Author Topic: Worker Proposal 1.14.59 SteemFest Hackathon Bitshares Sponsorship  (Read 6071 times)

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We, as a community, have always put forward the market-pegged assets (which are awesome in their own right), but UIAs actually solve a lot of problems for a lot of people, so maybe marketing efforts should focus a bit more on them in the future.

great observation, this is backed by the revenue report. UIA are always #1 in terms of money

Offline wackou

Well, thank you @roelandp, SteemFest was a blast!! Organization was top-notch, people were awesome, and I haven't spent 3 days like that in a long time (if ever), my brain is still buzzing with ideas and discussions I had with people there (and ok, maybe, just a little bit of alcohol as well :P ).

It was very interesting to see that people had lots of ideas that they actually realized they could implement on top of BitShares, had they only known about it or its possibilities. I have been told more than once that people loved user-issued assets and it could help them implement their business ideas.

We, as a community, have always put forward the market-pegged assets (which are awesome in their own right), but UIAs actually solve a lot of problems for a lot of people, so maybe marketing efforts should focus a bit more on them in the future.

In any case, I think that this worker proposal was money well spent, as I could see that lots of people grasping the potential of BitShares, a "sleeping giant" (not my words), and I'll definitely be there for SteemFest 3!

btw, slides for my introduction can be found here:, and it would be great to ask @Chris4210 for his slides as well, his presentation was kick-ass and put BitShares under a really good light.
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline roelandp

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Report of the SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon with Bitshares as a Focus Chain Sponsor
- thanks to the DAC Worker Proposal 1.14.59 Sponsorship. Thank you!

Last week the SteemFest2 event took place in Lisbon.  On the first day (1 November) we held a 24 hour hackathon where Bitshares took the stage as Focus Chain Sponsor. @wackou was so kind to do the full Bitshares introduction.

- My opening words can be seen here:!/v/juanmiguelsalas/ak5lmhgp
- @wackou 's Bitshares introduction can be seen here:!/v/juanmiguelsalas/07wfsy1n

In the hackathon venue (Silver Room @ Cowork Lisboa) we had about 70 people attending the opening words, developer introductions and coffees. It was so busy that we ran out of lanyards even hahaha. (also due to the fact that a sprint for the main conference SteemFest had absorbed many of them). I guess many people who had arrived early to SteemFest main conf (the next days) decided to join in and meet at the hacker space. All in all it was a great amount of people I must say.

After the opening remarks it was time for the hackathon to take off. The presentations where to be held at the main event on SteemFest Man Conference day 2 (on 3 november) in the Montes Claros Lisbon Secret Spot. Here we had invited all participants to mingle with the main conference attendees for some afternoon presentations and afterwards the hackathon presentations.

We asked @blocktrades to be the judge for the Bitshares hacks, however there was only one hack build on Bitshares (out of 6 hacks), which was somewhat disappointing. Nonetheless the Bounty platform for ICO run on Bitshares looks very beautiful as you can see by the winner's post @phenom on Steemit: and can already be tested. That's just great work I must say.

Here you see me handing the 'Big Fat Fake Cheque' with the prize money of 1111 bitUSD to @phenom:

After the awards we gathered for drinks and dinner and an afterparty in downtown Lisbon.

Bitshares had (IMHO) a great presence at SteemFest with:
- Developer intro to 70 persons by @wackou
- Talks by @Xanoxt about Rudex and @Chris4210 about governance at the main event (300 attendees)
- Mentions:
-- Hackathon site:
-- Generic site under hackathon section:
-- Mentions in announcement posts and emails
-- Mentions in thank you post
-- Mentions in thank you slides (at start of hackathon & main conf)
-- Printed logo on Citymap distributed to all 300 attendees
-- Printed logo on Hackathon Totem Pole on display at hackathon
-- Printed logo (repeated) on backdrop for photobooth
-- Printed logo on Badges of Hackathon & generic conference
-- Logo on wall during dinner at SteemFest venue day 2

In the meantime the prizemoney has already been transferred to the winner:

And we got paid the bitUSD (including the prize money) as part of the agreement for the worker, which was kindfully handled by

Thank you very much for your support!

Offline roelandp

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In about a week the SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon is in full effect in Lissabon with Bitshares as a featured blockchain. @wackou will introduce Bitshares to the developers and on the friday all hackers are welcome to present their apps at the 2nd day of the SteemFest Conference. Next to Bitshares also Steem(it) and Decent blockchains will be offering a price for the developers to trigger to make an app for that chain. They are all graphene chains so it would be great to see if combo's are being made.

The SteemFest presentations of the hacks will be streamed live on and start on SteemFest Conference Day 2 (Friday 3 November) around 3PM GMT+1. You are ofcourse welcome to join the whole SteemFest program online, the day before the livestreaming already kicks of with Conference Day 1 (Thursday 2 November).

As part of the sponsorship worker proposal I have included Bitshares in the announcement post about 8 weeks ago, and on about every printed matter of both the hackathon and main SteemFest event:
- All attendees badges,
- SteemFest mobile app
- Totem decorations
- Citymaps of Lisbon

Thank you for your support so far for having this relatively small proposal be funded. Be sure to join in on the livestreams!

Offline roelandp

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Offline roelandp

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if you want to stay updated on SteemFest and the hackathon:

Offline lexamckenzie

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This looks like an interesting proposal, keep us posted with the progress.

Offline roelandp

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how many participants / sign-ups are to be expected for the hackathon?
Hi fav, i think it says so in the worker proposal and also in my previous reply: capped at 60 pax for now. which would mean about 20 apps to be made, which is already quite a lot for pitch presentations.

ah thanks, wasn't able to read it earlier.

my vote will be tied to whether someone (pref. xeroc) from bitshares will be there as well to talk with devs & ptich bts to them

Yes thats the whole idea as you can see in the worker proposal: having a pitch during the hackathon for the devs and then a 'regular' talk during the conference. @xeroc  did two talks on last years SteemFest about blockchains in general and then about developing. Unfortunately he has other arrangements, so it will be someone else to be announced. For the dev ann' part I am still scouting for possibilities, but yeah there will be a developer pitch if Bitshares will be a focus chain.

Offline fav

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how many participants / sign-ups are to be expected for the hackathon?
Hi fav, i think it says so in the worker proposal and also in my previous reply: capped at 60 pax for now. which would mean about 20 apps to be made, which is already quite a lot for pitch presentations.

ah thanks, wasn't able to read it earlier.

my vote will be tied to whether someone (pref. xeroc) from bitshares will be there as well to talk with devs & ptich bts to them

Offline roelandp

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how many participants / sign-ups are to be expected for the hackathon?
Hi fav, i think it says so in the worker proposal and also in my previous reply: capped at 60 pax for now. which would mean about 20 apps to be made, which is already quite a lot for pitch presentations.

Offline fav

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how many participants / sign-ups are to be expected for the hackathon?

Offline blockchained

Synergy between the graphene chains is one of our goal!

Offline roelandp

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Thanks for your reply paliboy.

I calculated 5555 bitusd as I set the sponsorship price for Focus Chains to be 5000 EURO. However I got recommended by the foundation for liquidity matters to use BitUSD, hence I transformed it to bitUSD. It's a bit lower than 5K EUR actually, however I am fond of playing with digits. When I pay with credit card and they need to add the amount, I also like to do fun stuff like 22,22 (or at least I think its fun haha).

Last year 200 people attended the conference, I am aiming to cross that marker. Sometimes 2 presentations are happening at the same time. So that is what you are looking at. The hackathon itself is capped at 60 pax for now. which would mean about 20 apps to be made, which is already quite a lot for pitch presentations. Additionally the main conference (both rooms, will be livestreamed through Youtube).

kind regards, Roeland.

Offline paliboy

Nice idea! Can you please provide more information how you calculated 5555 bitUSD? How many people do you expect to take part in BitShares-related talks/hackathon? Is this amount fixed (what happens if more/less is necessary)?

Offline roelandp

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Fellow community members,

As some of you may know, last year I organised the inaugural edition of SteemFest in Amsterdam which drew 200 steem users and crypto lovers from more than 30 countries for 3 days of fun, talks and more fun. This year we are going to do it all over again, but then in Lisbon on 1/2/3/4/5 November (and if all works out nicely some more people - ticketsales are on track).

As I regularly organise hackathons in the fiat world, and am a developer myself (and a bitshares witness), I felt the strong urge to use the opportunity of using SteemFest's rising reach to launch the event with a hackathon on 1 November.

The SteemFest hackathon is open to apps running on any blockchain, but has a bias towards Graphene :) As long as teams / participants are able to present their works on Friday November 3 (2nd conference day), in person, they are eligible to join with any blockchain based app.

For the hackathon specifically I envisioned having a couple of "Focus Chains" - these chains get extra attention in the announcements and are offered a change to give away their own prize and judging criteria in order to attract developers to build a proof of concept app for them. Additionally a Focus Chain gets a morning slot at the hackathon kickoff (dev oriented quick pitch) and a 20 minute slot at the generic SteemFest Conference days. Both are ways to:
  • Attract new developers to the Bitshares Platform.
  • Attract new users to the Bitshares Platform

The worker proposal will be submitted with the help of (and through) the Bitshares.Foundation and I will let you know once it is up and ready for voting. For now I invite you to check the more in-depth proposal (with funds requested and intended use as well as a preview link to the Hackathon dedicated site) which is already distributed at the foundation's site:

I hope you like this proposal, will consider to support once it is up for voting it by voting on 1.14.59 and I am happy to answer your questions, either here or through telegram @roelandp
« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 07:44:22 pm by roelandp »