly what he does right now :)

- and there was 3D I am not so sure. But for sure 150,00 businesse accept BTS as of this writing.... not really but they accept can pay those BTC with BTS, through shapeshift , you know.

Finally I sorry for all great (and very short lived) ideas pushed by this venue and not included in this writing.

BTW, I truly love and admire fuzz's enthusiasm after all this. I do know you are just a dreamer, brother!

Offline jsidhu

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Lets let him make his proposal its his thread let it be... Passion is good
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I wonder ...

"it's ridiculous to see a bunch of community members immediately jump down your throat and scream scam "
Why the overreaction? I for one never used the word scam. I just said a few red flags... and there are a few as everyone can see.

I still do not believe anyone openly demanding - "Pay upfront or I am out." Such request will speak volumes for the project and/or the entity proposing it. But yet it was presented as a demand by member of your  community.

Also the language ("your community"; "your coin", "your (bitUSD) product") is quite disturbing coming from someone supposedly driving the price two fold with its project per his own estimate.

...anyway call it 'screaming scam by few outspoken members' if you are paid upfront to do so, but that is what is on the publicly known surface of this thing.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 04:47:20 am by tonyk2 »

Offline oldman

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Thanks for clearing things up tsaishen. I for one can't wait to hear what you guys have in store. I've always thought that your postings were legit; seems pretty obvious to me from your posts that you're serious about this whole thing. I mean come on, you even offered escrow in your OP; it's ridiculous to see a bunch of community members immediately jump down your throat and scream scam without hearing you out first. You clearly have big plans for BTS and should be welcome with open arms, especially considering the rough past few months.

Just remember that the cries of a few outspoken community members are not at all representative of the community at large. Myself and I'm sure many others are eagerly awaiting to hear more.

I'm working behind the scenes to coordinate a hangout for tsaishen to answer any questions/concerns.

This is great news, thank you Fuzzy.

I'm disappointed in the community's reception of tsaishen thus far; since when are folks guilty until proven innocent?

How about we give tsaishen the benefit of the doubt and support his/her efforts in whatever way we can... until given a good reason to do otherwise.

Offline fuzzy

Thanks for clearing things up tsaishen. I for one can't wait to hear what you guys have in store. I've always thought that your postings were legit; seems pretty obvious to me from your posts that you're serious about this whole thing. I mean come on, you even offered escrow in your OP; it's ridiculous to see a bunch of community members immediately jump down your throat and scream scam without hearing you out first. You clearly have big plans for BTS and should be welcome with open arms, especially considering the rough past few months.

Just remember that the cries of a few outspoken community members are not at all representative of the community at large. Myself and I'm sure many others are eagerly awaiting to hear more.

I'm working behind the scenes to coordinate a hangout for tsaishen to answer any questions/concerns.
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Offline luckybit

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Well the original intent was originally to pay everyone at month's end.
Then when the time came to talk about pay, it became clear that these guys would like to be paid upfront rather than in arrears.

I never demanded to be paid up front. In fact it was surprising to me to be offered to be paid so soon.

Just putting it out there that not everyone demanded up front pay. As for the BitUSD I'm not totally against it because BitUSD exists to be used but at the same time BTC does seem like it could be easier for most people at this particular time because BitUSD is having some liquidity problems. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads