Author Topic: The BitShares Brand  (Read 35222 times)

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Offline testz

Generally good idea.

My 2 cents. I don't like abbreviation BitShares DMS, I think, we should keep DomainShares or change it to something similar to BitShares DNS to make it more clear for Internet users.

Offline santaclause102

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Invictus Innovations
      Bitshares family

Again, why are protoshares and angelshares under bitshares, when they will also be involved with *totally unrelated* DACs?
"Because marketing" is not sufficient.

Seems to me it should be more like:

         BitShares BEX
         BitShares CEX

I also perceived the structure like this.

The problem I would have with the proposal would be that Bitshares would be an umbrella brand as well as a specific DAC. That could be confusing.

Up to now Bitshares was always presented as the crypto currency for option trading. Would that be BEX / CEX in your scheme instead?

I see your need for an umbrella brand and the worries that it could be confused with a flesh and blood company! But consider that anybody that sees a common branding for all I3 DACs (like the suggested Bitshares branding) will ask what do they all have in common and why is there a common branding? And the answer is I3 as the developer / issuer. So the bitshares branding would just disguise this.

That structure has been our thinking, you are correct.  Now BitShares has received a promotion.

This is for one very simple reason:  bit-shares is the perfect parallel to bit-coin for communicating the duality (and differences) and between crypto-equities and crypto-currencies.  No other name would do for that purpose.

And BitShares can also apply to endorsed 3rd-party DACs so we wanted to avoid asking other companies to operate under the Invictus brand.  BitShares will be bigger than just Invictus.

BitShares BEX will meet the original expectations of BitShares.  Then the BitShares brand will grow, as long planned, to multiple BitShares exchange chains. Each of these will need a name extension anyway.  Then it will grow to mean any endorsed chain that honors the social consensus.

Like Amazon is no longer thought of first and foremost as a book store, so shall the public perception of BitShares grow in stature as every new success and promotion grows its recognition as the brand for incorruptible unmanned companies with robotically reliable integrity.

Once that brand is established in the public's mind, there will be even more reason for 3rd party developers to honor the PTS and AGS contribution to founding the BitShares franchise.

This is a major stratagem for driving the value for all shareholders to new heights... as promised.

Ok. That that makes a lot of sense given that you want to "avoid asking other companies to operate under the Invictus brand" and "BitShares BEX will meet the original expectations of BitShares"  ...if you let go of the old meaning of bitshares, because that was incompatible. Just make sure you make everything straight and easy. Business is not a poetry club or an intellectual gathering. Forums are a little more though... ;)

Offline toast

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Alright that's a bit more clear, but I'm still concerned about overloading the "BitShares" term. I think you should take some care to establish what sorts of crypto-equities should fall under the "BitShares" umbrella and which shouldn't.

My opinion is that BitShares should only apply to cryptoequity in systems that behave "close enough" to how BitShares BEX does.

Perhaps a good criterion is if the system 1) honors AGS and PTS and 2) implements cross-chain trading with existing BitShares chains. Then DomainShares and possibly ProtoShares (with a soft fork) could be called BTS DNS and BTS PTS, but angelshares shouldn't be called BTS AGS.

Basically imagine how many times you'll have to reply to someone who says "WTB BTS AGS for BTS BEX" with, "actually, BTS AGS is not part of the BitShares chain groups and is not a tradeable. Read more about how all the different BTS DACs behave here"
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 08:54:39 pm by toast »
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Offline Stan

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  • BitShares: Stan
Invictus Innovations
      Bitshares family

Again, why are protoshares and angelshares under bitshares, when they will also be involved with *totally unrelated* DACs?
"Because marketing" is not sufficient.

Seems to me it should be more like:

         BitShares BEX
         BitShares CEX

I also perceived the structure like this.

The problem I would have with the proposal would be that Bitshares would be an umbrella brand as well as a specific DAC. That could be confusing.

Up to now Bitshares was always presented as the crypto currency for option trading. Would that be BEX / CEX in your scheme instead?

I see your need for an umbrella brand and the worries that it could be confused with a flesh and blood company! But consider that anybody that sees a common branding for all I3 DACs (like the suggested Bitshares branding) will ask what do they all have in common and why is there a common branding? And the answer is I3 as the developer / issuer. So the bitshares branding would just disguise this.

That structure has been our thinking, you are correct.  Now BitShares has received a promotion.

This is for one very simple reason:  bit-shares is the perfect parallel to bit-coin for communicating the duality (and differences) and between crypto-equities and crypto-currencies.  No other name would do for that purpose.

And BitShares can also apply to endorsed 3rd-party DACs so we wanted to avoid asking other companies to operate under the Invictus brand.  BitShares will be bigger than just Invictus.

BitShares BEX will meet the original expectations of BitShares.  Then the BitShares brand will grow, as long planned, to multiple BitShares exchange chains. Each of these will need a name extension anyway.  Then it will grow to mean any endorsed chain that honors the social consensus.

Like Amazon is no longer thought of first and foremost as a book store, so shall the public perception of BitShares grow in stature as every new success and promotion grows its recognition as the brand for incorruptible unmanned companies with robotically reliable integrity.

Once that brand is established in the public's mind, there will be even more reason for 3rd party developers to honor the PTS and AGS contribution to founding the BitShares franchise.

This is a major stratagem for driving the value for all shareholders to new heights... as promised.

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline toast

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  • BitShares: nikolai
I really want Stan and also the marketing director to at least acknowledge that what they are saying is that this:

Invictus Innovations
      Bitshares family

is, from their perspective, a more natural/clear taxonomy than this:

         BitShares BEX
         BitShares CEX

If you guys at I3 really think of things this way, that's fine and I just have a bad mental model.
If you're trying to fit them into the new scheme just for the sake of marketing, that is gimmicky and people will see that.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 07:30:11 pm by toast »
Do not use this post as information for making any important decisions. The only agreements I ever make are informal and non-binding. Take the same precautions as when dealing with a compromised account, scammer, sockpuppet, etc.

Offline santaclause102

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Invictus Innovations
      Bitshares family

Again, why are protoshares and angelshares under bitshares, when they will also be involved with *totally unrelated* DACs?
"Because marketing" is not sufficient.

Seems to me it should be more like:

         BitShares BEX
         BitShares CEX

I also perceived the structure like this.

The problem I would have with the proposal would be that Bitshares would be an umbrella brand as well as a specific DAC. That could be confusing.

Up to now Bitshares was always presented as the crypto currency for option trading. Would that be BEX / CEX in your scheme instead?

I see your need for an umbrella brand and the worries that it could be confused with a flesh and blood company! But consider that anybody that sees a common branding for all I3 DACs (like the suggested Bitshares branding) will ask what do they all have in common and why is there a common branding? And the answer is I3 as the developer / issuer. So the bitshares branding would just disguise this. Either way people will know that any DAC has to have been created by people. And the fact that there is a company where you know who is in charge behind Protoshares was the one thing that made you stand out and made me attracted to PTS. I though I3 combines the advantages of ripple (being able to deal with legal authorities and a decreased possibility of running into a scam put up by someone anonymous) and the most coins/dacs (open source dev).
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 07:43:28 pm by delulo »

Offline luckybit

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  • BitShares: Luckybit
The BitSharesTM Brand

Now that our momentum is building and we have an active marketing arm, it’s time to think seriously about branding.  We need an umbrella brand in which to invest our marketing efforts so that we don’t water them down with too many sub-brands.  Given the number of DACs we envision, that could certainly happen if we start advertising ProtoShares and AngelShares and BitShares and DomainShares and LuckyShares and, um, DogeShares etc.

We need to market all these products under one brand that everyone recognizes.  Like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Windows, etc.

Our Invictus brand is focused on our role as a trustworthy partner known as a behind-the-scenes innovator and even-handed community developer.  But we need a more highly visible brand for our whole crypto-equity ecosystem.  A brand not for who we are but for what we are building. A brand with Satoshi-like immunity from the risks of association with a flesh and blood company. One Brand to find them all with a single Google search.

We have decided to dedicate our established BitSharesTM brand to the cause.  It is already getting a lot of attention and it has a nice parallelism with Bitcoin, which in the public mind has become virtually synonymous with the crypto-currency ecosystem, including all its altcoins.  We hope that BitShares will serve a similar function for the crypto-equity domain.

What does this mean for our existing projects?  Well, BitShares already applies to a whole family of our exchange DACs.  Now it applies to them all.  For example.

•   BitShares PTS is our brand of proto shares honoring industry miners.
•   BitShares AGS is our brand of angel shares honoring industry patrons.
•   BitShares BEX is our flagship brand for our first Bank and EXchange DAC.
•   BitShares CEX is our brand for our first Commodities EXchange.
•   BitShares LKS is our brand for LuckyShares – robotically honest gaming.
•   BitShares DMS is our brand for DomainShares – an IP address registry.

Keyhotee is not a crypto-equity and therefore has its own privacy-oriented brand.

We could use everyone’s help in starting to use these new names in all our dialogs, documents, graphics, and web sites. 

Why not use the 3I brand? It markets everything 3I creates.

Bitshares is just a protocol.

BitShares is a brand.
BitShares has a protocol.

Invictus is a company bootstrapping an industry of manned and unmanned companies.
BitShares is a product line spanning that industry.

BitShares helps all our companies inherit a common recognition and increases our market footprint.
It causes all our unmanned companies to appear together in any alphabetized list of crypto-equities.
It lets you find them all with one Googled word.  Search for one, find all the rest.

Aha, I see what you're trying to do now. I guess I have to accept the fact that most people will think of Bitshares and Bitcoin as a sort of product. Sort of like how Apple leverages the (i) for iTunes, iPad, iPhone, iMac, and so on or how Microsoft used to leverage it as 95, 98, 2000, and so on.

If Bitshares is a brand how do we keep track of which version we are on? Will it be Bitshares 2014 edition or will it be Bitshares 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and so on? I guess I will find out.

I hope the marketing plan is a success because it has the potential to make Bitshares become worth a lot. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Stan

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  • BitShares: Stan
The BitSharesTM Brand

Now that our momentum is building and we have an active marketing arm, it’s time to think seriously about branding.  We need an umbrella brand in which to invest our marketing efforts so that we don’t water them down with too many sub-brands.  Given the number of DACs we envision, that could certainly happen if we start advertising ProtoShares and AngelShares and BitShares and DomainShares and LuckyShares and, um, DogeShares etc.

We need to market all these products under one brand that everyone recognizes.  Like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Windows, etc.

Our Invictus brand is focused on our role as a trustworthy partner known as a behind-the-scenes innovator and even-handed community developer.  But we need a more highly visible brand for our whole crypto-equity ecosystem.  A brand not for who we are but for what we are building. A brand with Satoshi-like immunity from the risks of association with a flesh and blood company. One Brand to find them all with a single Google search.

We have decided to dedicate our established BitSharesTM brand to the cause.  It is already getting a lot of attention and it has a nice parallelism with Bitcoin, which in the public mind has become virtually synonymous with the crypto-currency ecosystem, including all its altcoins.  We hope that BitShares will serve a similar function for the crypto-equity domain.

What does this mean for our existing projects?  Well, BitShares already applies to a whole family of our exchange DACs.  Now it applies to them all.  For example.

•   BitShares PTS is our brand of proto shares honoring industry miners.
•   BitShares AGS is our brand of angel shares honoring industry patrons.
•   BitShares BEX is our flagship brand for our first Bank and EXchange DAC.
•   BitShares CEX is our brand for our first Commodities EXchange.
•   BitShares LKS is our brand for LuckyShares – robotically honest gaming.
•   BitShares DMS is our brand for DomainShares – an IP address registry.

Keyhotee is not a crypto-equity and therefore has its own privacy-oriented brand.

We could use everyone’s help in starting to use these new names in all our dialogs, documents, graphics, and web sites. 

Why not use the 3I brand? It markets everything 3I creates.

Bitshares is just a protocol.

BitShares is a brand.
BitShares has a protocol.

Invictus is a company bootstrapping an industry of manned and unmanned companies.
BitShares is a product line spanning that industry.

BitShares helps all our companies inherit a common recognition and increases our market footprint.
It causes all our unmanned companies to appear together in any alphabetized list of crypto-equities.
It lets you find them all with one Googled word.  Search for one, find all the rest.
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline Stan

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Call me a radical or whatever, but we need to actually go in the opposite direction first. To market something , to Brand something, we have to make it known, to make it known we have to know it ourselves. We do that by defining it. We have an understanding of what cryptos are, how PTS works and the like, but really, we need to find a way to speak to the world and define this new thing called a DAC. Everyone worries about the volatility of BTC, while we currently rely on it, DACs have the possiblity of devising a new marker for value. Putting this out into the world may very well bring value because most of the crypto -newcomers do not wish to spend their days on trade sites watching for crashes. They want to buy, sit then cash out later. Let's define, then market the idea of investing in a DAC via crypto, and show the endless possibility of profit and growth of investments.

I agree with this. Bitshares is not a product, it's a protocol. It should be explained but it's more like inventing one of the first search engines. First you have to explain what a search engine is before you can call yourself Google or Yahoo or Excite.


Is "BitShares" more akin to "Apple" or "Mac"?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

BitShares ~ Mac
Invictus ~ Apple

Except that BitShares could apply to sponsored/endorsed 3rd Party DACs that honor PTS and AGS.
Maybe its more like

BitShares ~ Linux

or put another way:

Apple      >   Mac
Invictus   <   BitShares

(My apologies to mathematicians for comparing apples and oranges.)

The problem with the constant comparisons to Apple is, does I3 share the same values as Apple?
Apple right now has a terrible reputation internationally but a very good reputation in the USA.

Apple is distrusted, and doesn't really seem to value privacy at all. They are good at marketing and setting trends, but there are a lot of values which go directly against the values of I3. For example Apple is closed source, uses customer lock ins, and does not really seem to respect the user. Google on the other hand is about flexibility, respects the user more, and tries to make all it's apps free.

What does I3 stand for and how can I3 show it's values through it's marketing? When we hear about Bitshares we should instantly know what the values behind it are and learn to appreciate those values.

Apple markets itself on being cool. That is good when you're first. iPhone was first, iPad was first, iTunes was first, so being cool is all it would take to sell. But if you look closely the iPhone lost to the Android, the iPad lost to the Nexus, iTunes is beginning to lose it's dominance to Amazon, because to maintain long term dominance you have to be committed to sustainable principles which can last and being cool and having buzz in my opinion only lasts a few years.

I think Invictus Innovations could focus on the one area which it's ahead of everyone else and that is at innovation. I3 has some of the best new concepts and ideas, and if the brand I3 comes to be recognized as the source of innovation in this space and their products are recognized as being on the cutting edge then people will gravitate toward it. Invictus wont always have first mover advantage but if the concepts like the DAC and transaction based Proof of Stake catch on then all of this goes to the list of innovations.

I think I3 should be compared to Bell Labs, not Apple.

I used Apple because that's how the question was put to us.
It was a comparison of taxonomy relationships not values.
But you are right, we need to make sure the BitShares brand reflects our oft-stated principles.

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline luckybit

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  • BitShares: Luckybit
Call me a radical or whatever, but we need to actually go in the opposite direction first. To market something , to Brand something, we have to make it known, to make it known we have to know it ourselves. We do that by defining it. We have an understanding of what cryptos are, how PTS works and the like, but really, we need to find a way to speak to the world and define this new thing called a DAC. Everyone worries about the volatility of BTC, while we currently rely on it, DACs have the possiblity of devising a new marker for value. Putting this out into the world may very well bring value because most of the crypto -newcomers do not wish to spend their days on trade sites watching for crashes. They want to buy, sit then cash out later. Let's define, then market the idea of investing in a DAC via crypto, and show the endless possibility of profit and growth of investments.

I agree with this. Bitshares is not a product, it's a protocol. It should be explained but it's more like inventing one of the first search engines. First you have to explain what a search engine is before you can call yourself Google or Yahoo or Excite.


Is "BitShares" more akin to "Apple" or "Mac"?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

BitShares ~ Mac
Invictus ~ Apple

Except that BitShares could apply to sponsored/endorsed 3rd Party DACs that honor PTS and AGS.
Maybe its more like

BitShares ~ Linux

or put another way:

Apple      >   Mac
Invictus   <   BitShares

(My apologies to mathematicians for comparing apples and oranges.)

The problem with the constant comparisons to Apple is, does I3 share the same values as Apple?
Apple right now has a terrible reputation internationally but a very good reputation in the USA.

Apple is distrusted, and doesn't really seem to value privacy at all. They are good at marketing and setting trends, but there are a lot of values which go directly against the values of I3. For example Apple is closed source, uses customer lock ins, and does not really seem to respect the user. Google on the other hand is about flexibility, respects the user more, and tries to make all it's apps free.

What does I3 stand for and how can I3 show it's values through it's marketing? When we hear about Bitshares we should instantly know what the values behind it are and learn to appreciate those values.

Apple markets itself on being cool. That is good when you're first. iPhone was first, iPad was first, iTunes was first, so being cool is all it would take to sell. But if you look closely the iPhone lost to the Android, the iPad lost to the Nexus, iTunes is beginning to lose it's dominance to Amazon, because to maintain long term dominance you have to be committed to sustainable principles which can last and being cool and having buzz in my opinion only lasts a few years.

I think Invictus Innovations could focus on the one area which it's ahead of everyone else and that is at innovation. I3 has some of the best new concepts and ideas, and if the brand I3 comes to be recognized as the source of innovation in this space and their products are recognized as being on the cutting edge then people will gravitate toward it. Invictus wont always have first mover advantage but if the concepts like the DAC and transaction based Proof of Stake catch on then all of this goes to the list of innovations.

I think I3 should be compared to Bell Labs, not Apple.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 12:15:56 pm by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline luckybit

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  • BitShares: Luckybit
The BitSharesTM Brand

Now that our momentum is building and we have an active marketing arm, it’s time to think seriously about branding.  We need an umbrella brand in which to invest our marketing efforts so that we don’t water them down with too many sub-brands.  Given the number of DACs we envision, that could certainly happen if we start advertising ProtoShares and AngelShares and BitShares and DomainShares and LuckyShares and, um, DogeShares etc.

We need to market all these products under one brand that everyone recognizes.  Like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Windows, etc.

Our Invictus brand is focused on our role as a trustworthy partner known as a behind-the-scenes innovator and even-handed community developer.  But we need a more highly visible brand for our whole crypto-equity ecosystem.  A brand not for who we are but for what we are building. A brand with Satoshi-like immunity from the risks of association with a flesh and blood company. One Brand to find them all with a single Google search.

We have decided to dedicate our established BitSharesTM brand to the cause.  It is already getting a lot of attention and it has a nice parallelism with Bitcoin, which in the public mind has become virtually synonymous with the crypto-currency ecosystem, including all its altcoins.  We hope that BitShares will serve a similar function for the crypto-equity domain.

What does this mean for our existing projects?  Well, BitShares already applies to a whole family of our exchange DACs.  Now it applies to them all.  For example.

•   BitShares PTS is our brand of proto shares honoring industry miners.
•   BitShares AGS is our brand of angel shares honoring industry patrons.
•   BitShares BEX is our flagship brand for our first Bank and EXchange DAC.
•   BitShares CEX is our brand for our first Commodities EXchange.
•   BitShares LKS is our brand for LuckyShares – robotically honest gaming.
•   BitShares DMS is our brand for DomainShares – an IP address registry.

Keyhotee is not a crypto-equity and therefore has its own privacy-oriented brand.

We could use everyone’s help in starting to use these new names in all our dialogs, documents, graphics, and web sites. 

Why not use the 3I brand? It markets everything 3I creates.

Bitshares is just a protocol. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline sschechter

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Either way I'm coming for the ride.
BTSX: sschechter
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Offline Stan

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From a legal standpoint, wouldn't you want to avoid calling Bitshares BEX a bank?  Seems like that would be a fast way to draw the attention of regulators.  I'd prefer for them to think of what we're doing as a goofy experiment instead.

Yes, but to reach customers on the scale we need to change the world, the masses of ordinary people have to be convinced what we are offering is better than a Swiss Bank of the last century - more secure and more private - and immune to all the outrages that today's banking system is about to unleash on the little guy.  The little guy isn't much interested in putting his paycheck into a goofy experiment.    :)

Either DACs can find away to operate safely in the international waters of Free Space, or they can't.  We have to face that and adapt to early failures until we find the right recipe for freedom.

That's why we must engineer a decentralized community that produces an incorruptible decentralized solution without requiring anyone to violate the laws of their home jurisdiction.  That's what this month's newsletter was all about.

...and that's what makes all of this so darn much fun!

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

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From a legal standpoint, wouldn't you want to avoid calling Bitshares BEX a bank?  Seems like that would be a fast way to draw the attention of regulators.  I'd prefer for them to think of what we're doing as a goofy experiment instead.
BTSX: sschechter
PTS: PvBUyPrDRkJLVXZfvWjdudRtQgv1Fcy5Qe

Offline onceuponatime

Invictus Innovations
      Bitshares family

Again, why are protoshares and angelshares under bitshares, when they will also be involved with *totally unrelated* DACs?
"Because marketing" is not sufficient.

Seems to me it should be more like:

         BitShares BEX
         BitShares CEX

They will NOT be involved with *totallu unrelated* DACS.  They don't come into play except with Bitshares social consensus compliant DACS.