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Messages - prophetx

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
it is the opposite. 

think of MSC as morse code, and bitcoin or bitshares as the telegraph wire and operator.

i dunno i switched over to beeeer, didn\t want to take a risk since the site has been down for a really long time.

hope you guys get your pts...

Miner is still working fine, dont care about web  8)

weird i could not get my miner to connect

not working

Also, payout processing has already started. Since this is only a temporary solution there is no website, so while your balance/unconfirmed is updated there is no way to access your account stats or options.

Is that for ALL balances, or just those over the 5 PTS?
For now only the ones above 5 PTS. Later I might go a bit lower and set it to 2. But anything below would just waste too much PTS for transaction fees.

Oh and btw. PTS fee is now 3%.

any ETA on website?  can you please get cloud flare... we\re not paying these fees so the website is down for 12 hours

Marketplace / Re: Buying 50 PTS for any offer
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:18:57 am »
sounds too good to be true...

anyone know how long the confirms take? how many blocks?

6 hours and still waiting on confirms

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations - Help Wanted!
« on: November 14, 2013, 07:37:07 am »
i am not a programmer.

when I was really young I did the research and original high level specification for what became known as the JSON libraries by Douglas Crockford and the rest of the team, so I am code & tech literate but i am much better at this:

technical research
writing documentation
product spec & requirements doc's
use cases, surveying users and customers needs
competitive research and analysis
managing social media, marketing and bizdev teams (if you really want the price to go up)

I also am finishing an MS in industrial economics and innovation management, my focus is on analyzing open source communities. 

will work for PTS, if you find any of this useful.

General Discussion / Re: Price rising too fast
« on: November 14, 2013, 07:23:56 am »
it will go up more, look at the order book on MSC it went up A LOT just in a few months.

i am happy to say i have mined 100 pts  8)

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