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Messages - registeringishard

Pages: [1]
The latest client actually has integration with a registration faucet. We should use it!

@registeringishard I sent you some BTS.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 

I'll pay you back in a few days as promised, and I'll make sure I get the latest client, and ditch this username.

Can someone please help me register an account?

 I own a ton of bitshares on exchanges, and it's just ridiculous that I'm in a forum, begging to make a wallet work. 

Account Key: BTSX7T1G42Q9M9PuKmtAFNkwkUUH2vCdEkd6LN88dVMCmwE5bmQSex

Is this really this hard??

For the first 3 people that send me enough to register an account, I will send you 20x back.

How does anyone think bitshares will survive when it is this hard to register??  I'm just really baffled by this.


New here. I prefer not to use the faucet because it requires Google or Twitter.  Could someone send me a few BTS for testing and registration?  Thanks!

Account Key: BTS6z3aVq3KNH1fpPku3qWPQmNBGWkxLL7jAffoCojaJ5EVuBU88W

There's also the problem that the faucet doesn't work anyway. 

I try to register every now and then so I can ditch this username, but no dice.  I've purchased many bitshares through an exchange, but I can't get a wallet to work...    If I hadn't already purchased so much, I would have given up by now. 


Help appreciated.

Technical Support / Re: How to change a username?
« on: November 10, 2014, 08:57:32 pm »
Thanks for your help.

I suppose I will start all over, and pick a username that no one could possibly want.  But that's not how people act normally, so that's something devs need to care about.  If this currency will fly, it needs to be easily adoptable, and what a fail that is right now.  Try to register a username anywhere, and you'll be told it is taken within seconds, and then given a chance to find a new one on the same screen.  That's 1998 technology. 

Anyway, much appreciated.  Bitshares seems too far forward regarding blockchain technology to be missing the mark on very elementary user registration issues.  Even if it takes 10 minutes to find out that a username cannot be duplicated, there should be an easy way to change.  Maybe I don't understand the issues involved.

Technical Support / How to change a username?
« on: November 10, 2014, 05:25:11 pm »
So...  I need some help.

I purchased BTSX on an exchange several months ago.

I decided I wanted it in my own wallet so I could try things out.  I downloaded the wallet. 

I posted in the forum, and someone was kind enough to send me .5 BTSX so I could register a username.

As a newbie, of course, I chose a username that was already taken.  Since then, I've been unable to change it.

So...  within the wallet, how do I change my username so I can register it?  The client tells me my current username is taken every time I start it.  As far as I can tell, I can't change the username.

Do I need to start all over, and ask for another donation?  If I didn't already own a bunch of BTSX, I'd have given up by now.  If a username is rejected, it should be easy to try another.

So, what do I do now?  For new users, this is going to be  problem that will hinder adoption. It was hard enough to find the registration ID, and I'm far from new to the internet or software.  These are rather big hurdles, that don't really need to be hurdles. 

Technical Support / Re: Support Tipping Thread
« on: October 29, 2014, 09:00:52 pm »
I am sure we can find some more helpful people around ..

onceuponatime will surely be on the next list again :)

onceuponatime just sent me my first BTSX!

Trying to complete registration, if anyone can help.


I had a hard time figuring out how to do it...  For anyone else that may need to know...  Here is what I did for a windows machine (and I still have to only hope this was correct, as I had to spend a lot of time fumbling around...)

Go here - [nevermind - I'm not allowed to post links...]  Click download.

Run the setup program.

Inside the client, go to "My Accounts" and click on the name you unsuccessfully tried to register.  Then click on the "keys" tab, and you will see your key next to "Account Key"

Then come here, register for the forum, confirm email, ask for help, and then I'll try again.

Anything there sound wrong to anyone?  Is there something easier?

Does everyone here have to answer 2 captchas before each post, or is that just because I'm new?


Thanks.  I'll be sure to help others, but likely under a new username.

Trying to complete registration, if anyone can help.


I had a hard time figuring out how to do it...  For anyone else that may need to know...  Here is what I did for a windows machine (and I still have to only hope this was correct, as I had to spend a lot of time fumbling around...)

Go here - [nevermind - I'm not allowed to post links...]  Click download.

Run the setup program.

Inside the client, go to "My Accounts" and click on the name you unsuccessfully tried to register.  Then click on the "keys" tab, and you will see your key next to "Account Key"

Then come here, register for the forum, confirm email, ask for help, and then I'll try again.

Anything there sound wrong to anyone?  Is there something easier?

Does everyone here have to answer 2 captchas before each post, or is that just because I'm new?

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