Author Topic: BTCPLUS + COMPUCEEDS 215M marketcap +8.5M 24h. Volume! WTF? What am I missing?  (Read 21287 times)

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Offline DestBest

WHO ARE YOU to make this statement ???  Have you any proof of it ??
If not , you better shut up !!

Or else what??  This is the internet and people can say what they want.

Why is cryptoceeds, which is suppose to represent 1 euro, Trading and $0.55?  The constant pumping of this coin and never ending delays resonate of a scam.

Slow down .. he merely claimed that it LOOKS like a scam and that everyone has to make its own decision ..
no need to shout

@desi - Also isn't BTCPLUS meant to be redeemable for BTC?? - maybe i am completely wrong here as i thought it was compuceeds that was valued at 1 EUR.

@desi - 1 last question what is BTCPLUS??
^Undivisable community

Thanks for the support guys  ;)
BitShares French ConneXion, le portail francophone BitShares.
BitShares French ConneXion, the BitShares french gateway.

Offline DestBest

Just out of curiosity , How the heck can you tell or prove that the number of members are fake on our site ???  Have you contacted each member one by one ??  Your assumption is a joke and you know it .  Yes , we have delays for various reasons , but that has nothing to do with you assumptions.

Here are the "official" social media accounts:

Here is what is shown on

Quote from another scam:,23600.15.html

Just out of curiosity only. Why does it  look like a scam to you ????
You must have some valid reason and proof to say so or ??
There is no proof to think otherwise
There is no business model except for trading 'gains'
There is nothing know about the company running this
There is not even a webpage for investors to start with doing their due diligence ..
^ This

I won't waste more of my time answering to desi/cocky.
Investors, please do your due diligence.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 05:02:00 pm by DestBest »
BitShares French ConneXion, le portail francophone BitShares.
BitShares French ConneXion, the BitShares french gateway.

Offline desi

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Before investing in this, please be aware that:
It looks like a scam to me

WHO ARE YOU to make this statement ???  Have you any proof of it ??
If not , you better shut up !!

Why I am saying that:

I invite you all  to read >>
Also >>

  • I folowed this link:
  • I noticed a huge number of follower displayed on the site
  • I followed the link to their social media account to confirm their numbers of followers were true
  • I got the confirmation that the numbers displayed were fake
  • I came back here to warn potential investor about MY view

If you prove me wrong I will edit my comments

Just out of curiosity , How the heck can you tell or prove that the number of members are fake on our site ???  Have you contacted each member one by one ??  Your assumption is a joke and you know it .  Yes , we have delays for various reasons , but that has nothing to do with you assumptions.

Offline DestBest

Before investing in this, please be aware that:
It looks like a scam to me

WHO ARE YOU to make this statement ???  Have you any proof of it ??
If not , you better shut up !!

Why I am saying that:

I invite you all  to read >>
Also >>

  • I folowed this link:
  • I noticed a huge number of follower displayed on the site
  • I followed the link to their social media account to confirm their numbers of followers were true
  • I got the confirmation that the numbers displayed were fake
  • I came back here to warn potential investor about MY view

If you prove me wrong I will edit my comments
« Last Edit: December 28, 2016, 05:22:01 am by DestBest »
BitShares French ConneXion, le portail francophone BitShares.
BitShares French ConneXion, the BitShares french gateway.

Offline GChicken

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Offline desi

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Before investing in this, please be aware that:
It looks like a scam to me

WHO ARE YOU to make this statement ???  Have you any proof of it ??
If not , you better shut up !!
Slow down .. he merely claimed that it LOOKS like a scam and that everyone has to make its own decision ..
no need to shout

Who is Shouting here ??  Not my post for sure lol   No more comments on this nonsense . Not very user friendly this place to any new group or new members. Us a member of the Compumatrix  group we have our own information witch has nothing to do with the above  speculations .

Offline xeroc

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Before investing in this, please be aware that:
It looks like a scam to me

WHO ARE YOU to make this statement ???  Have you any proof of it ??
If not , you better shut up !!
Slow down .. he merely claimed that it LOOKS like a scam and that everyone has to make its own decision ..
no need to shout

Offline GChicken

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@desi - Also isn't BTCPLUS meant to be redeemable for BTC?? - maybe i am completely wrong here as i thought it was compuceeds that was valued at 1 EUR.

Offline lil_jay890

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Before investing in this, please be aware that:
It looks like a scam to me

WHO ARE YOU to make this statement ???  Have you any proof of it ??
If not , you better shut up !!

Or else what??  This is the internet and people can say what they want.

Why is cryptoceeds, which is suppose to represent 1 euro, Trading and $0.55?  The constant pumping of this coin and never ending delays resonate of a scam.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2016, 03:01:01 pm by lil_jay890 »

Offline desi

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Before investing in this, please be aware that:
It looks like a scam to me

WHO ARE YOU to make this statement ???  Have you any proof of it ??
If not , you better shut up !!

Offline DestBest

Before investing in this, please be aware that:
It looks like a scam to me
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 05:09:22 pm by DestBest »
BitShares French ConneXion, le portail francophone BitShares.
BitShares French ConneXion, the BitShares french gateway.

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Bitshares is a platform, we should welcome anyone who uses it, and we have no right the judge them.
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Offline MarsResident

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And right now it's not even really time for everyone to start taking everything out, maybe in like a week or a month or at the most 2 or 3 months they will then start getting everyone's money on to OpenLedger. But right now you are really just supposed to give them 100 BTS and 500 Compuceeds and they are using it to trade on the Compuceeds market and get the price of Compuceeds pegged at 1 Euro. But as they do that they will give you Compuceeds back in return.

It also works to prove that you actually know how all of this works and that you aren't one of the many people that are part of Compumatrix who have no idea how Cryptocurrencies work or Exchanges work. If a bunch of people get Compuceeds from their Compumatrix balance and they just start dumping it in to the OpenLedger Buy Orders, it would crash the whole Economy of the Currency. So they need people to show that they know how this works, and can get 100 BTS and 500 Compuceeds to invest in it.

Offline MarsResident

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To set up your OpenLedger Wallet for Compumatrix, you have to go to Permission, and put "compumatrix1" under active, and set a weight of 4. Then you have to send 100 BTS and 500 Compuceeds to trade-ceeds

WTF would anyone allow compumatrix1 to access their account?
WTF would anyone to pay something to trade-ceeds just to starting trading assets that are available on OpenLedger anyway?

We all have Accounts and Wallets on their Website. On our end we can trade Euros for Bitcoins (and everyone has a lot), and on the OpenLedger end they can give us Compuceeds. So we have to take our Euros on the site, trade them for Bitcoins on the site, then let them access our account and give them 100 BTS and 500 Compuceeds to basically prove that we know how this works (because a lot of people don't, there are people completely confused, who have been in this for years, and have no idea what an Altcoin or DEX is). So once you do that, they can allow you to start transferring funds from your Compumatrix account to OpenLedger (and everyone has a good amount). Then you have tons of Compuceeds.

Maybe 20 people have done this whole process, I am not even done with it. I still have to give them 500 Compuceeds, and I am just waiting for some OpenLedger buy orders to go through.

But once everyone on Compumatrix figures all of this out, there is going to be a huge flood of Compuceeds traders. And it is a Centralized currency, so they can tell everyone to buy or sell at different times to make sure the price is stable (they want to peg 1 Compuceed at 1 Euro).

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To set up your OpenLedger Wallet for Compumatrix, you have to go to Permission, and put "compumatrix1" under active, and set a weight of 4. Then you have to send 100 BTS and 500 Compuceeds to trade-ceeds

WTF would anyone allow compumatrix1 to access their account?
WTF would anyone to pay something to trade-ceeds just to starting trading assets that are available on OpenLedger anyway?
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