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General Discussion / Re: Momentum 2.0 Discussion
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:00:59 am »
Don't be so concerned about botnets and ec2, botnets were and will always be out there, just accept it, if you got the criminal energy to control a 100k+ botnet you can mine whatever you like no matter what you do - this is starting to become a DRM vs warez analogy which always ended bad for the important part, the user / customer. And ec2 is always only a viable option at the beginning, it is not cost effective pretty soon unless you front a serious amount of cash which in turn could have bought rigs aswell - same same but different :D

EC2 is all right, as you have to pay for it. The only inconvenience is that at the end the money goes to Amazon.
But botnets... how can we accept those? Do we want criminals to be part of our organization?
I don't like the idea of sharing my parts with such people. And the more shares they STEAL, the less we decent people have.

Unless you come up with an idea how to prevent a botcontrolled pc from mining but a normal one not without crippling everything and making the whole process a pain in the ass, thats the way it is and you are just whining because you think something is unfair - welcome to the real world.

50% of a coin usually gets mined within the first month, way faster for a 2 year coin - thats normal. The early bird catches bla bla ^^

General Discussion / Re: Momentum 2.0 Discussion
« on: November 22, 2013, 09:13:43 am »
Keep in mind that you usually want a cpu coin to be mineable by everyone, the steps you are taking will reduce your audience to a smaller circle, those with more than 4 GB of RAM and such and yes, there are still ppl with 4 GB and less.

Avoiding GPUs and such is always a good thing, allowing gpus usually pushes out cpus thus shrinking the ppl who can mine even more.

Don't be so concerned about botnets and ec2, botnets were and will always be out there, just accept it, if you got the criminal energy to control a 100k+ botnet you can mine whatever you like no matter what you do - this is starting to become a DRM vs warez analogy which always ended bad for the important part, the user / customer. And ec2 is always only a viable option at the beginning, it is not cost effective pretty soon unless you front a serious amount of cash which in turn could have bought rigs aswell - same same but different :D

Concentrate on the core, faster retargets for the next one (4032 is really bad) and that maturing time are good.

Deutsch (German) / Re: Mining Pools [Liste]
« on: November 21, 2013, 08:10:58 am »
WTF jh is auch deutscher?! Wir haben definitiv die technische Oberhand xD

Laut haben aber immer noch fast alle Bläcke nur eine Transaction drin, das kann doch so nicht stimmen...
Nicht ganz, bin aus Österreich. :)

Das noch einige Blöcke nur eine Transaktion haben liegt daran, dass viele Leute auf ypool ihre Miner noch nicht geupdated haben. Da jeder veraltete Miner nun eine Warnmeldung ausgibt gehe ich davon aus das bis in 1-2 Tagen ein großteil umgestellt hat.

Mal abgesehen davon gibt es auch noch andere Pools die nur 1 TX pro Block unterstützen, wobei ich nicht weiß welche Pools das betrifft.

Korrekt aber kein Pool haut soviele Blöcke raus wie yPool ^^ der macht doch sicher über 50% oder? Hat das mal wer ausgerechnet?

General Discussion / Re: Transition from PTS to Bitshares
« on: November 21, 2013, 08:08:42 am »
And they aren't really piling up, they will start to be matured after 6 month, one block every 5 minutes -> normal supply, just added a slight delay

I doubt any public pool would work with 6 month mature time BUT release a getwork (or whatever protocol you like) miner that works with the wallet at release everyone can be his own private pool, not creating hundreds of connections since every wallet opens up 6-9

Just one wallet, as many miner as you like and off you go - i mean, do you really trust a pool to be around in 6 month? They can even run for just a few month and get away with a wallet full of unmatured block, wait up another 6, party on.

I really like the lottery idea and everything, the hashrate will be the same, either if everyone is mining solo or some pools provide it, it's maybe not as "fair" as pool mining but still, i really really like the concept.

BitShares PTS / Re: PTS priv key not valid bitcoin priv key?
« on: November 20, 2013, 11:19:22 am »
Why should a PTS privkey be a vlid BTC privkey?

I mean...what the hell? That would put all coins into the same addressspace and make collisions WAY more likely.

You just tried your key from home at work and are seriously wondering why it didnt fit...

Deutsch (German) / Re: Mining Pools [Liste]
« on: November 20, 2013, 07:39:13 am »
WTF jh is auch deutscher?! Wir haben definitiv die technische Oberhand xD

Laut haben aber immer noch fast alle Bläcke nur eine Transaction drin, das kann doch so nicht stimmen...

Marketplace / [WTS] 500 PTS @0.04
« on: November 19, 2013, 10:29:48 am »
Either via, coingrounds or escrow unless you feel comfortable to send first.

I'm known in irc and ltc forum, traded 200 PTS with bytemaster before.

LTC Profile;u=10539

Verified to btctalk

BitShares PTS / Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« on: November 18, 2013, 02:52:53 pm »
Yeah, it's up on ypool in the 'how to' so assuming its trusted.

But never know what I've done to it since I downloaded it ;P

Oh neat, too bad the ypool link doesnt work anymore ^^

General Discussion / Re: Transition from PTS to Bitshares
« on: November 18, 2013, 02:43:21 pm »
But you will only own the PTS mined so far, right?

So it's taking a snapshot at release - or will future pts get credited too?

Just a snapshot of PTS ownership distribution at first release, when the genesis block of a new DAC is laid down.  After that, your PTS are still good for ownership in other developing DACs that honor the ProtoShares Social Contract.

Thanks :)

BitShares PTS / Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« on: November 18, 2013, 01:05:53 pm »
I've only got the one I downloaded to begin with (Core i7, no AVX) which contains multiple binaries based on memory footprint per thread.

If you're not on a recent (ish) Core-i architecture this probably won't work / be useful for you.
Virus total says its clean, still - better run it sandboxed or not on wallet machine...

BitShares PTS / Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« on: November 18, 2013, 01:01:54 pm »
Code: [Select]
106 cpm i7-870 8 threads -m512
126 cpm i5-3570k stock, 4 threads -m512
 55 cpm Phenom 9650 Quad, -m512
111 cpm 2x xeon X7460, 12 threads -m512
118 cpm i5-4430, 4 threads -m512
 66 cpm AMD X4 460, 4 threads -m512
 73 cpm i3-3220, 4 threads -m512
 74 cpm i3-4130, 4 threads -m512
110 cpm FX-8350, 8 threads -m256
127 cpm i7-2600k stock, 8 threads -m512

Too bad this isnt really worth it anymore, would have needed that one a week ago -.-

Even with my 14 (physical) machines i only get to 1600 hpm which results in a block every 4 days, thats too much to be comfortable - might not even be a single block within diff retarget.

Basic Cloud VPS / root server are most likely not profitable since they target more at ram + HDD than cpu power...

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