Author Topic: MineBitShares Bid for Support + Status < ACTION NEEDED  (Read 14812 times)

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Offline Frodo

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Thanks for the update.

I do believe that going forward it is going to make more sense for the project to wind up all the delegates/witnesses and then submit a single worker proposal for the specific funding. This was what I originally promised also. Do you feel we should take a different direction?

I agree with that. Although running one witness would be fine imo. The rest should be done with help of the worker proposal. Multiple witnesses per person would undermine (pun intended  :P) all the effort to separate the two roles of workers and witnesses.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

This is a double post to make sure everyone is updated:

Copy of Message Sent to All Lenders:

Good Day Everyone,

This is an update on the loan status of the 6 delegate bid.

This is being sent to all the lenders and being cross posted to the bitsharestalk forum for further verification.

In the weeks before we managed to have all delegates voted in for a short time, however, as the market turned around we had old Chinese holders come back to buy Bitshares again and without updating their votes caused some of our delegates to bounce in and out of the 101 while dead delegates that had been voted out long ago reemerged.

You may notice I have attempted to reestablish the BitShares network with 100% delegate participation with another thread here:,18316.0.html

If you have contacts that can help with this please make the effort.

Regardless of this bouncing around we are at least in a position now to repay all but the remaining balance for one contributor.

minebts5.bunkermining-com is the only delegate that is coming up short for being voted into the 101.

I am appealing to anybody who might have a reach into the Chinese community to ask them to vote for our delegates.

Until then, I am happy to report on the following payouts being completed today:

As agreed we have paid out the lenders to the ones that got voted in on a first come, and here is a copy of the transactions:

2015-09-19T13:47:37  minebts2.bunkerm... lafona              32,999.90000 BTS        withdraw pay  e7a1ff8f
2015-09-19T13:48:54  minebts3.bunkerm... testzcrypto         43,999.90000 BTS        withdraw pay  9b7926bc
2015-09-19T13:51:05  minebts6.bunkerm... nethyb              65,999.90000 BTS        withdraw pay  495c44a6
2015-09-19T13:52:55  minebts5.bunkerm... hotwallet02         10,999.90000 BTS        withdraw pay  b6e8f246

Now that repayment of minebts2 minebts3 minebts6 is complete those delegates are now clear to put funds towards development that is currently under way. Hurray!

There is still one more contributor remaining with a balance of 55,000 BTS due that paid for minebts5.bunkermining-com.

Please continue to vote and support our delegates to keep them in the 101!

I am expecting to have an update on our current developments out sometime soon.

We have already announced that we will be updating all delegates to 0.9.3 and will continue as witnesses into 2.0.

Yesterday Dan announced that the current rate of pay for witnesses will be around $300 per month. While I am doubtful we will get all our delegates voted in to be witnesses, I still will proceed with submitting a worker proposal following 2.0.

I could potentially promise that if our witnesses get voted in I will dedicate $200 a month from each towards the further dev/support of the pool.. however I feel this is not the intended purpose of the witness branch of delegation. It might be seen as some kind of perversion perhaps? Nonetheless, I only bring it up as another possible course of action.

I do believe that going forward it is going to make more sense for the project to wind up all the delegates/witnesses and then submit a single worker proposal for the specific funding. This was what I originally promised also. Do you feel we should take a different direction?

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Have a great day!
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I'm glad to be some help at the start of MineBitShares.

Keep up the good work.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Copy of Message Sent to All Lenders:

Good Day Everyone,

This is an update on the loan status of the 6 delegate bid.

This is being sent to all the lenders and being cross posted to the bitsharestalk forum for further verification.

In recent weeks we have finally gained enough support to make our way into the 101 FOR ALL DELEGATES!

This is great news for everyone!

The first contributors who loaned money for minebts1 had been paid back in full.

Today I am happy to announce we reached the milestone to enable payout in full for minebts4.bunkermining-com and partial payments for minebt2 and minebts3!

As agreed we have paid out the lenders to the ones that got voted in on a first come, and here is a copy of the transactions:

2015-09-12T16:04:22 minebts2.bunkerm... onceuponatime       16,499.90000 BTS        withdraw pay a32f6e45
2015-09-12T16:04:24 minebts2.bunkerm... ihashfury           16,499.90000 BTS        withdraw pay cf4bf62e
2015-09-12T16:25:59 minebts3.bunkerm... lafona              21,999.90000 BTS        withdraw pay b47f3a21
2015-09-12T16:27:05 minebts4.bunkerm... testzcrypto         27,499.90000 BTS        withdraw pay 11e14c14
2015-09-12T16:27:06 minebts4.bunkerm... alpha2              21,999.90000 BTS        withdraw pay b007bdd4
2015-09-12T16:27:09 minebts4.bunkerm... webxeld             16,499.90000 BTS        withdraw pay ad0fa6e2

Now that repayment of minebts4 is complete that delegate is now clear to put funds towards development that is currently under way. Hurray!

Others have been partially paid out as could be done at this time. We will make additional payouts next week to clear remaining balances owing.

Please continue to vote and support our delegates to keep them in the 101!

We are already underway with the programming to take the pool to Phase 2 development that will see many fantastic features that will go a long way towards attracting more miners, having the most profitable pool, and providing liquidity to all the BitAsset markets.

With 2.0 coming around in 31 days, we will follow through on our promise to continue with the advancement of this project and will submit a single worker proposal at that time. At least then we never will have to hear about how this many delegates is too much ever again.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Have a great day!
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Good Day Everyone,

This is an update on the loan status of the 6 delegate bid.

As you may already know, a few days ago we managed to get more of our delegates voted in!

This is fantastic news not only for the operation to move forward, but also for the repayment of the supporters who loaned the BTS to register the delegates needed.

We have posted an update on development of the pool thanks to this recent voting in here:,18253.0.html

As I write this we are currently at the following:

minebts1.bunkermining-com - 20
minebts2.bunkermining-com - 102
minebts3.bunkermining-com - 96
minebts4.bunkermining-com - 95
minebts5.bunkermining-com - 104
minebts6.bunkermining-com - 101

This means we have 4 additional delegates and 2 still out of the 101. There is a good chance we will see one more get back into the 101 soon, and a possibility of the other coming up in the coming weeks perhaps once our updated mining pool comes out.

Anyhow, I am only posting this to let the contributors know that you are not forgotten, and that as agreed, you will be repaid as soon as the initial balance for repayment is reached with each delegate.

I urge you once again to keep on pressing for minebts2 and minebts5 to be brought into the 101 so that everyone can be fully repaid sooner than later. Please, all contributors and miners out there, update your voting so that we can get over the edge into the 101! There are currently two delegates in the 101 that are completely offline now that need to be voted out. With some effort we could fill those spaces and further the growth of this operation to bring volume to BitShares.

I will be following up with pay back posts once we start to reach those milestones in the coming weeks.

Finally want to thank you once again for stepping up and contributing your BTS to help make this happen so that we could be at this stage to enable the pool to grow and increase the value of BitShares.

Have a great day!
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

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Offline CalabiYau

The familiar sound of the hash-generators is in the air again - thank you for this quick fix  +5%

After the heat wave is over I reconnect more HP  8)

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

POOL DOWN  - anyway, was an awesome experience the last days to receive very_nice BITUSD rewards. Hope that the pool will be up again soon. 

Thank you for this service.

Hi CalabiYau.. yes the pool was down for a number of hours today. It was a very bad day at the bunker today. We got it back online as you can see a number of hours ago.

You are right, payouts have been pretty awesome these past few days!

When I process payments today I will see how much of an impact todays outage had on miners and see what we can do to make up for it.

It's the first outage we have had since taking the pool over.. we took the offline opportunity to get updates installed as wel.
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Offline CalabiYau

POOL DOWN  - anyway, was an awesome experience the last days to receive very_nice BITUSD rewards. Hope that the pool will be up again soon. 

Thank you for this service.   


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Thanks for the update.

Everyone support this important project by voting for bunkermining-com delegates.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

any updates on this? price doubled and u got one more delegate than you had before if im not mistaken, thats 4x what you were making at the beggining before the price rise.

I wish it doubled! :) Market Cap since we started went up by about 60% which has been a little more helpful in enabling us to paying higher bonuses, but still nowhere near where they used to be still.

The additional delegate we had to pay back the bts that was loaned to get it. That was paid back just two weeks ago as you can see.

Initial programmer I had on the project to update it was a fail.. didn't lose any money on that thankfully, but lost time.

The process of finding the right type of people who can do this kind of work is difficult at the price I been attempting to get them at. I have only been planning for phase one updates for now. There simply isn't enough money to get the job done yet. So I been managing the pool daily as I always have been, attempting to optimize the payout process that takes me a few hours every day.

I have spoken with 4 other potential programmers with crypto and mining pool experience. One of them I am waiting for their proposal to get back, another put in their bid at $3500 to get it done.. I only have a fraction of that.. so I am negotiating further.. another was too busy with other projects, another never responded when I told them the budget, and I got one today might want to get involved.

Another who is a member here was only interested in helping/getting involved once we got all 6 delegates voted in.. "would be a start".

I still am encouraging everyone to vote for the other delegates because as I have stated, it's not enough where we are. The point of getting all the delegates now was to accelerate our development, but we are still not running on all cylinders to do that yet.

At present I am basically trying to save up to the point that we can actually get all the work for phase one done, and then I can start to promote it more. I was hoping the big announcement would see a bigger jump in market cap but that didn't play out.

Besides getting phase one done, I been working on how the pool can best be maximized in 2.0. I have a preliminary plan based on what we understand so far of 2.0.

Hope that answered your questions.
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Offline Akado

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any updates on this? price doubled and u got one more delegate than you had before if im not mistaken, thats 4x what you were making at the beggining before the price rise. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I've already voted for all of your delegates and encourage all others to do so as well. This project has clearly brought in the most new users.

Awesome thanks!

For those looking to vote, you can find more info at
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Offline cusknee

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I've already voted for all of your delegates and encourage all others to do so as well. This project has clearly brought in the most new users.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Copy of Message Sent to All Lenders:

Good Day Everyone,

This is an update on the loan status of the 6 delegate bid.

This is being sent to all the lenders and being cross posted to the bitsharestalk forum for further verification.

As you may have seen in forums, I have been working hard to get these delegates voted in. I trust everyone has voted for them and has been talking to all our whale friends to get them voted in as well. As I write this we are currently at the following:

minebts1.bunkermining-com - 101
minebts2.bunkermining-com - 112
minebts3.bunkermining-com - 115
minebts4.bunkermining-com - 116
minebts5.bunkermining-com - 118
minebts6.bunkermining-com - 119

We are floating quite close to the 101 on all the other delegates. minebts2 seems to be getting more of a push than the others. I am always pushing for all 6 delegates to be voted for. Generally they have moved pretty close together. I hope in the next month we might see more of them voted in. Whatever you can do to help make that happen is greatly appreciated.

As agreed we have paid out the lenders to the one that got voted in on the first come, here is a copy of the transactions:

2015-06-11T04:50:58 2772478   minebts1.bunkerm... pheonike   10,999.90000 BTS   withdraw pay   48,895.09000 BTS   0.10000 BTS   4a07757b

2015-06-11T04:51:30 2772482   minebts1.bunkerm... onceuponatime   54,999.90000 BTS   withdraw pay  48,894.99000 BTS   0.10000 BTS   219783c8

Now that this repayment has been done we are clear to use the delegate funds now to put towards development. Hurray!

It will be great to get all 5 voted in next. However if minebts2 manages to make it's way up ahead of the pack, it will mean 3 more lenders getting their repayment then.

Now that the roadmap to 2.0 has been released, it is evident that my estimation that we are months away from realizing DPOS 2.0 was accurate. We are at least 3 months out from seeing the rollout of BitShares 2.0. So for the next few months we need to continue to press for our bid so we can get this growing.

If you have any suggestions on how we can further our delegate bid please feel free to share.

Have a great day!
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