Author Topic: Bitshares-ui won't connect to my test private node  (Read 1755 times)

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Offline Kati

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I'm trying to connect my private test network using bitshares-ui:


The wallet claims that my net is down, although nmap which i'm running via the internet shows that the port and address are accessible:

Code: [Select]
  5555/tcp open  websocket WebSocket++ 0.7.0
That is, is accessible through the internet

My main and 1st node:

Code: [Select]
witness_node --data-dir /full_path/my_net/data
And cat /full_path/my_net/data/config.ini

Code: [Select]
  p2p-endpoint =
  rpc-endpoint =
  enable-stale-production = true
  witness-id = "1.6.1"

The node has been running for about a day. Why is the wallet saying that it's down and won't connect/sync?

And sometimes the wallet is saying the opposite -- it's up but "Failed to sync with the API server, Please verify that your computer clock is correct."

Anyway, it still won't connect to and sync with it


the ip and port are obfuscated.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2017, 02:44:27 pm by Kati »