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Messages - tyeken8

Pages: 1 [2]
any chance to get get servers reconnect when connection is lost? Must to work and can't have a look the hole time.. Tipps appreciated...
any workaround?


This works for linux builds.  :)

cd jhProtominer/src/jhProtominer
perl -pe 's/Sleep\(45000\);/exit\(1\);/g' main.cpp | perl -pe 's/45 seconds/8 seconds/g' > m ; mv m main.cpp ; make CFLAGS="-O3"
echo "while true; do ./jhProtominer -o -u m0rph3us0xF.m0rph3us0xF.1 -p 12345 -m512 -t 8; sleep 8; done" > ; chmod +x

don't need to do this now. I fixed the Sleep bug earlier

Maintenance again...

Anybody know why the linux miner crashes/recovers so poorly?

 When it goes down (b/c of the pool being inaccessible, etc) even supervisor cannot get it back up again. It's like the process hangs. I have to manually kill the PID and restart again. I wish I could get supervisor to bring it back up again successfully (like I can with the other miners).

update your code, this issue has been fixed 2 hrs ago.


I am getting 

Connected to server using x.pushthrough(xpt) protocol
xpt: Logged in with user.password
The miner is configured to use a different algorithm
Make sure your miner login details are correct

any advice?

change to PTS mode on top of the webpage

Hi. Does this miner allow for solo mining? Pointing to it connects but doesn't mine at all. Everything's set up for solo mining, just wondering if there is a reason it won't work. thanks!

Could you do a post or thread on how you solo mine with this please? I'm interested to learn how one can solo mine without directly using the main protosharesd client.

Just write a pool(proxy) yourself, the miner code on github has almost all code you need

@yago, When I run it, it connects successfully and says it logged in, but then says "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" and exits. Would you know why?

I have tried:

make CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native"
make CFLAGS="-O3 -march=corei7"
make CFLAGS="-O3 -march=generic"
make CFLAGS="-O3"

All create a binary that gives the same error.

Intel Xeon - 64 bit Linux Ubuntu
Try make CFLAGS=-g and run it with gdb until it crashes, then give me a backtrace.

BitShares PTS / Re: Linux Port Available
« on: November 12, 2013, 05:06:10 pm »
Thank you very much. It runs great! I am getting 100-140 collisions/min on my Xeon. Is that good?

Pretty nice.

Pls check the log, find if the server rejects your share by `Share data time overflow'. I don't know if this is my bug; I'm working on this now.

BTW: Donate if you like it ;)

BitShares PTS / Linux Port Available
« on: November 12, 2013, 04:33:46 pm »
Hi everyone,

I've port this miner to Linux. It makes ~90cpm on a Intel Xeon E5620(4C8T@2.4GHz) and 16GB memory. It's really fast (although the codes are so bad formatted). Thanks jh.


How to use
git clone -b linux-port
cd jhProtominer/src/jhProtominer
make CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native"
./jhProtominer -o -u tyeken8.1 -p 1 -m512

Known issue
Share invalid on some machines.
Pls check the log to see if the server rejects your share by `Share data time overflow'.
I don't know if this is my bug; I'm working on this now.

PM me or issue on github.

BTC: 1PNDpCQhpvqGLFSYVLZH9gfnz1zuM4cmmi
PTS: PrfVTi6z6iZY7p6jGTLqc2AUycWJgDu42D

Auto reconnect issue fixed.
Please do "git pull" and recompile the client

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