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Marketplace / [metaish] Incentives for Bounty Proposal - Sketch
« on: May 05, 2014, 09:48:41 pm »
In the bountiful bounties section I argued that at least 5% of the work of getting a bounty done is getting the right person to do it - thus was implemented a reward (5% of the bounty) for anyone who could refer a bounty winner. Price fixing though it was (and pending a better solution) it gave incentives to attract the right person.

Now I suggest we expand this principle: Not only is some percent of the work getting the right person to do it, some percent of the work is knowing what needs to be done in the first place. This is where we are now; we need some way to make it attractive for people to suggest excellent, detailed bounties.

Finally, detailed bounties should include unambiguous judging criteria, but we should also think of ways to remove the bottle-neck of crucial I3 members judging/awarding each bounty; this is important for effecient use of micro-bounties, which can be extremely powerful as part of a viral campaign, and in general for getting a million small but vital things done.

Marketplace / [meta] Unofficial Introduction
« on: May 05, 2014, 09:09:38 pm »
I have been pushing for a section like this for some time now, and finally - to my own terror - it has arrived. This means that we - the regulars in this community - have great influence on what happens in the Bitshares ecosystem and thus have a great responsibility. With this section we have an even greater responsibility as we get a say in how money from the AGS fund should be spent. I invite you all to consider and argue carefully for and against any suggestion as reason and evidence dictates. The ultimate judge will be the success or not of the Bitshares Ecosystem, and we all stand to gain from collectively wishing for the optimal use of the limited funds.

I use the [meta]-tag for threads that are about bounty suggestions rather than being actual bounty suggestions.

Meta / Critique Section
« on: April 22, 2014, 12:38:38 pm »

A section of the forum for critique?

It would allow I3 to quickly gain overview of the biggest issues that the community feels need to be addressed, and a place for everyone to discuss them.

It would also prevent people from spreading, or feeling like they are spreading, "FUD" into every nook and cranny of the forum.

 +5% +5% +5%

General Discussion / marketing mislinks
« on: March 28, 2014, 11:14:20 pm »

"Sponsored by Bitshares"-logo links to instead of (also note that they air Daniel at the exact same time they air a talk of funding startups featuring tons of investors)

They link to instead of (sent the editor a mail to fix it.)

Also beware that searches for Invictus Innovations still go to, so make front-page banners on linking to ASAP.

General Discussion / Buzz up this Thread
« on: March 28, 2014, 03:22:42 pm »

At regular intervals. With sensible comments.

General Discussion / Conditional Pledging
« on: March 24, 2014, 02:28:10 pm »
Conditional Pledging

Person A: I Pledge that IF total amount pledged exceeds X, then I pledge Y.
Person B: I Pledge that IF total amount pledged exceeds X, then I pledge Y.
Person C: I Pledge that IF total amount pledged exceeds X, then I pledge Y.

And so on. At some point the conditional pledging of Y exceeds X. Now the conditional pledging can suddenly jump into reality and become actual pledging!

Why don't people pledge more often, donate to a cause more often?

Optimistic Wikipedia: If everyone reading this donated 20$ the fundraiser would be over in one hour.

Cynical Joe: But everyone won't and my funds will be useless!

Rational Joe: Why should I have faith that other people will contribute?

Powerless Joe: My contribution is a drop in the ocean, I am insignificant.

Lamenting Joe: Why should I carry the burden of everything myself?

Now you can pledge 20$ conditional on the goal being satisfied!

This was impossible before the advent of blockchain based technologies. Forget the Tragedy of the commons, now we can race ahead and become the Superrational beings we were meant to be :)

General Discussion / Emerging Narratives
« on: March 19, 2014, 06:24:49 pm »
New NXT video got me thinking: What are the emerging narratives in this space?

Anonymous, KimDotKom, Assange, Antonopoulos, TPB, The Pirate Party, Snowden ..

Privacy, free information, voluntarism and decentralization?

General Discussion / New Website
« on: March 18, 2014, 11:50:27 am »
Edit: Brian posted a sneak peek of the new site here! Yay :D

It will be at and launch this Friday.


1. How about advertising the launch of the new site on the current site with a countdown? There's still 3 days left to hype this thing. The newletter will come out any minute now and there's a lot of eyeballs on as coinmarketcap just changed the name from Protoshares to Bitshares-PTS and the 7d graph is looking better than all the others.

2. How about a subforum for discussions regarding the new site; isn't it supposed to be a very important and whole entity on its own?

Other suggestions or questions regarding the site or the launch?

Meta / Subforum for the New Site?
« on: March 18, 2014, 11:50:06 am »
I remember having lots of suggestions for the site and always having to dig through the forums to find the thread that discussed the site, and even then it was hardly easy to navigate different suggestions and aspects of the site.

If the new site is supposed to be an important entity in its own right it deserves its own section, not just a dedicated thread. Perhaps a child board of marketing, general or development. In addition there should be a huge banner on top of the forum page that links to the new website.

Keyhotee / Keyhotee Visions
« on: March 11, 2014, 11:49:12 pm »
Both Dan's excellent introduction video on Keyhotee and Stan's excellent Keyhotee Free Space Flyer leaves us with a mind-blowing impression.

In this thread I'd love to see everyone follow up on this vision. What do you think of the vision? What steps are needed to get there? What will Keyhotee become? What could Keyhotee become? What should Keyhotee become?

General Discussion / [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:24:08 pm »
This thread is just to collect volunteers for Team Viral.

Team Viral will be the core of the core active community posting, bumping, twittering, facebooking, chatting, and whatever else that fans of Bitshares can do to help spread the good message in social media.

I encourage posting alternatives to Team Viral in this [proposal] thread. Team Viral is not meant to be a [proposal] or an optimal solution, just a [social] group of people who want to help get the word out right now.

Who wants to volunteer?

General Discussion / [Invictus Proposal] Shark Tank Model
« on: March 08, 2014, 06:01:18 pm »
Shark Tank Model

Cited from the February Newsletter.

Bring us your business plan, win the hearts and minds of our community, and get past the industry leaders on our Panel of Judges at our Las Vegas Beyond Bitcoin Summit and you could win our support in incubating your new company.

What are the prizes?

Incubation, consultation, support and promotion.
In addition, there might be cash prizes. Invictus?

How do I become a finalist in the competition?

1. Start a discussion thread in our forum where you explain your idea to everyone.
2. Commit to honor the BitShares Social Contract as your first posting there.
3. Explain your qualifications, resources and the kind of start-up help you are seeking.
4. Submit a synopsis (2000 words max) as a .pdf file published in your forum thread.
5. Be chosen as a finalist by our “shark tank” Panel of Judges.

Proposed judging criteria

1. Business model. How does your DAC make money for its shareholders?
2. Technical approach. What are the underlying technologies you will use?
3. Regulatory environment. Have you selected a favorable legal jurisdiction?
4. Team Qualifications. Does your proposed company have what it takes to succeed?
5. Diversity. Does your company bring participation from other
regions of the globe.
6. Popularity. How much donation-backed grass-roots support do you have?

What happens if I become a finalist?

If you were chosen as a finalist, we can help set up an “angel shares” style escrow account for you to receive donations from patrons who believe in your idea and want to capture an early stake in it.

It would be up to you to define a proposed social consensus that will attract donations to your cause. This is a way the BitShares community could “vote” for your idea and the amount you raise by some deadline would be a factor in the judges’ decision.

Then you might be invited to do the following:
1. Submit a formal proposal (10,000 words max) following rules to be published.
2. Present a 30-minute sales pitch to our judges and audience in Las Vegas.
3. Participate in a 20-minute question period with our audience and judges.

After up to five finalists have presented, the judges would announce the first BitShares shark tank
winner. Even if you don’t win, the publicity and support gathered from the competition would give all finalists a big head start. The result could be up to five new DACs for PTS and AGS holders to own and support.

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