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Messages - maqifrnswa

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Technical Support / Re: Can bitshares_client run on Raspberry Pi 2?
« on: August 13, 2015, 06:33:17 pm »
Is it possible to build/run bitshares_client (cli) on Raspberry pi 2?

bitshares_client 0.9.2 on raspbian:

doesnot start

Code: [Select]
-bash: ./bitshares_client: cannot execute binary file

raspbian is an armhf architecture, you're probably trying to run a x86 binary. You may have to compile it yourself. I can put a package up, but it will only be for raspbian jessie (so you'll have to upgrade or apt pin to jessie). If you're interested in such a package, let me know -- it takes a while to make.

...I get a Segmentation fault (core dumped)...

for those that want debugging symbols,
Code: [Select]
apt-get install graphene-dbg

1) Get Raspbian Jessie. (e.g. or the version I already shared). Advanced users can apt-pin and make a mixed jessie/wheezy system. I might add more instructions later.

2) As super user or root, grab the archive key and add the repository
Code: [Select]
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo -e "deb jessie main bitshares\ndeb-src jessie main bitshares" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bitshares/list

3) Install graphene
Code: [Select]
apt-get update
apt-get install graphene

4) you now have two new binaries to use, "witness_node" and "cli_wallet"

5) You will have updates pushed to you (via apt-get upgrade) periodically without needing to install a new image

EDIT: New image uploaded as well! see first post

General Discussion / Re: BitShares down to11th place
« on: July 31, 2015, 12:19:17 pm »

shit coin share
FIFY .. sounds better that way! :P

shit rhymes with bit, so I agree with xeroc - shitshares sounds more catchy.

Now write it a hundred times...

Up and running on the RPI 2. Now just have to work through the Github instructions. This is my first exposure to Linux.

Awesome! Working executables are already in your home directory. If you want to update:
Code: [Select]
cd bitshares/graphene
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd build
make witness_node cli_wallet

updated executables will be in /home/pi/bitshares/graphene/build/programs/wallet_node and /home/pi/bitshares/graphene/programs/cli_wallet

Warning, compiling on RPi is VERY slow, that's why I'm putting out disk images and a repository. (also, it requires a newer version of boost, which is also in your home directory - so it gets complicated). You also can wait for packages so that all you would do is "apt-get install graphene" and it will take care of everything automatically.

So I think my conclusion, thinking on the fly, is that the consumption of Bitcoin isn't an important requirement and that there will be higher multiples in Bitcoin than gold because the amount of BTC mined can't increase in response to higher prices. (However as I said earlier there is a relationship in the sense that in order to sustain any valuation, new $ demand for BTC has to at least offset the $ value of BTC being mined.)

You're right, consumption isn't necessarily important, and I choose the wrong word. I meant more as, "a store of something that is essentially to be purchased and used in industry" -- a commodity. At some point I will need gold electrodes and I must buy gold. My point is that gold is tied to a broader economy of goods that require it. There isn't the analogy for BTC.

While the total amount of BTC mined can't increase indefinitely, transaction fees can if miners only accept transactions in to blocks that pay for themselves. From a miner's point of view, there is no difference between transaction feeds and block rewards. That's why placed the fundamental limit the the minimum value of BTC to the marginal cost to "produce" a BTC, which from the miner's point of view is both fees and mining.
$ to produce a block / # of btc "produced" (mined or fees) = the value.
The scarcity keeps the denominator small, and the value stable.

There is no reason why a bitcoin should be priced anything except for the minimum, besides speculation.

Yet gold has been valued far more than the minimum cost of extraction for thousands of years.

It's almost as though there are different valuation metrics that must be applied to money.
As well as understanding what constitutes & can become a popular form of money.

Gold is a great example of my point. It does not, and has not, have a value in excess of production anywhere near what bitcoin has (bitcoin is WAY worse). Gold is only a few multiples (somwhere between 10%-300% premium) above the cost of production. The multiples are from speculation on supply as it is a required component in industry, and there is an industry selling it for the sake of it (jewlery). People model that the demand for gold will increase (because of real economic factors), and supply will decrease, so they pay a premium over production. However, gold is consumed - thus the demand. Nothing "consumes" bitcoin.

Everyone focuses a lot on the "technicals," of crypto,  which makes sense since it is entirely driven by speculators at the moment and fundamentals don't come in to play. But the fundamentals require analysis, because in the end - things really only last long-term because of fundamentals.

BTS is essentially a non-profit, it does not generate any value on its own. It pays for network security with dilution and transaction fees. The intrinsic value of a bitcoin is the marginal cost to produce the block divided by number of bitcoins paid to the miner per block. The number of bitcoins paid to miner via reward is decreasing over time, but will reach the floor of transaction fees, which is a variable. The marginal cost to produce a block is also a variable depending on the collective power of the miners (i.e., network difficulty), miner computing efficiency ( hashes/sec/(W*electricity rate) ), financing/depreciation of mining hardware, and development costs (since miners are the sole players with network financial incentive to maintain the code). In theory, if prices drop, then people turn off miners until the new network difficulty-price equilibrium is reached. There, therefore, is a minimum value to bitcoin (namely, where is the cheapest electricity in the world), but no maximum value besides speculation. There is no reason why a bitcoin should be priced anything except for the minimum, besides speculation.

BTS is different, as it is a "for-profit" coin. Real companies that produce goods and services and list on the network (with true regulatory compliance), which collects network fees. Fees pay expenses (technology development, marketing, business development, network security) and return a "profit" to the network via burned fees. The value of BTS is in the earning rate, as it is in a normal company (price per earnings ratio, for example, which is always "infinity" for bitcoin). If you can you estimate of the bitshares return and risk -- you can actually price BTS. The game is then trying to be the best at predicting return and risk.

That fundamental difference is why I've come to support bitshares.

But this was also my concern with BTA2.0: how do I price a short to create BitUSD when I know the floor is enforced by the network (the peg), but there is no explicit mechanism for enforcing a ceiling? I think the answer is in the expected profit from BTS. As long as BTS produces profit (my projections of earnings of BTS exceeds the current valuation), I'd be willing to leverage what I have to get more of them. So I price at a discount because I don't know what liquidity will be like when I sell and I want to account for it. There then becomes an auction on willingness to accept liquidity risk. Market makers profit from liquidity risk (over the long term), and also inject liquidity in the market - so I feel like the system has a good chance of working...

Still can't extract the .img file to write to SD card because it says its 734 PB.

wierd, sorry about that... something up with partitions maybe? What OS are you using (and steps to decompress?)

I have another image to put up soon too, busy at work so I might not get to it for a few days.

As of now I'm not able to do a windows 10 PI image, but if someone is willing to please go ahead. Since the goal is simplicity and security, sticking with a minimal linux server is what i'm most comfortable with.

EDIT: also a big deal: windows 10 costs money, linux is free

Bm is not a gui developer but has grown the gui team for 2.0 to a total of 5 or 6.   Even Nathan is doing gui work.  That leaves only 4 people doing backend work.   

as someone that follows the repos closely to make sure porting to other architectures works, I can validate this comment. graphene-ui has actually been getting almost as much attention as graphene lately, which I took to mean that resources are shifting towards UI.

For the UI, in the past week:
Excluding merges, 4 authors have pushed 49 commits to master and 49 commits to all branches. On master, 99 files have changed and there have been 2,953 additions and 1,436 deletions.

here's the backend for the past week:
Excluding merges, 6 authors have pushed 62 commits to master and 63 commits to all branches. On master, 103 files have changed and there have been 4,905 additions and 1,329 deletions.

Random Discussion / Re: I'm questioning the Free Market (unusual)
« on: July 21, 2015, 11:44:53 pm »
Just like in the early 20th century with the Great Depression we are become too efficient in the sector that is our primary means of employment and distribution of income. What we need is more training in STEM, but we have a cultural aversion toward it. Only 30% of college students major in STEM related fields. We're still training the younger generation for service sector jobs that aren't going to be there in the next 20 years.

The problem is not the free market. If anything the government has distorted the collective consensus and undermined our ability to more dynamically respond to economic changes. The real problem is that there is an imbalance of adequate supply and demand to achieve our goal of increased economic output while also equitably distributing income.

As someone on the front lines of STEM and workforce training, there is an interesting labor market phenomenon occurring. We keep hearing that there is an undersupply of engineers and scientists, and an over supply of business people - yet finance and econ majors make 10-15% more over the 10 years after graduation than scientists and engineers. Either the market undervalues scientists and engineers, or there is really a shortage of bankers and economists. [STEM majors have significantly higher job security, however]

and you're right, 30-40 years ago you just needed a college degree in anything and you were set for life. Now it completely depends on what you major in, you can't expect to get far without innovating.

Random Discussion / Re: I'm questioning the Free Market (unusual)
« on: July 21, 2015, 11:28:32 pm »
The mechanic is the free market, your competitor will provide a better service if you are corrupt.  If the corporation is violating some natural law against you, than you would bring that against them, and it would be very costly for them, for all sorts of reasons.

But what if that corporation used their influence to stifle competition and destroy the free market (to replace it with their controlled market)? You can take it to the extreme and say there should be an "armed revolution" against such a corporation, but if that corporation has a monopoly on essential services (food, medicines), then there is no market mechanism to correct it. Group network theory always pushes to utopia (monopoly) or distopia (free market). If market conditions create a utopia, that same market can't be expected to suddenly generate distopia. There needs to be feedback in the loop, and monopolies work to remove feedback, so the market drives further in their direction.

Right now you can say we have a government monopoly, but all governments are subject to their market economy. And market economies exist with the expectation of a stable political structure to enforce market rules and prevent players from themselves destroying the market. Thus the current situation of balance between government and market.

We also live in a market of governments. They are all similar, but if you don't like what your government is doing you can vote with your feet and move out. Cities that spend too liberally and go bankrupt lose the income centers and populations. Cities that have good policies grow. Countries with bad economic policies (Greece, Argentina, Venezuela, Soviet Union, North Korea) collapse under their own weight.

North Korea is a great example of a monopoly that has destroyed the "market of governments."

Random Discussion / Re: I'm questioning the Free Market (unusual)
« on: July 21, 2015, 09:12:43 pm »
1) The argument is circular: market economy improvements improve quality of life for everyone, thus improving health. But then market economy improvements cause inequality which breeds resentment, increases stress, thus decreasing health. One of those trends has to dominate the other. Are people healthier or not?

2) Free market advocates would say you're supposed to feel stress due to income inequality; that is supposed to motivate you to provide more valuable contributions to society.

3) However, free markets need to be free. Artificial barriers to entry and market players destroying free and transparent markets drive the need for regulations. Just as pure socialism leads to economic inefficiencies and corruption, pure libertarianism gives freedom to bad actors to obtain wealth and destroy transparency and market access in order to preserve their wealth. The world is evolving to a system of checks and balances between the free market and governments. Markets overrule governments (see Greece, and China's long modernization towards a market economy) and governments overrule markets (corporate bailouts) in extreme cases to preserve this balance. USA becomes more "socialist," China becomes more "capitalist," but they both have a market that will moderate changes and puts limits on what governments can and cannot do.

4) PhDs are trained to be free thinkers and critical of all evidence. Just because you have an education doesn't mean you are a mindless drone that wasted thousands of dollars. I have a PhD and didn't pay a dime for it (in fact, I got paid - as do nearly every PhD in the US). If any of my PhD students simply do what I told them only because I told them to without critically analyzing the problem, I'd fire them. As a whole, there is no academic conspiracy nor agenda (although individuals may have one, thus driving them to write blogs or op eds)

Technical Support / Re: RPC API Reference?
« on: July 20, 2015, 12:56:26 pm »
I used to work with BTS API a couple of months ago and I have a vague memory that accessing the RPC outside the localhost is disabled in the C++ source code for security reasons.

if you enable the rpc server, the default settings only allow (localhost) to connect. You have to add allowed IPs. It's documented "./bitshares_client --help"

General Discussion / Re: 36 100% delegates
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:18:34 pm »
he's got point, the system has no accountability at the moment. Another reason for bitshares2.0 where there are a bit more checks and balances

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