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Messages - Bitshiz

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Technical Support / Re: Missing balance
« on: February 19, 2015, 05:00:24 am »
So I imported a couple other keys and rescanned and it eventually worked today. So I am guessing that my first account made which was not the one missing funds must be like a parent account and must be added in order for my other account to show a balance. Just a guess. Either that or it takes over 16 hours to regenerate keys that are linked to the account with missing funds.

Anyway, it's all good now.

Thanks for the help.

Technical Support / Re: Missing balance
« on: February 18, 2015, 03:05:02 pm »
If you haven't made any market orders you should be all fine with a plain an simple "rescan" in the console (upper right corner -> advanced -> "console" tab)

Else we also have a wiki page for this

Rest assured that as long as you have ay backup you will get access to your funds ..

I have rescanned about 8 times. I imported another private key and it had funds. Sent to my missing funds account and it shows up but without the original funds showing up. I also tried importing the backup wallet that was saved with all my accounts and got an error that it could not be done. I will try again and post error message. So I have private keys and back up wallet and nothing is working. It's 107K BTS that is missing.

Technical Support / Missing balance
« on: February 18, 2015, 06:59:24 am »
I have windows 7 and version 0.6.1 of Bitshares. I got stuck at the login screen and was unable to get into wallet. I deleted AppData files because I have saved my private keys elsewhere.
 I was able to get into new wallet and import keys, but no balance is showing up. My trans history is there but no balance. I have also tried to regenerate 50000 keys and nothing.

Any other tips?

Technical Support / Re: Config file setup? Any how to?
« on: November 22, 2014, 09:29:03 pm »
Oh, and yes my Windows recognizes python. But maybe I am not executing right too. Could some on also post the command for the python script in windows if it is different in some way?

Technical Support / Config file setup? Any how to?
« on: November 22, 2014, 09:26:32 pm »
I can't get any of the market maker scripts or even a price feed script to work because I think my config file is set up wrong?

I am using windows 7. I created a config file, but should I be editing he config.json in a vi editor or something or is it a new file?

Also what should be in that file besides the Rpc user and pass?

General Discussion / Re: Contingency Planning?
« on: March 27, 2014, 11:58:12 pm »
I thought everything is based around BTS. BTS would be used as collateral, therefore dictating how much you could buy or short. If colateral is 2x requirement and BTS is $100, you could buy 100 bitUSD or short 50 bitUSD. If BTS goes up, long bitUSD lose and if BTS goes down short bitUSD everything is pegged to the dollar price of BTS not individual assets. This way it makes BTS more valuable. What am i missing here?
That the [Bitcoin / USD] price might change, but the [BitBTC / BitUSD] price might not change (because, for example, BitUSD decoupled from USD), which would render the BitSharesX exchange useless, and produce a mass selloff where all BitAssets become the same near-zero value.

I am still not seeing it. BTS is the anchor. The "standard". Right? Everything has to breakdown to BTS' intrinsic value which unfortunately will always expressed in terms of dollars (at least for the near future). I guess I'm not understanding what you mean by decoupling.

General Discussion / Re: Contingency Planning?
« on: March 27, 2014, 05:51:21 pm »
I thought everything is based around BTS. BTS would be used as collateral, therefore dictating how much you could buy or short. If colateral is 2x requirement and BTS is $100, you could buy 100 bitUSD or short 50 bitUSD. If BTS goes up, long bitUSD lose and if BTS goes down short bitUSD everything is pegged to the dollar price of BTS not individual assets. This way it makes BTS more valuable. What am i missing here?

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