Author Topic: Associated Press DAC  (Read 7582 times)

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Offline CoinHoarder

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Most sites you can't hash the content, because there is some dynamic factor to it.  You'd have to make heuristics to find the actual content, or perhaps the author could specify how to extract it.  Neither one would work very well.

You also have to attribute ownership if you're going to start paying people for content and not just for their submission.  I don't think that is easy to do.

However having a voting for submissions DAC could be quite useful.  I wonder what the marketcap would ever reach.. Probably not that high, but perhaps.

Eh.. I just came up with the idea, the dynamics and details would need to be worked out. If you could do so I think it could be a very profitable DAC. I remember reading about notary being a use case of the blockchains for written content. I believe someone is creating one for images too to protect digital image rights for content creators. I think many different types of content could be made to work given enough thought. -> Market Data, Portfolios, Information, Links, Reviews, Forums, Blogs, Etc. -> Tradable Blockchain Asset PvP Card Game

Offline gamey

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Most sites you can't hash the content, because there is some dynamic factor to it.  You'd have to make heuristics to find the actual content, or perhaps the author could specify how to extract it.  Neither one would work very well.

You also have to attribute ownership if you're going to start paying people for content and not just for their submission.  I don't think that is easy to do.

However having a voting for submissions DAC could be quite useful.  I wonder what the marketcap would ever reach.. Probably not that high, but perhaps.

I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline CoinHoarder

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So you are thinking more along the lines of an aggregator DAC where the voting is what is taken care of on the blockchain ?  Something that just points to other sites using a voting system ?  People could be paid for submissions.  It would be interesting to see if people were willing to pay for the tokens for such a thing.

Yes that is the general idea, but the content being more than just news- anything really. Perhaps the FollowMyVote DAC could be tied in to take care of the voting so that aspect of the DAC would be covered by that.

Devcoin derives its value without providing any financial incentive to Devcoin buyers other than simply supporting open source programmers and writers, and yet they have a $300,000+ market cap, albeit with very low volume and token value. I think I have an idea to financially incentivize it though and thus create larger value, market cap, and volume...

Create a social contract in between the DAC and content submitters. Anything they submit automatically become intellectual property of the DAC and the tokens represent cryptoequity in all content that is submitted. The blockchain can serve as a notary as far as proof of submission.
Pointing to other sites would work for content submission. That along with a hash of the the website/content to ensure the preservation of the content and that voting is actually for some specific content. The DAC then can profit from the content by publishing it, selling it, or implementing it themselves, etc

People that create good content can get paid immediately rather than putting in the effort required to profit from it. Immediate profit that is a sure thing could be incentive enough for people to submit content that may or may not make money. The DAC will act as a venture capital firm investing in many industries, ideas, programs, and various content. People whom have a good idea but not the time or money to follow it through can quickly sell it for a profit to the DAC, while maintaining equity in their idea or cashing the tokens out for a quick profit.

Songwriters can submit songs to be sold to record labels or artists. Art can be submitted to be sold or displayed in galleries. Photographs and Books can be printed or published online and then sold. Inventions could be patented. Articles and content that can gain website traffic will get revenue from website ads or subscription fees. Communities could be formed upon the submittal of quality forum posts with substance and thus profit from advertising revenue. The intellectual property of the DAC could be profited on in many ways depending on what type of content it is. The idea is literally limitless and only restricted by our imaginations as to what kind of content that can be submitted and profited off of by equity owners.

I'm not sure what you mean by more than images and text....  I like the idea of news on the blockchain, but something that could attach a more fiercely independent type view.  Like wikileaks sort of stuff in addition to real news.  Not sure.  Most news isn't particularly censored as it is with the internet.  With the right (or wrong) stuff your blockchain then becomes more like a torrent for censored content.
I am thinking bigger than simply a news DAC, but that could/should be a part of it. Sorry I am derailing the thread. :) -> Market Data, Portfolios, Information, Links, Reviews, Forums, Blogs, Etc. -> Tradable Blockchain Asset PvP Card Game

Offline luckybit

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AP DAC depended upon price discovery on block chain... bit assets require price feeds.

AP DAC would need to be carefully reconsidered after lessons learned with BitUSD.

I like the concept of such a DAC but the problem is that it seems limited to text articles when most of the press will be Vlogs. If we could monetize the Vlod format I think we could all become journalists at that point.

I think the Bitshares Music DAC could be used to monetize audiostreams/podcasts like Beyond Bitcoin. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline gamey

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So you are thinking more along the lines of an aggregator DAC where the voting is what is taken care of on the blockchain ?  Something that just points to other sites using a voting system ?  People could be paid for submissions.  It would be interesting to see if people were willing to pay for the tokens for such a thing.

I'm not sure what you mean by more than images and text....  I like the idea of news on the blockchain, but something that could attach a more fiercely independent type view.  Like wikileaks sort of stuff in addition to real news.  Not sure.  Most news isn't particularly censored as it is with the internet.  With the right (or wrong) stuff your blockchain then becomes more like a torrent for censored content.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 05:49:37 pm by gamey »
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline CoinHoarder

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I had a similar idea where people vote on edits etc and people's contributions.

These systems need a decent way to keep out some content.  You will forever be fighting off kids who want to talk about boogers (or worse) just to annoy everyone.  How do you do that without allowing a malicious entity to censor someone?

Then there is the financing model that incentivizes the whole thing.  How do you make it so it can't be gamed ?

I'm really fascinated by the idea of a website in front of the DAC where people don't necessarily need to download the wallet and synch up to receive the experience.  That is huge.  It gives you decentralization as a tactic while keeping user experience change to a minimum.  Very powerful.  Someone could start up a combo news site/DAC.  Not sure if there is much money in that stuff right now, but having it all blockchain powered  would be pretty cool.  A sharp person might very well be able to make a decent business out of that and go beyond crypto/DAC world.

I see it working like a decentralized version of Reddit, but consisting of more than links images and text.

You will have subreddits with different communities to separate everything.

Upvoting brings the best content to the top and content with little substance out of view. You could also charge a transaction fee to prevent spamming.

One part of preventing gaming of the system would be verifying identities. BM has stated the FollowMyVote DAC will have this feature, so we could tie it into that or perhaps do it separately. Supposedly it is at least possible.

That alone is not enough to prevent gaming though. One idea would be if the same group of people repeatedly up votes the same content as other people then their vote could automatically be counted as negative or them not allowed to vote. However, that may block out honest actors in the form of communities and people with similar ideology for instance..

My guess is you would need to come up with many "rules" such as this to make it work. Similar to how the Bitasset markets have rules so that they function the way they do. I'll have to think about this more, I think it could be done in one way or another. -> Market Data, Portfolios, Information, Links, Reviews, Forums, Blogs, Etc. -> Tradable Blockchain Asset PvP Card Game

Offline gamey

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I had a similar idea where people vote on edits etc and people's contributions.

These systems need a decent way to keep out some content.  You will forever be fighting off kids who want to talk about boogers (or worse) just to annoy everyone.  How do you do that without allowing a malicious entity to censor someone?

Then there is the financing model that incentivizes the whole thing.  How do you make it so it can't be gamed ?

I'm really fascinated by the idea of a website in front of the DAC where people don't necessarily need to download the wallet and synch up to receive the experience.  That is huge.  It gives you decentralization as a tactic while keeping user experience change to a minimum.  Very powerful.  Someone could start up a combo news site/DAC.  Not sure if there is much money in that stuff right now, but having it all blockchain powered  would be pretty cool.  A sharp person might very well be able to make a decent business out of that and go beyond crypto/DAC world.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline CoinHoarder

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I'd rather we call it something that isn't a trademarked name (AP or Associated Press) of another entity.

Yes, I'd also like you guys to consider something else.

I think this is a great idea, but why stop short of a news/marketing organization? This idea could be applied to a broader use case of incentivizing people to do anything:

BTSX related services:
Create good DAC ideas
Develop code for a DAC or submit Github commits
Submit bugs and vulnerabilities
Write, edit, and improve upon DAC wiki documentation
Web site development and content
Testing release candidates
Providing tech support
Securing partnerships

You could expand it even further which is what I think would be really neat by incentivizing people to create things that are not related to Bitshares like Devcoin does but in a more autonomous way:
A Wikipedia alternative
Constructive forum or reddit-like posts with substance
Ideas and research papers
Anything that involves creativity and time spent by humans that can't be done by a computer or protocol..

General technology related:
Write programs, plugins
Open source services
Hardware development

Mathematical and scientific research..

The use cases are endless and only limited by our imagination. Have share holders vote on the best content and reward a certain amount of coins per day to those whose creations receive the most "up votes" a la reddit. Create a community of productive people that are incentived to be productful more so than simply voluntarily providing their time for free. The general idea being that we can incentivize people for the betterment of society in many ways. -> Market Data, Portfolios, Information, Links, Reviews, Forums, Blogs, Etc. -> Tradable Blockchain Asset PvP Card Game

Offline donkeypong

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I'd rather we call it something that isn't a trademarked name (AP or Associated Press) of another entity.

Offline JA

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Do you have to be logged in? I get this message...

There is no poll with this ID

Requested page was not found
Yes you have to be logged in.
Didn't know lol.
I have to change that

Offline Gentso1

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Money could be generated from ad space, companies sponsoring, Devs looking for a new soap box to stand on to promote new coins or DACS.

They key would be keeping costs low and providing a high level of unbiased content. Their is a real market for this.

How would it be determined which AP's got paid what and for how much?

And you guys wouldnt have to rely on news outlets who openly have no love for invictus, currently have a monopoly and loyalty to your competitors.

This should have been the second DAC released IMO. It the most strategically advantageous DAC I have seen.   Marketing funds could be used to build it too.
Its not really about having a outlet who has love for anyone. It is simply a outlet that does it's dammed'est to let the news of platforms, alts, miners to reach the public unbiased. In the current scene if a show gets all of its money from one source, say a mining equipment supplier that show will have to make a hard decision to report the good and bad of mining related topics. The key is many streams of revenue,a large audience and a low entry fee for start-ups to get their message out.     

Offline BitTitan

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Money could be generated from ad space, companies sponsoring, Devs looking for a new soap box to stand on to promote new coins or DACS.

They key would be keeping costs low and providing a high level of unbiased content. Their is a real market for this.

How would it be determined which AP's got paid what and for how much?

And you guys wouldnt have to rely on news outlets who openly have no love for invictus, currently have a monopoly and loyalty to your competitors.

This should have been the second DAC released IMO. It the most strategically advantageous DAC I have seen.   Marketing funds could be used to build it too.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 10:33:57 pm by BitTitan »

Offline Gentso1

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Money could be generated from ad space, companies sponsoring, Devs looking for a new soap box to stand on to promote new coins or DACS.

They key would be keeping costs low and providing a high level of unbiased content. Their is a real market for this.

How would it be determined which AP's got paid what and for how much?

Offline gamey

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I'd love to hear bytemaster's thoughts a bit more on these lessons learned etc.

With the idea of having a website onramp something like this could work I would think. I think the novelty of being on a blockchain could attract viewers.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline bytemaster

AP DAC depended upon price discovery on block chain... bit assets require price feeds.

AP DAC would need to be carefully reconsidered after lessons learned with BitUSD.
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