Other > Keyhotee

Check this out, another encryped email system



I saw this.  I am tempted to sign up.

Bitmessage is simply not email.  When you want to communicate you have to either introduce someone to bitmessage or find someone already using it.  Correct ?

THis is why I pushed for an email DAC so that DACs can interface with emails.  (Even if they can't be fully trusted..)  If not that type of DAC, I believe one could make a DAC similar to the project in the OP.  It would also step on keyhotee's toes.  I'm really not interested in another communication systemw until it has widespread adoption.  I don't see anything taking over email anytime soon... so other options all seem like a deadend to me.  If I had a circle of peers using some other technology, then sure.. but everyone uses email.

I dont get it? Is it centralized? Bitmesseage works fine for me

"CERN Scientists Launch Encrypted Email Service With a Difference"

The official website


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