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Technical Support / Wallet intermittently stops synchonizing
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:39:07 pm »
There appears to be a bug in the client that stops it synchronizing. As of version 0.4.16, a restart of the application fixes the issue.

The software literally just stops synchronizing on a block and won't get passed it. In 0.4.16 which I was running this afternoon, it suddenly because stuck on block 571072. There doesn't seem to be any specific steps in the UI to replicate the behavior reliably, it just seems that software receives a block it doesn't like and then stops processing future blocks. I've provided a screenshot here:

Platform: Windows
Version: BitSharesX-0.4.16-x64.exe

General Discussion / Re: The limitations of BitsharesX vs Bitcoin
« on: September 23, 2014, 11:51:14 pm »
I provided the answers to your question in my original post in bold.

I see - I missed them since they were embedded inside the quoted text. Thanks alot!

In response to to this question:

    Is it possible to create a market order to buy or sell assets? For your average consumer who just wants to move wealth in and out (akin to normal forex transfers), a limit order would mean waiting around for it to fill or paying above market price?

A market order is just buying at lowest ask or selling at the highest bid. You can obviously do that now...

A market order isn't a straightforward BUY or SELL at the lowest ASK or BID price though. A market order steps up the price paid, or drops down the price offered until either the requested number of assets has been obtained or expended. E.g. Sell 1000 BTSX for BITUSD - at whatever price you can get, and keep selling until all the BTSX have been sold.

Buying at either the lowest ask, or selling to the highest bid would be a limit order. E.g. Sell whatever I can into this BID or ASK, and then just leave the rest on the order book if the full amount was not sold or purchased.

So, the question still stands; does the ability to liqudate or fill a position at any price automatically exist, or does the system only support limit orders?

General Discussion / Re: The limitations of BitsharesX vs Bitcoin
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:51:25 pm »
Thanks for the answers. This response:

The question is perhaps poorly phrased:  Bitcoin could easily be hard-forked to support 1000 transactions per second, but then it would become fully centralized and everyone would have to use light weight clients.

begs one question; does Bitshares have a mechanism for enforcing protocol upgrades? As you mentioned, Bitcoin can be hard-forked - but the inherent risks are significant if a majority of the network does not follow suit. Where the majority does not upgrade, there is a high likelihood of two chains occurring as happened back in 2013 in Bitcoin when an upgrade of the database storage introduced blocks incompatible with legacy clients.

If two or more chains exist for any period of time, there is likely to be a cascade loss of confidence in the system. This, as I understand it, is one of the primary reasons that upgrading Bitcoin is so difficult. So, does Bitshares have some way of managing this?

General Discussion / Re: The limitations of BitsharesX vs Bitcoin
« on: September 22, 2014, 05:58:31 pm »
In BTSX exchange you always "get what you ask for" in the exchange... ie: if you are willing to pay X per Y then you will pay X for all Y even if some Y are available for less than X.   This prevents front running and encourages traders to trade on value rather than technicals.   If you want a "market order" that will have to be done slowly via multi-step process.

Ok, that makes sense. What about the other questions? I find it slightly hard to believe:

Basically BitShares has no limits lol

however well thought-out and implemented Bitshares may be.

It generally makes it easier to convince people of the merits of a system if you can also indicate its short-comings. Bitcoin has plenty of shortcomings, but it does have the benefit of the network effect.

I'd appreciate if anyone can provide any more detailed answers to the questions I've asked.

Thanks once again.

General Discussion / The limitations of BitsharesX vs Bitcoin
« on: September 22, 2014, 02:51:19 pm »
I've been doing more digging around the wiki and I've come up with some questions I cannot find satisfactory answers to. Could someone outline and honest and realistic appraisal of the limitations of Bitshares vs Bitcoin? Specifically;

  • Scalability: Bitcoin suffers from a maximum theoretical limit of 7.2 transactions-per-second (without a hard fork). While the current traffic hasn't reached anywhere near this number, if Bitshares were to take off it is entirely possible that the number of transactions would grow rapidly. So;

    • What's the maximum number of transactions Bitshares can accommodate in a block?
    • Does Bitshares have the ability to scale the size of blocks to accommodate growth
    • How large is the blockchain in Bitshares likely to be vs Bitcoin? Bear in mind that Bitcoins full blockchain is running at ~30 GB currently
    • How will a large blockchain affect new clients entering the eco-system? Bitcoin offers work-arounds such as SPV and server based offering such as Electrum - how does Bitshares accomodate this?
  • Fees: The fee structure appears to be a mandatory minimum 0.5 BTSX / operation. Fees do not appear to be refunded in the event of a cancellation

    • Can fees be varied if the value of BTSX grows? Bitcoin suffers from its own success in this regard. Transactions fees are generally 0.0001 BTC, which when Bitcoin was circa 1000 USD was the equivilent 10 cents just to send any value through the system. This made micro-payment scenarios uneconomical vs incumbent solutions like credit cards. NB: Floating fees aimed to address this, but Gavin Andressen indicated that in some cases the transaction fees would actually go up rather than down.
    • Through the distributed exchange mechanism - is it possible to receive a rebate for a cancelled trade? For example; a limit order isn't filled
  • Distributed Exchange:
    • Do the market orders pay the exact price offered by a BUYer, or do they cross over the order-book ala Bitstamp? For example; I want to buy 10 BITUSD, there are 5 on offer at 1 BTSX each and 5 on offer at 2 BTSX each. If I make a limit order and offer 15 BTSX, do I end up with 10 BITUSD (5 BITUSD @1 BTSX each and 5 BITUSD @2 BTSX each) or 7.5 BITUSD - meaning I pay 2 BTSX each for each BITUSD, until all 15 of my BTSX are consumed?
    • Is it possible to create a market order to buy or sell assets? For your average consumer who just wants to move wealth in and out (akin to normal forex transfers), a limit order would mean waiting around for it to fill or paying above market price?

Anything else that paint a true picture of the limitations of Bitshares.

Thanks for all the responses.

General Discussion / Re: Asserting the true value of BitUSD
« on: September 21, 2014, 10:59:24 pm »
Cluttering of the directory is definitely an issue though, we already have hundreds if not thousands of scam accounts with nearly identical names, all seemingly designed to profit from accidental transfers. Some kind of pruning of account names over time would definitely be welcome.

Perhaps leveraging the existing voting technology? and/or proof of stake? Anything with less than X BTSX shares or a negative vote would be filtered by default. Infact, voting for accounts retaining a minimum BTSX balance would make the most sense since it would demand that for a vote to be cast and valid, a voter must hold a certain number of BTSX. This would hopefully limit spammers from down-voting accounts they don't like - since it would tie up BTSX (cost money) to do it.

Alternatively, could explore some kind of PKI certificate - so - for example - COMCAST or COINBASE could register themselves using their normal X59 certificates used for securing https traffic, and you'd filter the list based on those with valid certificates.

This and "REGEX validation for MEMO field" would be awesome ;)

General Discussion / Re: Asserting the true value of BitUSD
« on: September 21, 2014, 08:45:53 pm »

Lastly, you cannot send directly to accounts unless the name is registered on the blockchain for a nominal fee of 0.1 BTSX. This can be done from that specific account's overview page.

I'd just like some clarity on this answer. Firstly; I've created three accounts, only one of which I registered. I was able to send BTSX from the REGISTERED account to the UNREGISTERED account without any problem and I have just sent funds from one of the UNREGISTERED accounts to another UNREGISTERED account. Is this therefore a bug? Also - registering requires a payment of 1 BTSX and therefore funds in the account, but accounts start with a zero balance. It does not make sense that you need to REGISTER just to use BitSharesX, surely?

Secondly; why would you want to register apart from being able to make yourself public for easy-lookup (E.g. I want to pay account COMCAST my telephone bill using MEMO {MySubscriberNumber}, therefore COMCAST would want to maintain a publicly indexed account) or to become a delegate?

If I were adopting BitSharesX as a privacy centric marketplace for example with per-customer accounts, I would not want those accounts to appear on a public directory or to be discoverable by any means (In the same way that Bitcoin Addresses cannot easily be tied to BitPay, Coinbase or any of the darknet market places). Mandatory appearance on some directory would mean I'd have to generate some extremely random names to prevent interested third parties from determining which accounts were owned by my marketplace and this would also serve to clutter the directory needlessly.

This leads to my third question; the Directory listing in the GUI. It provides options for discovering Registered and Unregistered (although this brings back no results - not sure if that's by design or just not working correctly yet). This seems like a significant oversight with regards to privacy? I can understand that certain accounts (like COMCAST mentioned above) may want to be publicly indexed, but a majority of users or market places creating accounts for customers to deposit into, will not want their accounts appearing or discoverable anywhere especially during the adoption phase where there is a lot less account entropy.

Thanks once again!

General Discussion / Re: Asserting the true value of BitUSD
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:14:13 pm »
Thank you very much for your detailed reply. This is exactly what I was looking for.

With regards to your answer in point 4:

BitShares X has Bitcoin-style addresses included in the wallet, and you can use them to transfer. Under the hood I think it works a lot like Bitcoin. The idea here is that for most purposes, account names are better as they are easier to type and remember. In any case, exchanges, developers etc. will have to experiment and customize solutions for given applications.

I've read some of the documentation and I can see that the account name and public key abstract the transaction layer, allowing for 'behind-the-scenes' generation of unique key-pairs for each transaction. I realize that this is to address the perceived flaw in address reuse that is prevalent in Bitcoin, but I'm still not clear as to whether generating a "per-account, per-customer" mechanism is an acceptable solution over the existing "single-account, memo-per-customer" method employed by bter.

For example; if I deposit Bitcoins to, I do so to a unique Bitcoin address that has been generated for me. This eliminates (almost) any chance of the Bitcoins that I send not being credited to my account.

In a comparable scenario with BitsharesX and - the reconciliation of funds to a customer account is done using the memo field. This means that if a customer mis-types the value, or forgets to enter it (and they will), the funds - while credited to - will not be credited to the customers account. This will generate significant support overhead as originating funds that do not contain the reference must then be manually reconciled.

So, firstly, is there a way to enforce a memo value - possibly allowing the provider to apply a regular expression pattern embedded into their public account (like website field now) that allows them to reject transactions that don't contain a recognized memo pattern. Or; would it be better for me - as a marketplace/exchange etc - to generate an account for each of my customers that register and give them the account name and public key to deposit their funds. This way, eliminating then need for any memo value?

If you have any use-cases for illustrating how BitsharesX would work in the context of a marketplace/exchange deposit and in the context of a BitPay/Coinbase merchant<->customer transaction - that'd be awesome.

One last slightly different question; I created two accounts within the client and when I tried to send funds from one account to the other, I was required to enter both the account name (E.g. "willabie") and the public key. The client refused to send the funds unless both values were present. I was under the possibly erroneous impression that the account name was a 'friendly' way of deriving the public key and as such, either that or the public key should be sufficient to send the funds onwards? (I'm also aware it might just be an eccentricity of the client and that the RPC commands do support this functionality - some clarity would be great)

On a side note; I firmly believe that BitsharesX is a contender for the future of crypto-currency, but how the user experience is presented will be key to gaining that adoption.

General Discussion / Asserting the true value of BitUSD
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:44:30 pm »
I've recently discovered BitsharesX and - on the face of it - it would seem to address many of the failings of the current incumbent; Bitcoin. But, I have a few questions;

1) BitUSD is likely to be the most useful asset for the majority *if* its value can truly be shown to be pegged to the USD. Now, I've acquired some BTSX and proceeded to try and convert it to BitUSD. First up; how do you obtain BitUSD at a more-or-less 1:1 value with USD? Looking in the BitUSD:BitX market in the client, and the liquidity is non-existent and the spreads are huge.

At the time of writing; 27 BTSX/BITUSD equates to 0.00007610 BTC / BTSX* which equates to 0.0315815 USD / BTC. So basically, 3 cents per BTSX, which means 1 BITUSD is  trading at about 85 cents or 85% of it's real world USD value.

How do we stop the same issues affecting BITUSD as have affected Bitcoin? namely the crippling volatility that prevents anyone (aside from speculators and idealists) from holding it.

* BITX/BTC prices from BTER.COM

2) Hypothetically, if I were to operate a Coinbase-esque service that allowed people to convert USD->BitUSD - there would be an expectation that the values would be (almost) par (10 USD in, ~10 BITUSD out). How would this be made possible given the current pricing discrepancy and lack of apparent liquidity?

3) I've read in some topics that holding BITUSD implies you receive a share of the profits from short positions as interest? Could someone clarify if this is the case and - as such - if this incentivizes the risk averse to actually hold wealth in the asset as opposed to trying to dump it out to the real world at the nearest FIAT<->CRYPTO exchange (E.g. Coinbase, Bitstamp etc) as soon as possible?   

4) When transferring assets between accounts, I've noticed some providers (namely BTER.COM) use the memo field as an account identification mechanism. This comes with the age old warning; "If you forget to add this memo, contact us so we can find and credit your deposit". This implies that BTER only hold a single account and reconcile the account to credit inbound transactions to using the value in the MEMO field (exactly the same as todays bank transfers).

Bitcoin (somewhat) evolved this (and I'm thinking in particular in the context of the darknet markets here) by allocating each customer their own unique deposit address, thus removing the need for customers to provide a routing reference (MEMO) and the inherit risk and increased support overhead this introduces.

The equivalent mechanism in BitsharesX would be to generate new account for each customer that signs up and propagate the public key and account name to them. Is there any reason that this would be a negative, for example; spamming the BitsharesX blockchain since I assume the account name has to be stored somewhere, unless account name is used to derive the public key in the same way as Bitcoin does it and therefore the account name can be implicitly derived from the account public key?

Thanks for the responses. 

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