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Topics - taskmanager

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General Discussion / IFLTPOOL UIA
« on: August 19, 2017, 12:42:57 am »
[b]IFLTPOOL Bitshares UIA[/b]

Inflationcoin (IFLT) POS mining pool. Exchangeable 1:100 for Inflationcoin (1 IFLTPOOL=100 IFLT).

IFLT pool at address: iLj7ek7DMhEJycFToXVZTxsFnbLZ814vZ9

Pool pays out monthly in OPEN.BTC or IFLTPOOL based on the percentage of IFLTPOOL owned.

Contact to exchange IFLTPOOL for IFLT

(Initial sales of IFLTPOOL will go towards adding IFLT to the POS pool. When part of the pools mined IFLT is sold, dividends will be paid in OPEN.BTC. When mined IFLT is saved to increase the value of the pool, IFLTPOOL will be paid as dividends .)

** This pool is owned and operated by Taskmanager Holdings, a regestered business in Atlantic Canada. This token is not available to citizens of the United States.

By purchasing this token you agree that:

1. You are not a citizen of the Untied States of America
2. This token does not constitute ownership of anything besides the token itself.
3. Payments may be delayed.
4. Taskmanager Holdings or any of it's employees are not liable for any loss if the pool gets hacked, destroyed, damaged or dividends are sent to the wrong payment address.

If the pool shuts down all IFLT (- 5%) in the pool will be sold for BTC and all IFLTPOOL will be bought back via the IFLTPOOL:OPEN.BTC market.

Follow @taskmanager on steemit to keep up to date and get reports on TASKMANAGER and IFLTPOOL

General Discussion / TASKMANAGER Asset Info
« on: January 16, 2017, 07:41:03 pm »
TASKMANAGER is the core token of the TaskManager project, it funded the @taskmanager steemit account and will fund any future TaskManager projects. TASKMANAGER is earned in small amounts by steemit users for completing steemit related tasks.

Holding a certain amount of TASKMANAGER (at this time 50) in their bitshares account, qualifies the steemit user to be added to an autovote bot. This bot will use the @taskmanager steemit account to vote on their blog posts, giving a real world value to TASKMANAGER. Once you have 50 TASKMANAGER just let me know by commenting on any recent @taskmanager post, and I will verify and add you to the bot.

Every time @taskmanager makes a steemit blog post, a certain percentage of the liquid STEEM earned is placed into savings, to be used to buyback and burn (reserve) TASKMANAGER with OPEN.STEEM. This is the primary buyback mechanism for TASKMANAGER, but not the only.

An ever expanding "minimum value" buyback is also now in place. This will give TASKMANAGER a minimum value in certain assets, buy having a buy order for all the TASKMANAGER in circulation (this excludes the TASKMANAGER being HELD by me for now) with these assets. To begin with these expanding buybacks will be in OPEN.STEEM, OPEN.BTC, BTS and COMPUCEEDS. As time goes on the amount of each buy will increase based on income from steemit and bitshares trading. The hope is that this amount will grow to the point of allowing permanent liquidity for TASKMANAGER. This of course will take some time.

Taskmanager Accounts

task-manager - This is the main bitshares account for TaskManager, it pays out TASKMANAGER to steemit users and is responsible for the monthly burn. After the monthly buyback any unused TASKMANAGER in this account is burned (reserved), including any from the "minimum value" buyback.

@taskmanager - This is the steemit account for TaskManager and funds most of the buyback. Other steemit accounts may be added in the future with their own use cases and specialty.

taskmanager1 - taskmanager1 is a value storage account for TASKMANAGER. Planned future share drops will come from this account. Bitshares asset giveaways to attract steemit users to bitshares trading will also be funded by this account. Trading from this account will help build up the "minimum value" buyback. Buys are in place across various assets in TASKMANAGER for this account. So volume on BTS:TASKMANAGER will bring the trading bots into action and add value to this account. If at any time I hold less then 50% of TASKMANAGER, a voting system will be put into effect, relating to any taskmanager1 fund decisions.

taskmanager-hardware - an account to fund TaskManager hardware purchases in BTC. Looking to set up a bitshares and steem witness node. These nodes would pay back to the task-manager account for buyback purposes.

Information and News
All new information and news relating to TASKMANAGER and any projects related to it will be posted on steemit first. If you want to keep up on whats happening with TASKMANAGER get yourself a steemit account and follow @taskmanager. This will also keep you up to date on any steemit contests or posts that are willing to pay you!

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