Author Topic: BitShares 0.9.0-RC1 Feedback  (Read 25396 times)

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Offline xeroc

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Does "wallet_publish_price_feed" require a float/double price or a satoshi/larimer?

All decimal amounts/prices should be input as strings now.
ok .. just fixed my feed script ..


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Im not able to place a short.  I get "Invalid asset amount(35005)" and then "JSON parse error: unterminated string"
Code: [Select]
 ○ request@app.js:45:8571
 ○ market_submit_short@app.js:46:7953
 ○ post_short@app.js:43:47902
 ○ app.js:43:46465
 ○ confirm_order@app.js:43:46529
 ○ confirm_order@app.js:36:27294
 ○ app.js:10:7986
 ○ e@app.js:10:14415
 ○ $eval@app.js:6:83428
 ○ $apply@app.js:6:83659
 ○ app.js:10:14472
 ○ dispatch@app.js:3:14478
 ○ handle@app.js:3:11253
35005 invalid_asset_amount: invalid asset amount

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:93 bts::blockchain::asset_record::share_string_to_satoshi

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:109 bts::blockchain::asset_record::share_string_to_satoshi

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:114 bts::blockchain::asset_record::asset_from_string

    bitshares  chain_interface.cpp:241 bts::blockchain::chain_interface::to_ugly_asset

    bitshares  wallet.cpp:3610 bts::wallet::wallet::submit_short

    bitshares  common_api_client.cpp:5347 bts::rpc_stubs::common_api_client::wallet_market_submit_short

Also, after confirming an order, the order often disappears from the UI and gives no indication of whether the order was made, canceled, lost, pending, complete, ? etc.,  it shows nothing , and often takes 2 or 3 minutes for the order to show on the books.  And then other times its near instant.   I noticed this in prior versions primarily with short orders.  I'm not able to test it now because Im not able to short at all.

Several times because of this I've placed the same order twice thinking it just got lost or errored out.

Offline cn-members

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1. in the internal market page, the timestamp of trading history is not shown:

2. Sometimes in your account page, there would be acoount of others listed. While surely (or sadly) you cannot spend money of those acoounts, this situation is kind of bothering.
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Offline vikram

Does "wallet_publish_price_feed" require a float/double price or a satoshi/larimer?

All decimal amounts/prices should be input as strings now.

Offline xeroc

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Does "wallet_publish_price_feed" require a float/double price or a satoshi/larimer?

Offline clayop

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For unknown reasons, I cannot create a UIA(NOTE) sell order. (on GUI)

Code: [Select]
 ○ request@app.js:45:8571
 ○ market_submit_bid@app.js:46:7599
 ○ post_ask@app.js:43:48237
 ○ app.js:43:46411
 ○ confirm_order@app.js:43:46529
 ○ confirm_order@app.js:36:27294
 ○ app.js:10:7986
 ○ e@app.js:10:14415
 ○ $eval@app.js:6:83428
 ○ $apply@app.js:6:83659
 ○ app.js:10:14472
 ○ dispatch@app.js:3:14478
 ○ handle@app.js:3:11253
35005 invalid_asset_amount: invalid asset amount

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:93 bts::blockchain::asset_record::share_string_to_satoshi

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:109 bts::blockchain::asset_record::share_string_to_satoshi

    bitshares  asset_record.cpp:114 bts::blockchain::asset_record::asset_from_string

    bitshares  chain_interface.cpp:241 bts::blockchain::chain_interface::to_ugly_asset

    bitshares  wallet.cpp:3549 bts::wallet::wallet::submit_bid

    bitshares  common_api_client.cpp:5279 bts::rpc_stubs::common_api_client::wallet_market_submit_bid
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 04:27:39 pm by clayop »
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Offline monsterer

Here's another bug: UIA balances (in the GUI) don't update correctly after you do a send.

If you issue some UIA from an account in wallet A to wallet B and then send some UIA back from B to A, then balance in B never updates to reflect the send.

edit: It's just a display bug in the GUI, the balances are fine when you call wallet_account_balance
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 04:06:57 pm by monsterer »
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Offline monsterer

Not sure if this helps, but I can recall that initially, the active_keys have
been indentical to the owner key. Don't know which version changed that.

@monsterer .. have you imported that key to the wallet or have you created it within the wallet?

It's more likely that I added it as a contact account initially, and then registered it later on the other wallet. I can't rightly remember, tho. I don't think I imported the private keys.

edit: However... when I upgraded to 0.9.0-RC1 and opened the wallet, the local wallet here did a 'repairing wallet' operation, or something similar sounding to that. Perhaps that was a factor.

edit2: of course, adding a contact of an unregistered account would have meant I would have had to import public keys, wouldn't it?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 04:03:20 pm by monsterer »
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Offline svk

just sent some NEWBIE UIA. however, the popup said I received 0.1 BTS (fee) instead of NEWBIE Amount.

Edit: also got some new accounts in my wallet. some newbies I tried to help - I'd like to see a function to delete unused names

The accounts that do not belong to you are a bug due to a change in how the client works, we should be able to sort that one  out with a GUI update.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks


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win7x64,  i7, 16G RAM, SSD
1.) >Transfer>Address Book>  shows about 20 unregistered full (ex:"BTS8cfTrNpPt3....") addresses as well as about 20 seemingly random delegate names that I certainly never added and never made transfers with.  Also every name in this list, is listed as "unregistered"  with the only exceptions being my own account names.

2.) Under Recent Transactions on dashboard and under every individual account;  still "There are no transactions!"  (for me anyways, there is a record with special characters in the memo that I believe may be causing this.error: Unterminated string)

3.) >Delegates>My Votes>  My votes seem to have been reset to only vote for delegates in my wallet.  None of my other votes are present
EDIT: I sent a transfer and it looks like all the votes are still there.  They are just not displayed in GUI.

4.) >Exchange>%market> Wallet occasionally crashes on selecting a market

5.) >Exchange>%market> Margin Orders and Short Orders Button produce new tables underneath Buy and sell tables.  Not sure if this is the intended function. 
      - Lots of dead white space in the Buy and Sell Tables.  They could be joined in 1 table and use half the current space.
      - Lots of dead white space everywhere else too.  I hope we are not catering to 800 x 600 res.  Can we not use relative sizing like with CSS em's?
      - I have lots of personal gripes about the layout but they are not really bugs and it may just be me, so I probably shouldn't list them here.  Hoping at some point we can just import Themes or layouts made by other users.
      - The chart:  Without period adjustments (one candles time frame), having indicators is fairly useless. mouse wheel zoom would be nice too.   Really any indicators we support should have their own adjustments as well.  Many traders use different and very particular settings.  If we intend to change out from using "high-charts" its not worth worry about all this just yet, of course.  Perhaps this wallet should not be geared towards serious traders anyway?

« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 03:58:55 pm by Xeldal »

Offline fav

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just sent some NEWBIE UIA. however, the popup said I received 0.1 BTS (fee) instead of NEWBIE Amount.

Edit: also got some new accounts in my wallet. some newbies I tried to help - I'd like to see a function to delete unused names

Offline vikram

I've downloaded the 0.9.0-RC1 on my Windows 7 test machine and am having numerous problems.

It crashed several times and froze and had to be closed several times, but finally it loaded and synced.

But there are 21 accounts at the Dashboard page, 19 of them not mine! Some of them appear to be accounts that I sent 0.5BTS to when I was sending to newbies to register. Others, I have no idea, and they aren't registered.

And now the client says "Severe network problems" and is not syncing even though on my main machine with the 0.8.0 version there is no network problem.

Shut down and restarted again, twice. Same thing. "Severe network problems", not syncing, and still al the extra accounts at Dashboard.

I can't get to the console for information because the 21 accounts go below the page, and I can't scroll down past them to "Advanced".

This sounds like a possible side-effect of the wallet db upgrade on first open--has your situation changed at all?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 03:48:43 pm by vikram »

Offline xeroc

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Hmm actually looking closer, it looks like the same account, but your local version looks like:
owner_key: BTS6hySPYfrGHLELX6TML6d8stR5wMdsoZyXPmJcBSiwHL31xaskB
showing up as unregistered

And the blockchain version looks like:
owner_key: BTS5AfzawTGh4gmoDBmxgBgAn38UeiDLy2e8VdB6dgn6n3iE2SzHq

Not sure if this helps, but I can recall that initially, the active_keys have
been indentical to the owner key. Don't know which version changed that.

@monsterer .. have you imported that key to the wallet or have you created it within the wallet?

Offline vikram

It looks like you have a local account or contact in your wallet named gatewayclient with different keys compared to the gatewayclient registered on the blockchain. You might have to use `wallet_account_rename` or `wallet_add_contact` to rename the local entry.

Hmmm, that's very odd. I do appear to have an unregistered account with that name, but I cannot rename it:

Code: [Select]
default (unlocked) >>> wallet_rename_account gatewayclient oisdjfosfjsf
20032 key_already_registered: key belongs to other account

or retract it:

Code: [Select]
default (unlocked) >>> wallet_account_retract gatewayclient monsterer
20025 duplicate_account_name: duplicate account name

    th_a  wallet.cpp:1332 bts::wallet::wallet::get_account

    th_a  wallet.cpp:1345 bts::wallet::wallet::get_account

    th_a  wallet.cpp:3451 bts::wallet::wallet::retract_account

    th_a  common_api_client.cpp:6310 bts::rpc_stubs::common_api_client::wallet_account_retract

    th_a  cli.cpp:626 bts::cli::detail::cli_impl::execute_command

What can I do?

Hmm actually looking closer, it looks like the same account, but your local version looks like:
owner_key: BTS6hySPYfrGHLELX6TML6d8stR5wMdsoZyXPmJcBSiwHL31xaskB
showing up as unregistered

And the blockchain version looks like:
owner_key: BTS5AfzawTGh4gmoDBmxgBgAn38UeiDLy2e8VdB6dgn6n3iE2SzHq

Do you have the private key for BTS5AfzawTGh4gmoDBmxgBgAn38UeiDLy2e8VdB6dgn6n3iE2SzHq ?

Can you try "scan 0 1" and see if your local account gets updated to be consistent with the blockchain?

Offline xeroc

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Code: [Select]
$ ./bitshares_client --server
Loading blockchain from: /home/delegate/.BitShares/chain
Loading config from file: /home/delegate/.BitShares/config.json
Using built-in blockchain checkpoints
Initializing state from built-in genesis file
Please be patient, this will take several minutes...
Successfully replayed 2338510 blocks in 9613 seconds.
Blockchain size changed from 1309MiB to 1307MiB.
Starting JSON RPC server on port 9988
Starting HTTP JSON RPC server on port 19988
Attempting to map P2P port 1700 with UPNP...
(wallet closed) >>> Segmentation fault
Restarting seems to have fixed this ... daemon runnning now