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Messages - Russ Hanneman

Pages: 1 [2]
Random Discussion / Re: BitShares Insider Trading Network
« on: June 12, 2015, 02:24:06 pm »
This weeks BITN Sekret Inside Trader Hangout Transcripts ...,16828.msg215616.html#msg215616,16861.msg215930.html#msg215930

Knock Knock. Who's there? This guy! Russ here, I've just listened to these fantastic new hangout sessions with all of the BITN members and I must say -- it's time to buy you all out!

Alright fellas what are we doing here? Make your offers losers, cause if you don't sell out now -- actually it would be better if you did, so make your offers -- but, try to keep them under 1500 Satoshi. Remember, I put a little thing called "the radio" on another thing called "the internet", and that's how I made $1.2 B by the time I was 22 years young. Now a couple of decades later, I'm worth $1.4 -- you do the math. I mean seriously, I'm a genius, right? As soon as this I3DIOT idea takes off I'm on my way to rebillionizing.

Random Discussion / Opportunity of a Lifetime - ACT NOW!
« on: June 12, 2015, 09:11:59 am »
I'm Russ Hanneman. I'm rich and you recognize me from TV, so let me ask you something.

Have you ever had In-N-Out?

No, you haven't.

So here's my idea!

I want to put this in your house :

and connect it to this :

using this :

I'm calling it the Internet 3D In-n-Out Takeout (I3DIOT.)

Who's with me?!

Don't do what you should do. Do what you want.

I mean, should I pay $100,000 for a 3D food printer just to get an In-N-Out burger at my house? Of course not. But I do it anyway cause I want it.

I'm counting on you Erlich, come join me bro!

Russ Hanneman
Financier Extraordinaire

I want to see if his strategic direction is in line with Russ and I's ideas that we have been discussing following our mega percentage stake increase in this cute little microcap corporation.

We've already put this thing called "money" on a new thing called "the blockchain", when no one was doing it, so you know we'll be Hoovering up the deals in no time.

We will be watching your progress, and voting exclusively for dev projects that only serve in Russ and I's personal financial interests.  In the meantime, go ahead and start pitching the ideas for future development, so we can begin discussing our options.  Sophisticated investors like ourselves always have our eyes on the future, so it behooves you to begin singing for your lunch son.

And after you've finished singing -- Tequila for everyone!

Sleep easier knowing that investors like Russ and I have your back next time the shit goes down.

I've got some bad news on that front Erlich. Due to a series of bad investments my money guy let me talk him into, I'm no longer the billionaire you've looked up to all these months, I'm a $986,000aire -- and that's not even a real thing. If you round down, I'm a Zeroaire! I mean, functionally I'm just like you Erlich, and f*** that's depressing. I've lost nearly $200 mio on an insider NXT pump and I'm out of the three comma club. My only hope to restore my sad existence to it's former self is to pump & dump Feathercoin beyond imagination. If this doesn't work, the next thing you know I'll be on Forbes, "Close but no cigar" list, which is ironic, because I smoke a fu**ton of cigars.

Russ Hanneman
Financier Extraordinaire

Technical Support / Re: "High" Transaction Fees
« on: June 11, 2015, 07:53:54 am »
"Radio on Internet"

sorry, I just thought that Russ was around.

Did you put Radio on the Internet? No, I did. So stop riding my jock and drink some tequila with me!

Random Discussion / Re: BitShares Insider Trading Network
« on: June 10, 2015, 01:12:35 am »
You've taken my masterpiece thread and ruined it Russ. You might as well put a Tequila bottle on my delete key.

Just because you're the guy in the house doing all the _______ doesn't mean you get to talk to me like this Tuck. You were fired -- deal with it.

Why are we billionaires treated so poorly?

Gavin Belson once argued that, "billionaires are actually treated worse than the Jews, and we didn't even do anything wrong".


Fine ,fine .After  we have tequila.
BitShares market capitalization will be 1 billion dollars.

I'll take some of that tequila!

I got three nannies suing me right now -- one of them for no reason.

No, I’m totally kidding, I’m defusing tension with humor -- we settled out of court.

Boys, BitShares will soon be joining me in the 3 Comma Club!

You will never be subjected to the doors of the commoner again ---

In the near future, you will have the doors of a billionaire --

Russ Hanneman
Financier Extraordinaire

Technical Support / Re: [Account maintenance costs]
« on: June 09, 2015, 11:38:12 pm »
I just noticed your $8 million bank account.  Are you going to be using this to complete the funding for the Moonstone project?

I understand that your current cash burn rate only allows for a few years of development at current prices, but the growth you would get from such an investment must have crossed your mind.

I can't help but read this in Erlich's voice.

Random Discussion / Re: BitShares Insider Trading Network
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:55:42 pm »

PoI - Proof of Immunity

The BITN is happy to announce our new, "Proof of Immunity" asset.

With PoI or bitPoI as we're calling it, you're immune to any insider trading investigations. The more "Proof of Immunity" you own, the more immune you are, it's that simple!

But wait, it gets better!

We don't actually have an asset ready to role out or a company formed, I mean basically we're untraceable at this point, so what better way to get this ball rolling than with a fundraiser, amirite!?

To ease any concerns, here are a few photos I've randomly selected from LinkedIn profiles of individuals who may or may not be aware they one day, with your donations, will work on the PoI team and help you join the 3 Comma Club, like me!

Sunny King
Satoshi Nakamoto

This is not a complete list, it's just a teaser.

Other dev's that are unaware they will be working for us, once fundraising is complete, include : Evan Duffield, Charlie Lee, Jackson Palmer and all of the dev's working at the Corona Dapp Network (of course!).

Start donating to your immunity today!

Random Discussion / Re: BitShares Insider Trading Network
« on: June 03, 2015, 09:44:46 pm »
BITN Resources

If you know of a sekrut BITN tool not listed here, please post it for all BITN members benefit.

Random Discussion / Re: BitShares Insider Trading Network
« on: June 03, 2015, 01:02:53 am »
sign me up for the planktonclub lol :D

You should also join the BITN. Why? Because you can't prove that joining the BITN won't make you a member of the three comma club, therefore it will.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: 100% - Delegate for Chronos
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:48:03 pm »
Keep in mind that I am managing 77M BTS that belong to a whale who was never an I3 stakeholder and could demand them at any time.     

I'm here to confirm that it's not me, but it could be a member of the BITN.

Random Discussion / Re: BitShares Insider Trading Network
« on: June 02, 2015, 01:26:28 am »
I like what I see here, so I bought you out Tuck. By the way, you're fired.

We all, well, all except Tuck, will be joining the three comma club my friends, Tequila for everyone!

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