Author Topic: Marketing, Marketing, Marketing  (Read 3538 times)

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Offline virtualgrowth

Look forward to using and other trading mechanisms soon.

Also agree that having additional features such as margin, and stop loss in place possibly before marketing as these features would be great marketing points as well.  Plus I greatly look forward to them which will increase my involvement and possibilities as well.

Great feedback and discussion everyone as we continue to move forward.

Offline JonnyB

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I missed the mumble marketing hangout yesterday but I am also interested in better co-ordinating the marketing for bitshares.
Me @fav @BunkerChain Labs and @Chris4210 are doing a good job so far with the social media but I can add others to hootsuite so more people can post from the @bitshares twitter and accounts.
Hootsuite charges each extra access to the account at $10 a month so it's only worth it if you have lot of good posting ideas.

It might be worth running some facebook ads again.  Last time I did this it was paid for by upvotes on a steem post but this time it might make more sense to as a worker proposal.

I believe the priority for marketing efforts now should be a new website. @Chris4210 was working on a new one with etherdesign but the cost to produce it would be $4000 which I'm sure can be funded with a worker proposal.  I don't really know what the delay on this is.
I run the @bitshares twitter handle

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So perhaps this thread can continue on by focusing on a definition for our target audience. IMO I think we need to look at it as comprising 3 primary classes of users:
  • Basic users like granma that just need an easy way to buy & sell BTS and transfer assets like BTS and BitUSD to other people, say from a contact list
  • Everyday users, generally more sophisticated than grandma who may dabble in trading but are not "day-traders". Think how can the BitShares ecosystem replace typical banking - remittances, savings, mutual funds / CD instruments (i.e. simple, mainstream investments)
  • Day traders and sophisticated investors, API users, bot users. I see this as a crypto-centric demographic, but might evolve into institutional investors over time
+5% +5% +5%
Simple, effective, cheaper, more secure ways to do exactly what people are already used to doing with their money.

First and foremost; BitShares is a more efficient system than fiat.
All of the cool extra stuff you can do with crypto is secondary.
The most important part of most peoples lives are their basic financial security. Can they build and store savings? Can they insure themselves against risk? Can they pay for products and services easily? Can they access and assess their financial situation easily? What financial tools do they have at their disposal?
JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

Offline Pheonike

I think would be a better interface for trading to follow.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

Offline Thom

Timing is such a crucial aspect of success in business.

In an arena such as crypto software, an emerging market with tons of competition (1000s of coins to choose from), there are so many variables to consider.

Software is "never complete", and there are always things that can be refined and improved upon. I've generally seen things more from the perspective @kenCode shared, that being not to release a product until it resolves all known high priority issues and is "feature complete". What constitutes feature complete is the difficult part of the equation, as that is not limited only to product functionality and technical issues.

Feature complete also involves evaluating if the product is functional for the target users and their use cases. That requires knowing your users, the market they are found in. In a traditional company it also involves projected revenue, product lifespan and support costs.

Kencode and the montra coming from the Dash community is, 'Is it easy enough for grandma to use'? Is grandma a sophisticated trader or does she just want to send her grandchildren something for "school supplies"? How do we identify the "typical" grandma use cases? A better though more broad question is who is our target audience? How to we quantify our target demographic of users?

"Mainstream" as a target audience definition is extremely general and diverse. We need to be more explicit. Before we can mount a marketing champagne the fundamental question of who our target audience is must be answered, which yields a range of use cases which are used to evaluate if the software is feature complete.

I liked the thought that @JohnnyBitcoin put into the OP, and I agree with him the time is ripe now or soon will be to begin full all out marketing of BitShares like we've never seen before.

@kenCode, consider how Dash has been hyping their features (i.e. marketing) before they are ready. We don't need to have everything "finished and functional" before we start marketing. However, that's where you need to be as clear as day about when you expect to have features that work and ready for release. That is where a roadmap is useful, as it helps the marketing effort to stay grounded in reality and when a marketing "surge" might even be useful to create a heightened sense of urgency and thus stimulate emotions favorable to product adoption.

Based on your progress reports @kenCode I believe we need to refine our plans for  a marketing push. The work on the marketing side is to define our target audience in detail, and a strategy to reach them. On the engineering side of the fence a product / feature delivery roadmap needs to be created that marketing will use in devising their marketing strategy.

So perhaps this thread can continue on by focusing on a definition for our target audience. IMO I think we need to look at it as comprising 3 primary classes of users:
  • Basic users like granma that just need an easy way to buy & sell BTS and transfer assets like BTS and BitUSD to other people, say from a contact list
  • Everyday users, generally more sophisticated than grandma who may dabble in trading but are not "day-traders". Think how can the BitShares ecosystem replace typical banking - remittances, savings, mutual funds / CD instruments (i.e. simple, mainstream investments)
  • Day traders and sophisticated investors, API users, bot users. I see this as a crypto-centric demographic, but might evolve into institutional investors over time
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First impressions are everything.
We must at least match what Polo offers first..margin, stop loss, etc. Dividends and Scheduled payments etc for the average Joe. Those things won't take that long to build. Before we waste even more money on ads, let me finish these last features first. Stealth should help the Marketer a bit too.
Never make a move too soon.
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise

Offline JonnyB

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Bitshares is leaving its conceptual beginnings and actually becoming useful and viable alternative to big centralised exchanges like poloniex.

- The User Interface is easier than ever to use (thanks @svk )
- Pybitshares makes writing code that integrates Bitshares is easier than ever. (thanks @xeroc)
- makes it easier than ever for anyone to be a market maker and provide liquidity. (thanks @alt)

We are at a milestone where bitshares is stable and actually works well, It is time to get this message out there.

It is time to pay for a dedicated and sustained marketing campaign.
A head of marketing for bitshares paid for by a worker proposal who would achieve the following.

- A brand new shiny website

- A dedicated bitshares conference

- A spokesperson who can arrange interviews with bitcoin press etc and appear regularly on podcast/youtube channels

- A concise and professional intro video as well as more tutorial videos.

- A regular social media presence twitter, youtube, fb, reddit, mumbles, forum, telegram

- Pay for some ad placements and evaluate the conversion sign up rate of each ad campaign.

- Report weekly to the community on what they have done and have planned for the next week.

I propose they should work full time and get paid approx. $2000 per month.
If we want commitment from them we would need to commit to paying them for at least 6 months with the opportunity to go full time if they produce results.

$2000k per month would be their monthly salary, but they would also need a big budget to get the tasks above achieved.
There would be no point in paying a head of marketing if they had no budget to spend on marketing.
Ideally it would be someone within the community already as bitshares has such a steep learning curve it would take too long to train them up.

Who would be up for this role?

This idea is bound to be controversial due to its cost (especially with the Chinese) but personally I think the time is right for something like this.
I run the @bitshares twitter handle