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Messages - kokojie

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Nubits is putting up huge numbers of volume.

Holy hell they are....over $1,000,000. Meanwhile BitUSD, relegated to the 2nd page "assets" subsection on coinmarketcap, currently shows $3,250 volume with a price of $0.948128. Dafuq? Looks pretty bad.

Nubits has people running dedicated trade bots, they are hired and paid by the developer himself, to maintain the peg to USD. It's kinda gimmicky, but it does work for now, or at least until the ICO money runs out. They have a slight advantage since they are superfocused on the USD peg, and don't have to care about anything else, Nubits does currently offer a more accurate and liquid peg to the USD than BitUSD..

At a min we need to make it easier to vote.  I don't view voter apathy as a bad thing in all cases. It is too hard to figure out how to vote. The thumbs up thumbs down would be great if it worked. I don't like the fact that I must select 101 different people in order for my vote to be counted. Why can I go through and thumb up a single delegate and the gui takes and votes my stake. Or I select 10 or 20 delegates with a check mark system and click vote stake and be done?

Wait, I believe you don't actually have to select 101 for your vote to count. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

My first suggestion would be refund the transaction fee for voting, so there is no "dis-incentive" to vote. Or if that's impossible, just pay a small fee every 30 days or so, for stakes that has voted at least 51 delegates.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTS的中文谐音就叫“百头狮” 吧
« on: November 13, 2014, 10:51:09 pm »

General Discussion / Re: make BTS more profitable from asset
« on: November 13, 2014, 02:57:20 pm »
I think this is what alt meant:
* very low fee to create an asset, but it can't be traded on bitshares market yet
* to enable the asset to actively trade on bitshares market, the creator has to pay something like 100 BTS/week
* but to reward the creator, he gets a percentage on all asset transfer/trade fee, so he has a chance to make the maintenance fee back or even make a profit if his asset is popular
* this will reduce the number of spam/low quality assets trading on bitshares market
* the creator still has the option to trade offline, (ie. send me 1 BTS, I send you 100 shares of my asset.)


Lol...just think.  If somethin like league of legends was put on bitdhares could sell those points you earn or skins you buy on sale...and make real money by playing.

If you could speculate on the price of rare skins in PLAY, that would be amazing. ;)

I'd also love to see betting on pro LoL and DoTA matches in PLAY.  Tons of people would be interested in that.

The real question is....when am I going to get to kick all your asses?  Warning ....I can only play support, mid and top :/

hah, interesting, same positions as me, though I play support teemo, mid teemo and top teemo.

BitShares PTS / Re: Keeping track of projects that make use of your PTS
« on: November 11, 2014, 02:39:11 pm »
added latest snapshot info

so delegates no longer set their own rate? every delegate get the same pay?

They are being set to 3% at the fork. It's still possible to set your own pay but it would require creating and campaigning a new delegate to justify the new pay level just as before.

someone will maintain a list of developer/marketing/special delegates?

all delegates are being set to 3%? or just the current delegates?

All delegates that are registed as delegates at the time of the hardfork. New delegates after that point will set their own payrate.

someone will maintain a list of developer/marketing/special delegates?

so delegates no longer set their own rate? every delegate get the same pay?

They are being set to 3% at the fork. It's still possible to set your own pay but it would require creating and campaigning a new delegate to justify the new pay level just as before.

all delegates are being set to 3%? or just the current delegates?

so delegates no longer set their own rate? every delegate get the same pay?

General Discussion / Is the new BTS client available?
« on: November 06, 2014, 05:34:29 pm »
Is the new BTS client available? where I could import my AGS/PTS/DNS/VOTE stakes?

If not available, when will it be available?

General Discussion / Re: BitUSD is failing HARD
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:56:01 pm »
Bter literally has zero liquidity for bitUSD.

According to coinmarketcap, bitUSD is trading at $1.02 right now on the Bitshares asset exchange, which is where you should trade bitUSD if you want to trade it, because there is nowhere else that has any liquidity.

Yeah probably because nearly nobody has any real USD on bter, it's quite difficult to deposit USD on bter.

The BTC/BitUSD trade pair is functioning much better.

My two favorites right now:
League of Legends (moba style f2p)
Path of Exile (arpg style f2p)

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares Allocations
« on: October 28, 2014, 03:02:23 pm »
what do you mean "DNS may live on - TBC"?

General Discussion / Re: Proposed Allocation for Merger
« on: October 21, 2014, 07:10:59 pm »
2 years vesting period is too long. Rather than reducing stakes for early withdrawal, just make 25% available at 6 month mark, 50% at 1 year mark, 100% available at 2 year mark etc... gradual vesting

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