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Messages - xhor

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / Re: Problem with
« on: November 16, 2013, 07:09:40 pm »
Hello lib,

I'd be very happy if you could help me as well!
I had a outgoing ~1.5 BTC transaction at around 9am (16 nov 16h beijing time) that never actually happened (even though the website claimed so); and an incoming ~20 PTS transaction at around 10am (16 nov 17h beijing time) that wasn't credited.
My btc38 ID is 3955.

Thanks a lot!


BitShares PTS / Re: [GUIDE] Mining on Amazon EC2 using Spot instances
« on: November 16, 2013, 06:36:32 pm »
Xhor could you please post something for ypool?

After having lost 3/4 of my PTS/BTC in transfers from/to btc38 (after having made a *lot* in arbitrage), I'm taking a small break  8)
Seems like someone just did that, there:
Just take his commands, put then in the User Data part, and it should work right away. I don't believe the initial
Code: [Select]
sudo -sis necessary though.

Note: not tested.

BitShares PTS / Re: [GUIDE] Mining on Amazon EC2 using Spot instances
« on: November 14, 2013, 10:00:00 pm »
#! /bin/bash
sudo yum -y update
sudo yum -y install git build-essential htop libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libssl-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev screen gcc gcc-c++ compat-gcc-32 compat-gcc-32-c++ boost.x86_64 boost-devel boost libzip-devel.x86_64 glibc glibc-devel glibc-static zlib zlib-devel zlib-static cmake
git clone
cd ptsminer
cmake .
echo '#! /bin/bash' >
echo 'screen -d -m -S ptsminer /home/ec2-user/ptsminer/ptsminer PbwQHoJi7PKt9KCujbscNWfH43J4aCpPmN 12' >>
chmod +x

Doesn't look like its being executed during startup. Anything else I should do?

First, validate your script by executing it manually as root on a brand new instance. Then when validated, put it as User Data, as you did, and then when the instance starts, log in quick and follow the progress of your commands by listing the processes (ps aux). If that doesn't help, output the stdout/err of your script in some log file.

BitShares PTS / Re: [GUIDE] Mining on Amazon EC2 using Spot instances
« on: November 13, 2013, 06:19:27 pm »
The priced rised over the day.

I switched to other cloud computing services because they are way cheaper.

If you have cloud computing hosts that offer i7-like instances at lower than $0.11/h, I would like to know :)

BitShares PTS / Re: [GUIDE] Mining on Amazon EC2 using Spot instances
« on: November 13, 2013, 10:22:23 am »
Just testing this with jhProtominer on a t1micro instance (remember, testing) but after launch it says:
Code: [Select]
xpt: Logged in with Sykh.t1micro
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

Does it work on the bigger ones?

Haven't tried with this miner software; but t1.micro are special in some ways; use at least a m1.small to test. Also be sure to use a 64bits OS.
I'll try this miner this evening.

BitShares PTS / Re: [GUIDE] Mining on Amazon EC2 using Spot instances
« on: November 13, 2013, 08:26:44 am »
Also, thanks to whoever sent me a 5 PTS tip, I wasn't actually expecting something!  :D

That was me xhor. I am making an unbelievable amount of money doing this. With my own secrets of course ;-)

Good to hear it's useful!
And if you wish to share a little part of your secrets via pm... ;-)
Anyhow thanks for the tip! I'll be adding more explanations/pictures as I get more tips!

BitShares PTS / Re: [GUIDE] Mining on Amazon EC2 using Spot instances
« on: November 13, 2013, 07:14:28 am »
Also, thanks to whoever sent me a 5 PTS tip, I wasn't actually expecting something!  :D

BitShares PTS / Re: [GUIDE] Mining on Amazon EC2 using Spot instances
« on: November 13, 2013, 06:21:13 am »
If this was cost effective, why would you share it?

Eheh yes it was very cost effective a few days ago; and I used it.
Now it is still cost effective, but less than before, and I'm switching to other coins.

Why do I look chinese?  ;)

BitShares PTS / [GUIDE] Mining on Amazon EC2 using Spot instances
« on: November 12, 2013, 11:06:14 pm »
Here is a small guide to exploit the Spot instances @ Amazon and make a quick several hundreds i7 farm ;)

What is a Spot instance?

Some AWS instances are powerful, but they are quite expensive, hundreds of dollars per month.
What is not well known is that Amazon will auction their extra unused capacity for much cheaper! Those are the Spot instances (see )
The thing is, whenever people ask those instances through the normal, expensive channel, the spot price will fluctuate, and if it goes above your offer, you'll get kicked out of your instances (they'll shut them down).

How to use spot instances?

1. Register at Amazon Web services
2. Go to the EC2 service
3. Select the "Spot Requests" tab
4. Check the current spot prices by looking at the spot prices history.
5. Click "Request spot instance"
6. Choose "Ubuntu 13.10" image, then the instance type you choosed, then:
Number of instances: Max this out ;)
Maximum price: As high as you allow them to run.
Persistent request: If you check this, and if you get kicked due to spot fluctuation, your instance will get recreated as soon as the price gets back lower.

Now you can login and execute the following:
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get -y install git build-essential htop libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libssl-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev git
git clone
cd ptsminer
git reset --hard 03e2d73566fb5b380fd3584e220894464a9a0510
cd src/
make -f makefile.unix -j8
echo '#! /bin/bash' >
echo 'while true; do ./ptsminer -poolport=1337 -poolpassword=xx -pooluser=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -genproclimit=8; sleep 1; done' >>
chmod +x
nohup ./ &
Of course change the pooluser to your own, and change the git commit if you want to use another version of the miner... I had to use the 03e2d73566fb5b380fd3584e220894464a9a0510 commit because newer commit were failing...

Now, click "Review and launch", and then you'll see your spot requests turn green and the instances will appear in the "Instances" tab.
You can then review the script getting executed by ssh'ing into the instance...

Once you tested it for 1 instances, gogo hundreds of them ;)

Enjoy! And if you appreciated the guide, you can tip me at PgnxU3ttMAYh15hgoaVPXDaUdsFcnu2kVA ;)

Marketplace / Re: [WTS] 130 PTS @0.008 BTC
« on: November 12, 2013, 10:08:39 pm »
Closed offer; used Silfax exchange.

Marketplace / Re: [WTB] 10000 PTS @.008 BTC/PTS
« on: November 12, 2013, 07:56:54 pm »

I have 130 PTS @ 0.008 BTC = 1.04 BTC, via escrow through favdesu. Ind post @

Marketplace / [WTS] 130 PTS @0.008 BTC (closed)
« on: November 12, 2013, 07:10:18 pm »
Using escrow with favdesu.


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