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Topics - cryptosig

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / How do I get my interest on long held assets
« on: January 14, 2016, 11:50:11 pm »
I held assets since bitshares 1 and I had periodically collected the interest on that. Now that I have switched over to bitshares 2 how do I collect the interest?

Technical Support / Howto: CLI Wallet to Web
« on: October 21, 2015, 10:13:52 pm »
Hello, I had several accounts with substantial activity. I tried to import my v1 using the web wallet but it was stuck at importing for days and never completed the import. I then tried the cli method, which worked. How can I transfer the wallet account from the cli to the web wallet? I have tried restore and import keys with no success.

General Discussion / Upgraded wallet version, stopped syncing blocks
« on: July 27, 2014, 01:35:55 am »
I went from version 0.2.1 -> 0.2.3 and I'm now seeing the following, "Severe network problems | Last block is synced 55 hours old". I tried to wallet_rescan_blockchain.



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