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Messages - random_user

Pages: [1]
BitShares PTS / Re: PTS Stolen ( and i've never been hacked before ).
« on: December 20, 2013, 02:18:40 am »
I'm out with this crypto bullshit.

I've lost like ~4/5 PTS. I was trying to secure my alts, booted live debian @ virtualbox, encrypted drive ok.

Cloned source of protoshare-qt,  compiled.

I've got new adress wow cool. Then shit happend. I've sent 2PTS to test it, it received, cool.

But when i tryed to send it back something weird happend. Transaction was stuck (0 confirms) too long.

I've checked coinplorer = nothing, transaction id, doesnt exist to this day! (it was like +4 days wtf).

I found some help on bitcoin forum that said when you are stuck (with btc) you should resend/reimport keys to new wallet (so did i).

New wallet was created (all on encrypted virtualbox debian) old address imported and what i saw was like this:

Status: 925 confirmations
Date: 12/15/13 19:48
To: something-else-wtf?
Debit: -1.98999999 PTS
To: my-address-
Debit: -0.01 PTS
Transaction fee: -0.00000001 PTS
Net amount: -2.00 PTS
Transaction ID: ----cut----

PTS which should be back to my address was sent to some fucker, and i've received 0.01 and still don't know why.

I'm fucking tired of this shit. I know i will never see my PTS/nobody will/can help me.

Similar thing happend when i've tryed to send PTS to cryptsy, they never make it and network/??? sent it to some other address.

And no i don't have fucking virus in my live debian/encrypted drive.

~peace out

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