goodmorning . plz someone help me ,

plz IM open a account in bitsheres due to bittrex going to close or delete bitsheres from the platform I'm open my account in Bitsheres , after I open my account ,I send 19, 995 bts , now I try to sell my bitsheres and the system don't let do it because some kind of witness all way cancel my order , I'm really sick and tired of this platform of Bitsheres I lost alot money in bitsheres due to this price drop , also I thought tha bitsheres is a nice platform to do buisness , but right now I'm so frustrate, because I send $523.00 in bitcoin from coinbase and now i don't know where my money go i don't see no more , plz someone in customer support , plz I need my money back ,I'M lost a lot money already, plz contac me
I do not have alot experentce , the have a witnnes name : delegate-1.lafona the apear in my page is look like I dont know have control of my money only them and this is not rigth. plz again I need help