Thanks alt but I failed to install the tool. Can you explain how to install from the scratch? (e.g. required packages, line-by-line commands)
my English is not good, so the document is not clear...
step by step:
1. git clone source code to directory python-bts
2. change dir to python-bts, and run command
python build
sudo python install
3. configure
configure directory is $HOME/.python-bts, for the first time, you can copy sample config file from sourcecode_direcotry/config
mkdir ~/.python-bts
cp config/* ~/.python-bts
1) setup rpc info at config file bts_client.json
2) setup price feed info at delegate_task.jon:
this you must configure
these you can adjust for price rule, there is a common for each parameter
19 "price_limit": {
20 "common": "only update price feed when the change rate is between 0.5% ~ 50%",
21 "change_ignore": 0.2,
22 "change_min": 0.5,
23 "change_max": 50,
24 "common": "spread bid price to price*(1+spread), ask price to price*(1-spread)",
25 "common": "excute the order book, get the real price",
26 "spread": 0.01,
27 "common": "we use the median price, how many samples need to use",
28 "median_length": 9
29 },
30 "market_weight": {
31 "common": "weight depenth on (depth * scale)",
32 "wallet_usd": 0.001,
33 "wallet_cny": 1,
34 "yunbi_cny": 1,
35 "btc38_cny": 1,
36 "btc38_btc": 1,
37 "bter_cny": 1
38 }