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Messages - kov

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Why no one is shorting bitassets?
« on: June 06, 2015, 01:35:31 am »
There's an overall lack of liquidity on the internal market, causing distortions and inefficiencies on its own. A lot of these issues will resolve themselves if/when the exchange picks up volume.

General Discussion / Re: Getting caught up
« on: May 10, 2015, 12:27:33 am »
Right on - spent the last day and a half reading through things you guys posted...

mf-tzo - Thanks much for the instant feedback. Got my wallet up and running on 0.9.1 and claimed all my shares. I have BTS and NOTES now  :D

Stan - The post was both entertaining and informative. I'm more well-informed now, but still confused! More reading to do I suppose.

kenCode - Thank you for the offer, but I was able to get up and running and register a name with my claimed shares.

Many evolutions have occurred since my last review! PTS is now Bitshares PTS? BTSX converted to BTS?

Also up on the research list is the delegate election process. That clearly seems to have value. How does one go about getting votes to be a delegate?

General Discussion / Getting caught up
« on: May 08, 2015, 06:47:22 pm »
Hey All,

I am/was a pretty big supporter of PTS/AGS back in early 2014 prior to the launch of BTSX. I had more time to spend back then on keeping up with all of the developments in happens, and I've been out of the loop for about a year. I'm still a pretty big holder of BTSX and PTS, and have no idea what's gone since last year. Do any of you have a recommendation on where to go to get a good summary of events that have occurred and developments in progress? Also, anything I should know about my PTS or BTSX? I know I've missed some snapshots along the way, so I probably have some unclaimed assets floating around out there...

Aside from the fact that we're getting beaten up on price support, I'm still a big believer in the project!

Appreciate any help.

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