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Messages - anycoin

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General Discussion / Re: What does mining mean for this project?
« on: December 25, 2014, 03:33:24 am »
Script Asics are inexpensive now.....not really anymore than gpu rigs so I dont think that  using script and or sha256 would really hurt most hobby miners.  I use a couple of gridseeds for playing..testing whatever you call it, script coins.

BitShares PTS / Ypool PTS
« on: December 23, 2014, 04:03:11 am »
Should ypool not be shutting down their pts pool?  I have been mining on it and it is taking about 6 weeks to confirm blocks I suppose due to the change to DPOS. My question is when they do confirm are they going to be valid,
Or did I just waste time?

I installed .4.24.6 and after the blockchain download and syncing completed the message went away. I am using the GUI wallet.  I have not had a reason to try any transfers. I was getting that same message on .4.24.1 and all my dates changed(transaction history) wierd stuff.  A vote that I had made with the other version seemed to disappear.

Technical Support / Snapshots
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:43:11 am »
Does it matter if your wallet is running/open/closed etc during this process. I had mine offline during the sparkle snapshot which I believe was today......machine maintenance. Or is it done based on the blockchain info and does not matter? Basicaly how does a snapshot does it measure holdings?

Technical Support / Re: upgrade questions/problems
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:04:10 am »
Found a yast installable qt version and it read my old wallet ok......I did provide the correct password the cli version was giving me a headache but the qt  read my wallet file problem is its showing transactions but a 0 balance.  I assume because it needs to download the blockchain.

Technical Support / upgrade questions/problems
« on: December 15, 2014, 04:41:22 am »
My client started reporting all transaction dates in the year 1969 and I was not recieving shares some time ago.  After checking here I saw that my client needed upgrading and that the current release had some problems. I waited and installed .04.2.6 I believe is the number. It is the latest release as of  12/14.  I am using opensuse linux 64bit.  After recieving the errors I renamed my old bitshare directory and let it rebuild the .bitshares. I ran the QT interface and it asked for new password etc.  Which I set it to the same password as before. I then attempted to import the wallet file and it asked for a passphrase...........I do not remember ever
creating a passphrase......this is the first  It of course would not let me continue and Im dead...The QT interface did not acknowledge the upgrade either so I assume I have to reinstall that also. So, to simplify this here are my questions.
1) How to recover my bitshares
2) do I need to rebuild the QT wallet or can it be done yet for (Linux)
3) What in the world did I do wrong here??
Thank-you for the assistance.

Great site.....there needs to be a download link for linux.......I only saw  Windows and Mac

General Discussion / Re: * GENERAL WARNING *
« on: December 08, 2014, 04:31:21 am »
Heard and understood.....of course I understood when I signed up......

Technical Support / Mining
« on: December 02, 2014, 01:11:31 pm »
Are there any PTS pools left besides ypool??

spoke to soon it seemed to run all afternoon and it dropped off again and wont login....not sure what the issue is except maybe to much latency? whats funny is my cpu is on the X11 port with no problems.

It logged onto 4445  it is showing 1.71mh and I only have 680 kh other than that I am getting credited with shares.

Alright now its getting stranger.....port 4444 shows dead but 4445 and 4446 both work. Only problem is the diff is probably to high for my little 5 chip grids.  I dont see a way to post a screen shot but  I have all three listed and
only 4444 shows dead. If someone else has a Gridseed Orb to try it out with would be cool. In the meantime Im going to google this around and see if I can find any hints. I dont really want to change their configuration file as
it works with every other pool and I dont want to frig up the mining OS.

im using a distro called pimp to control the gridseeds. I just set it up again with the same results....I will have to ssh in and get the config file....Its odd it works for every other pool. Will post it tonight after work
Thanks for the reply.

Ive been trying to logon to your pool and the low diff script port reports dead. I  have two gridseeds and they wont do X11. Also trying to compile a version of cpu miner to access the X11, but the script option would be easier.


This is much appreciated....thank-you in advance. Is there not some way for a newb to earn it?

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