Author Topic: [ANN] BlockPay -Your favorite store can now accept any crypto thanx to Bitshares  (Read 136011 times)

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Offline kenCode

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I have complete confidence in you ken.

Do whatever you need to do to raise the value of blockpay.  While having detailed updates here were nice, I'm skeptical that you or bitshares Munich received any actual benefit by doing them.  They seemed like they took a long time to prepare, which is something the leader of r&d shouldn't have to do unless absolutely necessary.

Don't go away completely.  :(

Well please dont leave the forums altogether!

aaaaaah, MUCH love you guys, thank youuuu!
Ok, so I've changed my mind.
I love the feedback that I get, and I love to show the world what I am inventing, building, releasing, and planning next.
I will be locking this thread and using my favorite social media site instead for my weekly updates: (shortened:
Please Follow me there, and hope to see ya soon! :)
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise

Offline Thom

Do whatever you need to do to raise the value of blockpay.  While having detailed updates here were nice, I'm skeptical that you or bitshares Munich received any actual benefit by doing them.  They seemed like they took a long time to prepare, which is something the leader of r&d shouldn't have to do unless absolutely necessary.

I will miss seeing you and the updates here @kenCode, but agree with the above comment.

I also appreciate you saying the stealth effort is months away, that lets us relax a bit and sets expectations accordingly. I have no doubts you are well aware of the need to capitalize on the public's desire for an easy to use stealth feature, plus you're well incentivized to complete it as early as possible so you yourself will see the efforts of all your hard work payoff.

I have complete confidence in you ken.

But please, don't be a total stranger!
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Offline lil_jay890

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Do whatever you need to do to raise the value of blockpay.  While having detailed updates here were nice, I'm skeptical that you or bitshares Munich received any actual benefit by doing them.  They seemed like they took a long time to prepare, which is something the leader of r&d shouldn't have to do unless absolutely necessary.

Offline konelectric

For example, here is one of Martin's recent updates:

Since BitShares Munich (

So, since Marketing is taking over my updates, @xeroc would you like to remove my info from the forum please?

Links from above.

Don't go away completely.  :(
Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.

Offline fuzzy

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Offline kenCode

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@xeroc -threatening us with your Proxy-power because I do not "play nice" is not productive at all. We *greatly appreciate* the python that you write. You are not a Core Dev though. Fyi, the 20 other hardforks in the queue will need to be properly audited:
Sorry if that came across as a threat that wasn't the intension.
No, of course not.
Anyway, I am hereby making some changes to how our tech updates are disseminated.
I won't be using this forum anymore. I met with the BitShares Munich Marketing team this past week and we unanimously agreed that I will step down from doing the updates, and they will publish my tech updates for me so that I can focus on R&D and product releases. Marketing will obviously play nice and keep everyone updated much better than I can. For example, here is one of Martin's recent updates:
Since BitShares Munich ( now has an awesome marketing team, I will be giving all of my updates to them from today forward. They usually post on steemit and all of the social media channels. Rodrigo (at blockpay d0t ch) will take the lead and continue signing on hundreds of Clients. @Chris4210 will still handle company finances and host the weekly Bitshares mumble with Fuzzy. Sylvia, Angie, Maleny, Elia, Martin, Miguel and the others have taken over all of the business development with the 50+ BlockPay Ambassadors. See them on YT:
BlockPay v1.5.10 is scheduled for release on Thursday. It has the new "directDEx" code now integrated with our graphenej library. directDEx has taken us about 3 weeks to build, but it makes it so that the QR Codes are much faster, less bandwidth is used, Transactions load in real-time now (and in proper order), the new database has been built so that users can backup their settings to the C-IPFS BlockPay 2.0 Core, many speed improvements and other fixes.
Smartcoins Wallet v1.5.14 will be launched in less than a week from now as well with many speed improvements and fixes. The animation work for the new UI/UX has also begun and should be done in less than 3 weeks. Dash InstantSend has also been finished and tested. Steem chain is now in progress. Once C-IPFS is integrated and all 6 chains play nice with one another, then we can release Carbon (Smartcoins Wallet 2.0).
Alfredo is helping out a lot now with the Stealth project, as well as his normal bitshares-core duties, especially with the Rust/C++ "trustless" setup algorithm and api. Chris will cover his work on the weekly Bitshares Mumbles with Fuzzy. Finishing that algo should only take a few months, then we will open up the public testnet so that everyone can help us security and bug test everything before the alpha launch.
So, since Marketing is taking over my updates, @xeroc would you like to remove my info from the forum please?
Amazing job Ken  +5%
Thank you llildur, and to everyone who believes in me and the world changing products that we are releasing. Now I am more focused than ever :)
Follow/github: keybase d0t io / kencode
E: kencode at protonmail d0t ch
edit: Strikethrough the above, I think I'll stick around and watch what happens.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 05:58:14 am by kenCode »
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise

Offline Thom

@kenCode Any updates this week?  I always look forward to reading this thread on Friday's!

I usually enjoy posting my updates every friday too, but this week I was forced to coordinate my post with a couple of community members first, waiting on their approval now, so I will try to post it here as well as soon as allowed, no worries.

I was wondering what happened to my clock :) I missed seeing the results of your work here too, so thx for the update ken!

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Offline kenCode

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@kenCode Any updates this week?  I always look forward to reading this thread on Friday's!

I usually enjoy posting my updates every friday too, but this week I was forced to coordinate my post with a couple of community members first, waiting on their approval now, so I will try to post it here as well as soon as allowed, no worries.
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise

Offline Brekyrself

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@kenCode Any updates this week?  I always look forward to reading this thread on Friday's!

Offline kingslanding

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Are there any BlockPay ambassadors in Japan?  BlockPay would be perfect there.  In fact, the Asia market looks more promising than the heavily regulated West.
BTS username/address:   kingslanding9999

Offline konelectric

Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.

Offline karnal

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Just a friendly reminder that we're all in the same team.

Offline Thom

In the world of software, never give out dates (right Stan? ;)). I learned that lesson 30 years ago. Obviously though Thom, I took your comments very personal, so I sincerely apologize for my knee-jerk reaction. I am building things that have never been built before, so it's a bit tough to even hand out any timelines. I am well aware of what needs to be done, nobody has ever had to ask me for updates, and I do my best to detail our roadmap and progress right here on this lovely forum every week, so nothing more.

Apology accepted. I sincerely hope you realize I'm only trying to open discussion and understand where we are in this process. I am very glad to see the screenshots; you know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. They will help a lot for marketing.

Like I said tho, I'm not a marketer, let alone a professional one. My role at this point is simply to gather as much information as possible. Once enough info is known about how your "true and complete" stealth will work (at say a 1000 foot level) then some type of early marketing might be possible. You have provided the 100,000 foot view of how stealth will work, and the contrast of that view to the existing blinded transactions is quite dramatic.

Differences of perspective will always be present, so we all need to learn to work together without alienating one another. It serves none of us if we become divisive and locked into a "my way or the highway" mindset (not saying you're doing that ken).

Regarding the changes your making to the backend code. Those are what dictate whether a hardfork will be required, and IMO should be done very carefully. I agree with you ken, that the existing backend will require changes to implement a deep stealth that hides everything and also provides a backup mechanism for grandma's declining memory. If you can implement your true stealth without touching the existing blinded stealth code it will reduce the impact on testing and avoid issues with anyONE who might be using the old cli stealth code. I frankly don't see how you can avoid a hardfork to roll out your stealth, as it can't be accomplished in the UI / frontend codebase alone. How much of an impact your changes will have on existing operations is the key factor on how much testing will be required. You will also need to make changes (or at least additions) to the API so the UI can access the new stealth functionality.

Could the c-ipfs functionality for the backups be implemented in the frontend code only or will it require backend support as well? I ask b/c if the original wallet was completely stored in the browser I could imagine a direct interface between the UI code in the browser with IPFS, tho it would require porting the c-ipfs over to javascript.

As to when / if a spec will be required to facilitate a release that is up to the shareholders. None have been required in the past, so why should changes for stealth be any different? However, I tend to agree with xeroc's perspective that specs are very useful as a way to characterize functionality and as a tool to help insure test coverage is thorough. Writing a good spec is no guarantee of a successful product, and they do require time to do well.

IMO there are many aspects to the process of code development that could be improved greatly, both frontend AND backend. We will have to come to some type of consensus on what is and is not acceptable minimal standards for the future. I myself would like to see more specs, story boards and use cases as early in the development process as possible.

That is one thing the worker proposal system provides, a type of spec for work to be done. How loose or tight a proposal is and whether it meets minimal standards of acceptability are in the hands of the shareholders. I recall voicing my concerns about Bytemaster's stealth proposal not being adequate and turns out those concerns were valid. Since you have raised your own funds @kenCode the shareholder approval process is moved from the start to the end of the engineering phase, actually all the way to the final deployment phase. I would hate to see all your hard work go to waste due to a failure to convince shareholders of the soundness and reliability of your changes. 

Anyway, looking forward to a view out the window that becomes clearer as we descend from 100,000 feet down to the ground.  I have complete confidence in your abilities @kenCode to avoid the clouds and pilot this thing all the way down to the users on the ground.
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Carbon sounds amazing.
""-esc features that truly help people manage their personal finances

Anyone willing&able to work on Trezor support is excellent.

@xeroc your github? Is trezor support already available (sans-GUI)?
JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?