I have been running the BTS 0.9.1 for several weeks without a problem. Yesterday my laptop shut down unexpectedly.
When I restarted the computer the BitShares wallet wouldn't launch. I would enter my password and click on "unlock" and the screen would flash the waiting dots for a second, and then stop. Press "unlock" again, same thing.
So I uninstalled 0.9.1 and installed 0.9.2
Now when I enter my password and click on "unlock" the waiting screen with flasing dots stays on for a long time, then goes off. The task manager shows me that my memory usage keeps going up rapidly while the dots are showing, then memory usage increase slows right down when they disappear. Clicking on "unlock" again brings the dots back and memory usage keeps increasing.
I then tried deleting all the folders in my "appdata" "roaming" "bitshares" except for wallets. Then I uninstalled and reinstalled 0.9.2
Same results. Can't open the wallet. Repeated the previous steps, but same result.
I am using a laptop with Windows 7 with 16GB RAM and 64-bit operating system and a solid state hard drive.
I have never had problems loading BitShares new releases on this computer before now.
Any suggestions?