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Messages - jbperez808

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Re: witness_node.exe keeps crashing
« on: July 16, 2017, 09:27:47 am »
Is there a new windows binary as well?

Also, what is the reason for the crash and why does it require an update?

Technical Support / witness_node.exe keeps crashing
« on: July 13, 2017, 05:44:33 pm »
I can't seem to run a witness_node nowadays without it crashing.  I've tried deleting object_database/ and witness_node_data_dir/
and sync-ing from scratch and it doesn't help either.

Has anything changed?

I think even for my linux-compiled version, same thing is happening.

Technical Support / Re: Failed to sync with the API server
« on: July 10, 2017, 08:06:19 pm »
Stopped working on my end, now failing to sync again. :(

Technical Support / Re: Failed to sync with the API server
« on: July 10, 2017, 06:15:17 pm »
I'm also having the same problem now. None of the listed Full Node API servers are working. All are giving the "failed to sync with the API" error message.

It looks like has the same problem...

UPDATE: Hmm... very annoying...

I had to adjust date/time on my Windows machine by turning off "set time automatically" then turning it on again...

It then started working again.

Thanks svk and all the others who have been answering my questions.

While I keep encountering issues in trying to familiarize myself with the Bitshares ecosystem and it definitely has many rough edges that need to be addressed, the posters in this forum have so far been able to help with all of them and quite quickly too.

You guys are the ones who help convince newbies like me to continue to stick with learning the platform and hopefully we can one day do our share to contribute to helping Bitshares become better and more popular.

In this particular case a helpful message that indicates that the client has decided to connect to a working api server from an internal list would go a long way to demystifying its operation.

I'm running the Bitshares2-Light client on Windows and from how I understand it, you choose the Full Node API server to connect to from Settings | Access.

I point it to ws:// where I usually run my own witness_node.exe.

The strange thing is that even if I am not running witness_node.exe the client is working and showing exchange information?!?

So I do a netstat to see what is going on and I see it connecting to 2 addresses: and

These don't seem to be on the dropdown list of the Full Node API servers.

What is going on?

Yes it is.

The community must acknowledge it and fix the design to make Bitshares friendlier. That is how Bitshares is going to grow.

Maybe upon familiarity it is actually easier than it seems to be at first, but beginners definitely have MANY, MANY hurdles to overcome before becoming comfortable with Bitshares.

Denying this situation will only turn away many people who might otherwise be enthusiastically adopting Bitshares.

Thanks for that tip.

There should be a countdown message after the first CTRL-C telling people that it is saving its internal state to disk.

Even on my modern i7 + SSD equipped machine, the clean shutdown takes around 10 minutes from CTRL-C to a proper exit and there is no clear indication that a clean shutdown is progressing.

I agree.  Friendliness and familiarity for new users are very important in order to get the Bitshares ecosystem to prosper.

These are arguably far more important than shiny, new features.


it says "if you kill BitShares, it will assume it crashed and offer to nuke the database for you when it starts up again. This is strictly optional, you do not have to do it; just click the "Continue Normally" button and it won't rebuild the database unless it detects corruption in it."

But when I run witness_node there's no such option. and I have to go through the long processo of what seems to be rebuilding the object database every time I stop witness_node via CTRL-C and restart.

What is the proper way to shutdown and/or avoid the long restart?

Technical Support / Re: Failed to sync with the API server
« on: June 30, 2017, 08:52:48 am »
Ok, looks like I had to wait till the entire blockchain was synced before the "Failed to sync with the API server" goes away. 

I think it would be good if that error message was modified to aid newbies who aren't sure what's going on.

Please tell us what those signs are, for those who weren't around.


UPDATE: The BTS temporary halt banner has now been removed.

Technical Support / Failed to sync with the API server
« on: June 29, 2017, 06:30:30 pm »
When running my self-compiled witness_node (the process of which also had certain issues I had to tediously correct manually) and pointing the Bitshares Light Client to it, I get a "Failed to sync with the API server" message.

The computer clocks are correct.

How do I fix this?

Is the message showing up because the blockchain has yet to sync to the latest available blocks?

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