Author Topic: Commitee Proposal - Increase account creation fee to 95BTS  (Read 13600 times)

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Offline mf-tzo

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I oppose to increase the fees at this point.

You call these people spammers but they might have other business objectives that may bring value to bts.

Have you thought that some people may want to register many names and then offer them in the future for free to new members attracting them to in the ecosystem by offering them their desired name?

Don't just make a decision because someone says so. Bring Vote or something and vote based on stake and don't change anything just yet when most people haven't even started to use the new bts2.

Offline Thom

Mindflux now has both a witness and a committee member.  Is this not frowned upon?

I back mindphlux as a witness nut have not researched his posts to assess his alignment with my philosophical point of view.

I do endourse the proposal to raise account registration fees to 95 BTS.
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Mindflux now has both a witness and a committee member.  Is this not frowned upon?

Offline bytemaster

We will increase the fees today unless someone suggests otherwise.
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Offline topcandle

wanted to spur further discussion as well.  I think we should think about increasing cost for names that don't have any numbers.  even if it is split with a dash or a period " . "  it should still cost as much as a normal username | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline alt

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Offline mindphlux

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That is a code change, not a parameter change like I am proposing. You require a worker proposal for a code change and funding to do this change. I'm only intend to do the parameter for now, to see how the spammers react.
Please consider voting for my witness mindphlux.witness and my committee user mindphlux. I will not vote for changes that affect witness pay.

Offline topcandle

I think another change should be used sign ups shouldn't get 80% fee back.  Also how can we consider squatting fee? | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Harvey

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Offline BTSdac

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Offline santaclause102

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Dear community,

we're still being attacked by people that run bots to create domain-like names on our blockchain, hoping to sell them one day.

playgame registered by btxlaomo registered by btxlaomo registered by btxlaomo
acc.hulu registered by buycoin
acc.pray registered by buycoin 
acc.jianguo registered by buycoin
acc.creative registered by buycoin 
bts.yourporn registered by buycoin registered by buycoin 
acc.tudou registered by buycoin registered by buycoin 

It seems that over 3000 accounts were created since launch. BM has adjusted the creation fee to 5 BTS. Unfortunately after lifetime cashback, that equals a 1BTS fee, which is not enough to deterrent those spammers.

Therefore, I propose to adjust the account creation fee to 95 BTS. This equals a net fee of 19 BTS after 80% cashback. Since the fee is still below 100 BTS, it will not vest for 90 days, thus causing no trouble for our public faucets.

Please vote for my commitee member mindphlux. I will send a transaction at around 8PM GMT+2 to change the fee, if I get enough votes.

Best regards

I know Mindphlux in person and have worked together with him on a few projects. He is a reliable and hard working individual and an excellent programmer! He has my trust.  +5%
I will vote when I get home.

Offline betax

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Offline spartako

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