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Do we need activity system in our forum?



--- Quote from: yago on November 18, 2013, 11:17:03 am ---¿Maybe a harder captcha on the Registration Form to stop bots?

¿Or maybe a mandatory first thread on the "Welcome" board with at least 1 comment from other people before allowing to post anywhere?

--- End quote ---

If you register now you will find captcha is really hard now  :(

It is a very good suggestion to force new ID have a "welcome" post before posting anywhere else. Any objection?

¿Maybe a harder captcha on the Registration Form to stop bots?

¿Or maybe a mandatory first thread on the "Welcome" board with at least 1 comment from other people before allowing to post anywhere else?

Edit: anywhere - > anywhere else

I think it is ok if many people are HERO members, that doesn't mean they have good reputation, only indicating they had 500 posts:)

I don't like systems that restrict new users to posting in special areas or has time restrictions.  There isn't a good solution here except to release Keyhote ID, so focus on that :)

To protect our forum from spammers like me, I think it's will be good to have system similar to:

What do you think?


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