Author Topic: In the living-room dadossi chandra on a sofa is laying  (Read 1558 times)

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Offline FIAThater

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In the living-room dadossi chandra on a sofa is laying
Two strangers by the door and one is knocking
Dadossi stands and opens the great wooden door
The one who knows the host tells the other visitor

"Since we finished our last work
Dadossi has gone wild and casts strange lurks
Like a mad man who went too far
He has too much in, let's take it afar"

An old man with top hat and a dark walking stick
Gets through the wooden door and says without a trick
"I want to buy 100 million of this fucking junk"
"I'll never sell this one not even to a punk"

"Come back tomorrow" says dadossi's mouth
"Sir, maybe tomorrow in a sale I'll put it on pause
Tonight, we'll try to make ur mind change
And off with coins, Sir, u might get a chance"

All eve long an old man tried to convince him
To let dadossi by this sale enrich him
The talks are loud and words are high
"Nothing to do but leave him tonight"

All alone dadossi stares at his empty account
Kissed by corpse he runs from in an effortless bound
His thin face with dark and long hair
Falls apart as he looks at his name and reads it aloud

"Beautiful & perverse, Genuine body made
Me laugh at a stoned cunning strange old man"
He falls asleep and an old man comes alive
And dressed with black ribbons laying by side

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« Last Edit: March 08, 2016, 09:39:59 pm by FIAThater »