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Topics - devlux

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I had a wallet at
Because I never had a fully functioning local wallet, I just memorized my "recovery key".
Obviously I know my recovery key and I would like to migrate my balances over to

Someone want to walk me through the process?
100 BTS for the person who can give me a correct answer.


p.s.  I would very much like my recovery key to remain the same, I don't think I have the brain power left to hold another one inside my head.

Technical Support / How to build this thing headlessly for Ubuntu & Mint
« on: October 14, 2015, 06:31:29 am »
I've finally managed to get this bad boy to build on Linux and I wanted to share how I managed to do it.
My server is Ubuntu 15.04 and my Desktop is Linux Mint which I think is based on 14.04 LTS, none of the directions out there really explain either setup very well, for instance they still reference "graphene". 

The method below should work fine for any recent debian based distro, note that it is not just copy/pasta from the github instructions.  I actually had to add some things that were missing like automake

Here is how to do it assuming a fresh install.

First of all don't mess around with sudo just do a
Code: [Select]
sudo /bin/bash
Now you're root.
Code: [Select]
cd /root
apt-get install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9 cmake make automake libbz2-dev libdb++-dev libdb-dev libssl-dev openssl libreadline-dev autoconf libtool git

apt-get update
apt-get install autotools-dev build-essential g++ libbz2-dev libicu-dev python-dev
wget -c '' -O boost_1_57_0.tar.bz2
[ $( sha256sum boost_1_57_0.tar.bz2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 ) == "910c8c022a33ccec7f088bd65d4f14b466588dda94ba2124e78b8c57db264967" ] || ( echo 'Corrupt download' ; exit 1 )
tar xjf boost_1_57_0.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_57_0/
./ "--prefix=$BOOST_ROOT"
./b2 install

cd /root

git clone
cd bitshares-2

If you get an error about boost not linking correctly
Code: [Select]
CC=gcc-4.9 CXX=g++-4.9 cmake .

At this point you now have the binaries built.  You should install them properly. 
I don't recommend you run it as root for obvious reasons. 
I put the binaries in /usr/bin the config files should all go into /etc/bts
You'll need an init script and you should have a bitshares user who the script will run as. 
You should also have a config.json and drop it into /etc/bts/
The working directory should be /usr/lib/bts and that directory should be owned by the bitshares user.

You should also deny login to the bitshares user by editing /etc/passwd and setting the shell to /bin/false
Then you just need to register it to services and make sure it starts at boot after the network interface is up, so run levels 3,4,5 

And it's all my fault...

Since we're working on bitasset enabled ATMs here at Gemspace, I've reached out to various liquidity providers to find ways of supplying the necessary bitUSD we will need in order to make settlement function correctly. 

Shapeshift is a natural choice, so I started a conversation with them.

They were evidently unaware of the pending move to 2.0. 
I explained what it entails and they've temporarily turned off bitshares pending the upgrade.

I don't work for them, I don't know how long it will take them to bring it back up.

However I figured I'd drop by and let you guys know, it's nothing fundamental just an upgrade.

General Discussion / bitMXN let's play!
« on: September 10, 2015, 11:19:02 pm »
Was experimenting today and found bitMXN.
This is neat because about half the gemspace staff are ex-pats living in Mexico.
The market appears to be completely empty, so I opened a test order at feed price.

Not sure if anyone else has seen this market or not. 
I'll buy at feed + 5% if someone wants to be on the sell side for a bit.
I'm willing to bet that with the ATMs coming online and a lot of them being deployed in Mexico & LATAM that this one could be a sizable market.

Technical Support / Explain it like I'm 5 challenge! (bitUSD creation)
« on: September 07, 2015, 04:20:21 pm »
I recently had a fascinating & frustrating discussion with a potential investor who is a complete crypto-noob.
This person has "kinda heard of bitcoin" but never owned or traded any sort of crypto asset.

I was trying really hard to divert him away from buying bitcoin.
Instead I wanted to interest him in buying and holding BTS.

Here's the problem.  Despite the fact that I'm working to create ATMs that deal in BTS & bitUSD directly, I could not explain in layman's terms how an individual could go about creating bitUSD for themselves.

The onus for creating bitUSD is that right now there is almost a 25% premium.  Now admittedly the market depth is crap, only $144k in total according to coinmarket cap.  So someone could easily dump $10 or $20k and push that premium down to realistic levels.  But how?

I fired up a browser, logged into, hit the exchange and suddenly found myself a bit lost.
I could not show this person how to create even a single bitUSD despite having BTS in my own account.

Can someone please create a step by step guide?
You can  assume the person has 1 BTC in a wallet somewhere like Mycelium.
You can safely assume that the person doesn't want to install anything else on their computer and is happy just doing everything via the web. 

You can assume that installing anything, especially the bitShares wallet and having to wait for blocksyncing would be a deal killer for them.

You can assume that they have a registered account already and it's sitting on
You can assume they'll buy BTS directly on metaexchange or shapeshift.
You can assume that they'll send all the BTS to their wallet and you can assume that they'll be willing to short the whole wad into bitUSD at market.

Make a nice guide with pics / screenshots and there is 1,000 BTS reward for you.

Technical Support / RPC API Reference?
« on: July 20, 2015, 01:31:19 am »
Does anyone have a link to the RPC API doc?

I'm getting a failure in something (can't disclose exactly what for security issues),
I'm not sure if I'm calling it wrong, parsing the result wrong or have something strange in my connection because the wallet is on a different box physically now whereas in dev it was on the same box in a VM container and an older client version.

I remember I had to make my own docs by doing a source code dive originally, but this really seems like the type of thing that should be documented somewhere and I'm just having a hard time sorting out where exactly.

Technical Support / ETA on 2.0?
« on: July 19, 2015, 10:10:42 pm »
I'm re-doing some infrastructure on our end that is necessary to support BTS.
Not sure why I have to rebuild this thing and resync each time I move from dev to live, but either way it's hours of work and it impacts everything in our business that relies on BTS or bitUSD.

Because of this I'm wondering if we're looking at BTS 2.0 to be released this quarter or next or if it's looking more like 2016?
I need as much lead time as possible for infrastructure and development planning.  Just shunting over in 90 days is not enough time for us to recode everything that depends on the current API.  I'm not seeing API docs for the next gen system either so I have no idea what it will entail, but everything I'm reading so far is saying the current API gets tossed out.

Thanks for any info.  It will help me sleep well tonight to know how much time I've got before I need to start working on that project.

Was re-reading this with clearer eyes...

Back a long time ago when I was testing out Bitshares I registered the account name

Someone broke into my house and stole my development computer hosting the wallet at that time.

I backed up the wallet file, but have NEVER been able to recover the account name.
There is money tied to that account, not sure what happened but the backup wallet file when imported was just empty and devoid of funds.

We're talking a few thousand in BTS & bitUSD, but what's more important is that the account name (which I had stupidly assumed would be transferable like it is in NXT), is inaccessible and represents a pretty valuable piece of intellectual property to our company.

I would like it back.  Just wondering what can be done.  If I read this correctly only names that were registered through the faucet are eligible for recovery.  I have no idea anymore if it was or wasn't.

Is there a way to find out?  Also since we're dumping names is there any process to ensure that at a minimum no one can claim our company name as their own?


General Discussion / bitUSD ATM/Kiosk
« on: July 17, 2015, 10:04:23 pm »
Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that we will be launching a new kiosk/atm that is footprint compatible with Skyhook, but all new inside and with about 1/3rd the weight.

The first batch just rolled off the assembly line yesterday and official launch is tomorrow.

I'll update this thread and post a link with more info.

This is one part of the Gemspace project and as originally promised it will have bitUSD functionality from the getgo.
Email for more details.

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