Author Topic: The worth of Stan's contribution to BitShares  (Read 12222 times)

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Offline mint chocolate chip

All paid delegates are going to have to get used to the fact they need to be more transparent in what they are specifically developing and the value they are adding to the network going forward.

Offline onceuponatime

I'm confused by the reaction. OP asked a legit question in a very professional manner.

"It has been brought to attention in numerous other threads"
 by whom? List them and their contributions to this project.

"He was even listed in the same group, as if he was in fact a dev"
Devs are very skilled and highly valuable persons. So is a leader (CEO). Did you get my reference to Steve Jobs? Do you think he did much coding?

Offline graffenwalder

Maybe I've missed some things lately. But how did you come up with the $300 dollar a day salary?

Offline hpenvy2

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I'm confused by the reaction. OP asked a legit question in a very professional manner.

Offline 天籁

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Offline onceuponatime

There are a few negative people on this forum bound and determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

This project is a marathon, not a sprint.

Stan is a founder and leader of this project. His leadership has been and continues to be what has driven this project on, overcoming an enormous number of hurdles that we have had to overcome, and encouraging the innovations that have had to be invented and implemented.

Quitters gonna quit. Some people fear success more than failure. I have seen it over and over again in my life.

Leadership is perhaps the essence of a successful project, and without it all of the other contributions come to nothing. Stan fulfills that role, and deserves compensation.

Recall the assholes who drove Steve Jobs out of Apple because they thought they knew better - then after they had run Apple into the ground they had to bring him back because he was the one with vision.  Don't repeat their mistake.

Offline fluxer555

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It has been brought to attention in numerous other threads that it seems that Stan is being overcompensated for his contributions. I am starting this thread so that Stan, the devs, and shareholders can share their opinions, and their interpretation of the facts.

Now let me be clear, I love Stan. What mainly concerns me is that Stan is getting paid as much as a full-time dev. He was even listed in the same group, as if he was in fact a dev:

(Thread titled 'Year End Developer Bonuses')
Toast, Nathan, Valentine, Vikram, Stan, and James Caffe, Dan N.  (all of whom have 100% pay delegates) have received 3M BTS severance / bonus from Invictus

This is not meant to be an attack, but rather an opportunity for shareholders and employees to discuss fair compensation.


What contributions has Stan made so far that qualify him to be worth as much as a full-time dev?
What is Stan currently doing that qualifies him to be paid $300 a day?
Is it worth 3 million BTS to incentivize Stan to keep doing whatever it is that he is doing?
What incentives do shareholders have to vote for Stan? (What would we lose if Stan stopped whatever it is that he is doing?)

Shareholders, please ask your questions civilly.
Stan, please provide us with your reasonable answers.
Everyone, let us come to our own informed conclusions and vote accordingly.