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thanks +5%

Great ideas on keyhotee project development! Invictus rules :D

Thanks for the quick response bytemaster. 
It seems as if holding a copy of the Blockchain locally would be the safest bet.
I don't quite understand what you mean by proof of work, and proof of stake, but I'm guessing it has to do with my question about whether attacks would be possible with enough hashing power.  I'll dig in to it further.  I still have lots to learn. 


--- Quote from: puppies on February 26, 2014, 07:38:55 am ---It seems to me the greatest weakness is the domain name dac.   If someone can send back a false ip with that rogue sites public key the rest falls apart.

Am I missing something about the blockchain?  Is that information built into the blockchain?  If so would there be attacks possible if you had enough hashing power?   Are you connecting to multiple sources to verify that data?   Wouldn't that be rather slow?

Basically I'm asking how I would know that the ip and public key I receive are accurate?   Layman's terms would be appreciated.

--- End quote ---

Because you have the blockchain locally or fetch it from someone whom you trust.   
The chain wouldn't be secured by proof of work, but by proof of stake.
IP is stored in blockchain.

It seems to me the greatest weakness is the domain name dac.   If someone can send back a false ip with that rogue sites public key the rest falls apart.

Am I missing something about the blockchain?  Is that information built into the blockchain?  If so would there be attacks possible if you had enough hashing power?   Are you connecting to multiple sources to verify that data?   Wouldn't that be rather slow?

Basically I'm asking how I would know that the ip and public key I receive are accurate?   Layman's terms would be appreciated.


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