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Messages - matt608

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General Discussion / Re: New Blog Post - Join the BitShares Community!
« on: December 22, 2014, 10:11:00 pm »
I would reduce the first paragraph to just:
"The BitShares community is a group of individuals who are looking to change the world through innovation and cooperation."

and reduce point 3 to just:
"When you buy BitShares you become a voting member of our community and can help contribute to the governance of our community. By owning BitShares you have put your money where your mouth is and get to share in the wealth produced by our growing community."  That explains it perfectly, no need for the over-selling.

Other wise I thought it was great.

General Discussion / Interview with Preston Byrne from Eris Industries
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:36:52 pm »
Preston Byrne is a BitShares critic.  This interview is slightly technical and is about his crypto startup Eris Industries. I thought it might interest devs.  Its long but dense with content.

One thing he says: "The software is free, the services are not".

BitShares UIAs will cost a fee to issue.  What if issuance was free but customisation services cost money?  A delegate could be like a UIA consultant/designer.

Any other thoughts on this vid?  It sounds potentially like a big deal.

Price feed published + version updated and published! 

You can provide more reliability by publishing your version.

And please consider publishing price feed and slate if possible; the former shows your ability of responsible delegate, and the latter will build healthy network among delegates.

Price feed published + version updated and published! Thanks to Riverhead for walking me though it.

Thoughtful comments here please.  Avoid mentioning BitShares as it would set of alarm bells and very short posts like 'great vid!' are best not bothered with.  Just talk about UIAs and what could be done with them.  We just want people to watch the video.  Lets get a big discussion going, long posts (3 lines minimum please, unless your posting a question) well crafted, don't spam it and don't mention BitShares if at all possible!  Let the vid do the selling.

General Discussion / Re: Remove "Bit"
« on: December 22, 2014, 10:34:21 am »
Imagine an exchnage pairing USD with USD.
"Just send us your USD and you can trade it with USD"  :D

No need to trade USD/BitUSD

Just 1:1

BitUSD is like an altcoin to USD, it's pointless

If it's 1:1 how come it's trading between 0.91 and 0.99 here:

The price is different on bter because bitUSD on bter aren't actual bitUSD, they are effectively an iou from bter for bitUSD, or bterbitUSD, just like the bitcoin price is a little different on each exchange.  The price is lower on bter because there is low liquidity resulting in a high spread, caused by there being low demaned for bterbitUSD.  People don't bother buying it up because it costs more in fees to get money into bter and there are only a few sellers.  You can withdraw bitUSD from bter (redeeming the iou) and it will be worth 1:1 against the USD, but it would have cost you more to buy, hence the discount, which balences things out. 

At least I think I've got that right.  bter could become a gateway and issue a bitUSD iou which they call an iou and can be traded against other ious outside of bter.  At the moment the ious have to be kept on the exchange and are just called the same thing as the asset/coin, when in reality they are an iou held on the exchange.

Brilliant!  +5%
Max Keiser should know about this.

The vids on the front of r/bitcoin, it's a hit!

It's the best episode yet by far.

This is a great episode btw if you've not watched it yet.  The whole thing is packed with good info. :)

Technical Support / Re: No creating of UIAs possible in the moment?
« on: December 21, 2014, 07:22:02 pm »
I heard they aren't enabled at the moment but there's a release coming out in the near future with UIA features enabled.  Can't remember where I read that, on the forum somewhere.

DevShares / Re: How to increase the value of Devshares
« on: December 21, 2014, 07:16:26 pm »
OK, so PTS + AGS have particularly useful people to strongly incentivise who are technical and maybe ideologically aligned making the drop about more than fulfilling the social contract (and what seemed like 'over-fulfilling' it in my mind).  Point taken. 

66% being dropped on the just devs was a bit of an exaggeration, I don't know the distribution I just presume PTS+AGS are less evenly distributed with more larger founder stakes than BTS which has much higher trading volume.

Market cap has value as a sharedrop distribution factor because it could be used to pay a delegate to work on DVS or as BM suggested to buy DVS.

Keeping PTS + AGS alive makes explaining BitShares more complicated, that's a reason not to drop on them.  When you get to the part about explaining about the occasional sharedrops you have to then explain PTS + AGS.  Admittedly this isn't a major part of BTS due its massive feature set, but still, it confuses an already very complex message and will inevitably cause some BTS buyers to give up.  Also better to nip it in the bud or the distribution squabbling will happen every time.

All else I can say is BTS drop does incentive PTS + AGS due to the BTS drops on those chains, so PTS + AGS are being over-incentivized, and pure BTS holders under-incentivized.  If a truly even drop on all 3 groups was desired then it would be more like 20/20/60 or 15/15/70.

I'll leave it at that as I'm starting to repeat myself.

DevShares / Re: How to increase the value of Devshares
« on: December 21, 2014, 06:29:31 pm »
Let's NOT try to drive the price of DVS up! Calling it "devshares" doesn't mean it's supposed to be paying for devs!

This whole thread is driving me nuts and is taking the wrong perspective. Next you'll be angry about some injustice about some DVS transfer. I seriously want to put a master key all the devs know with the ability to print 1 trillion more shares for people to understand how DVS should be treated.

lol, I'm not actually angry, just doing back of the napkin calculations leading me to find enough $ is at stake by the sharedrop allocation to fund my brief 'squabbling' campaign :p  If DVS went to 10million market cap (unlikely) a holder with 1million BTS (0.04% of BTS, then divided by 3 for DVS)would get about $1300, or $4000 if it was 100% BTS sharedrop.  I'm guessing there will be a DVS bubble/pump at some point which could result in 10million market cap for a short period, if it only made it to $5million that's still $2k per million BTS with 100% sharedrop.  BM estimated somewhere it might be worth around 7million, which which case for anyone with over a million BTS few $kusd is at stake from the sharedrop allocation.

I accept I could be thinking about it wrong way and it might not ever be worth that much, or that if it was BTS would be doing very well too so it wouldn't matter.

I sometimes have the opposite feeling, that bitUSD is more shiny than and old farty USD, but that's just me lol.

Its possible that the bitassets could carry a premium over the real asset because bitshares offers a yield.

+ better transferability (if the other person can receive it, as in global, can send it to a name rather than a bank account) + privacy.

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