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Messages - lil_jay890

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You could neutralize your bitUSD short by going long bitCNY... I know its not a pure play, but it will reduce the exposure you have to bts until your bitUSD short is covered by the system.

General Discussion / Re: BitAsset 2.0 Requirements & Implied Design
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:51:56 am »
BitUSD needs to have an absolute floor of parity with real USD so people will know for sure its at least as good as a real dollar.
Merchants should always price product at face value and pocket the rest.
People will be willing to pay a premium for this Super dollar as it has superior qualitys like.
- Full and exclusive access to your bitUSD
- Privacy (nobody knows how much you have)
- Easy fast global payment to anywhere in the world (paypal doesn't allow some countries)
- better interest paid on your savings (german bonds pay negative interest right now)

However saying all that I believe the collateral for bitUSD needs to be bitcoin instead of bitshares due to its market depth, liquidity, stability and acceptance as an asset class. This will be possible hopefully with sidechains. This will hurt the bitshares price alot but if it isn't implemented someone else will and that newly created bitcoin backed bitusd will surpersede bitUSD.

You do realize that most of the benefits will be the same for any other pegged crypto? If they don't charge a premium then it is game over. for us.

The current bitUSD will still be around even after the new assets are released. The market will decide which one is best... Our currently pegged one or our new unpegged liquid one

Meta / Re: Chat Box
« on: May 26, 2015, 09:02:34 pm »
There is already a chat feature on the website.  Is that what you mean or do you mean in the wallet?

Pretty sparse from what I can tell...
Bitshares pts
Sparkle soon?
Feathercoin soon?
Note maybe?

Not totally sure what you mean by dpos companies... The above will or already have their own unique blockchain.  There are companies like dacx that use bitshares as their trading platform. Bunkershares is also a project that uses uia's on the bts platform.

I think it may be because bitCNY market cap has been increasing gradually unlike bitUSD that was pumped to near 1 mil market cap and now has dropped 90%... I think the book would be much more balanced if the bitUSD shorts weren't frozen like they are now.  It's kind of weird that shorts have a 30 day window before they expire, but the buyer of the newly created bitUSD can hold forever.

Wtf is wrong with people here... You bitch when price falls and you bitch when price rises. You bitch when there's a new release and you bitch about the current release.

Bunch of angry bitches

Funny, the majority of people attacking me on requiring accountability are delegates, or are running for delegate.. I wonder why. :o
A successful company employs Workers that are driven, accountable and rewarded.
Work hard, and prove it. No more hiding.

I'm kind of confused how the blockchain would actually enforce these rules?  How does it know if the delegates are contributing?  A report that is 10% different than the prior report could be easily doctored.  A blockchain doesn't have cognitive ability to make decisions about whether or not an employee has been contributing.  It seems like you would need some sort of committee to verify the contributions by delegates.  Maybe the blockchain could flag potential deadbeat delegates and then they could be reviewed.  But that ends up bringing us back full circle to centralization.

Not saying it couldn't be done, but it sounds like a much bigger undertaking than what ken is bidding it to be.

968 me means far less than "movement".

Do we want bitshares to be a company? Or a movement?

I have no problem with it being both, but eventually I want MANY bitshares powered chains.  So ultimately it needs to be a movement.

Start as a company, grow into a movement.  Apple.

Random Discussion / Re: The Crying Bears Thread!
« on: May 21, 2015, 04:54:30 pm »

Its unwise to dance over a wounded bear...

Because you never know when they will come back...

And if you let your guard down they could do this...

Stay vigilant my friends

General Discussion / Re: What will happen if nobody shorts ?
« on: May 21, 2015, 02:20:05 pm »
This is pretty crazy with the amount of shorts that are locked in right now.  What will be really interesting will be to watch the price of BTS keep going up on the exchanges.  When will the bitUSD holders blink and start selling the bitUSD at the peg? 200, 150, 100?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Review Methodx and pc delegates
« on: May 20, 2015, 04:30:34 pm »
I like that PC charges what he is worth, even if it highlights our self created system problems as much as anything.  It's not his fault that the setup makes it really difficult for stakeholders to govern / hire; I would take up the complaint with Dan not PC.

Despite repeated urgings not to, Dan decided to conflate the idea of DPOS/block signers with blockchain hiring.  This made voting confusing and added an extra step for potential workers like PC.  He then unilaterally changed the consensus of the chain to dilute at a rate he randomly picked (50 BTS / block).  And also made it expensive for potential delegates to even register so people like PC have to put up significant money to even see if they get elected.

This is not PCs fault; I doubt if he would have made the same decisions.

Sorry for the tangent but it's a bit frustrating to me because I think blockchain hiring was a great idea. It was a great idea that bytemaster had nothing to do with, but somehow he managed to take this great idea and use it / implement it in such a crazy and poorly thought out way (from both a PR and technical point of view) that it made this project less valuable instead of more valuable.  I'm still left scratching my head about what blockchain hiring ever had or should have had to do with DPOS (nothing).

But this will all be changing shortly

General Discussion / Corona Dapp funding
« on: May 19, 2015, 05:19:03 pm »
I came across this article on cointelegraph

Basically they provide funding for DAPP developers and they say the support the bitshares platform.  Seems like an interesting idea, but I can't figure out how they will make any money or even how to invest in the first place.

Anyone ever heard of these guys?

We dont need you Ken. Please calm down or find yourself another community.

We do need people like Ken.  He has drive and a vision that he isn't afraid to follow.  Some of his ideas are forcing us to think out of the box, which is a good thing.  I think many of his ideas would be very good for bitshares, but they are being proposed as a lump sum and it will take a little bit of time to prioritize and accept those ideas.

Our resources are very limited right now.  Perhaps that changes with the new version of bts that will be released.  Until then, Ken is working with the facts he has in front of him.  He can't be faulted for that.

DPOS 2.0 and blockchain-HR ability better be at the top of their list. Mark my words, this company will fail hard (thanx, voter apathy) if the basic accountability is not required. Dan and Stan are not business people, at all. I would have fired them and their puppies 2 months ago. 
Just so we're clear: Are you suggesting Dan and Stan should have been fired or two of the people they hired?

We don't need to pay puppy people or those who blow hot air up the bag(oops I mean share)holders asses.
Vikram is a GOD and he knows it. I'll protect him and his chosen few if it ever comes down to that.

I think you may be judging too much by github.  Vikram handles the releases of new versions of bitshares, so it will look like he is doing an inordinate amount of coding vs the other devs.

I can agree with you on Stan with some points, as he was elected so that he could keep Dan "sane".  Its hard to quantify what contributions he brings to bts, but I will put faith that he is working hard to see bts succeed.

17,000 of code != hot air.  Plus there will be ample documentation coming out that will help you with the business ventures your looking at doing.  Pushing to have this released now vs in 2 weeks isn't worth the bug risk imo.  Remember the old adage "Measure Twice, Cut Once".

Not really sure wtf is going on, but I just made sure to thumbs down the delegates for this project until this episode of the Real World is over.

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