Author Topic: Big OBITS Voting Started  (Read 6499 times)

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Offline hoanganha31

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So, does the result of voting apply for August 2nd buyback?

Offline edward freeman

Hello Everyone :)...

I'm happy to participate in this vote on OBITS matters...

I support share-dropping at this time...  this may provide assets to re-invest in innovation and development of Next-Gen... HEAT, CVCOIN, APPX, ect...

I am developing my concept of a:  COMMUNITY-CRYPTO-UNION


1.  Use HEAT Platform
2.  Open Enrollment to Every Human Being in this Reality
3.  Develop Smart Contracts
4.  Develop Real Estate Smart Contract
5.  Coin Trading
6.  Create ICO with clear Intentions and Instructions

Offline ccedk_pro

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The voting page is here:

Only OBITS holders can take part in a voting where instrcutions are sent to all OBITS holder in a 1 BTS value transaction with the sender being the obits-voting account. 

In the MEMO field of this transaction voters will find their unique voters login and password. Your account must be unlocked to see this memo, and you can unlock your account using the lock icon on the top right of the screen.

To copy and paste from the Memo click on Transfer (see the screenshot below):

Copy the username and password to the form on the voting page, make sure to copy exactly with no extra space included.

Don't miss the vote!
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 08:19:42 am by ccedk_pro »
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