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Messages - cube

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Aren't they supposed to be fired for this? Lol

The developers that introduced the forking code to make the network more robust or the delegates who are quickly adapting to keep the network running while the kinks are worked out?

Who would you have replace them that you think would do a better job?

Everyone is doing their best to get it working.  There is no need to fire anyone. :)

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Disappointment and Hope - Delegates, Unite!
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:07:22 pm »
I've repeated over and over that most people are not voting to keep their funds safe.

Next version will have voter keys and we will start making voting a much bigger part of the culture.

I am looking forward to this feature rolling out.  And yes, delegates unite!  +5%

General Discussion / Re: Seems we are in a fork again
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:19:21 am »
Yes, there is a fork. Delegates are asked to upgrade their client.  They are upgrading.

"BTC Virtual Stock Exchange and LTC-Global Virtual Stock Exchange" ?  I suppose they are some kind of centralised stock exchanges on crypto coins?

The signed message command gave me assert exception. The import wallet command worked. Thanks!
That error actually contains the message that you need to sign, then you need to enter everything on one line once you have the message. But good to see you got it working anyways.

A good point raised.  We will update the guide to explain this point.

Guess I have overlooked somewhere obvious but how do I claim the "new" PTS in the new wallet with my "old" protoshares in the old wallet?
It seems that the commandline option -datadir and -conf don't work for the new wallet, how do I get a list command line options ?

Same way you did with BitsharesX. You can use the import bitcoin wallet command, or you can avoid exposing private keys by using the new "import_wallet_by_signed_message" command that allows you to import your old balance by signing a message using the old client.

Yes, that is right.  The details are here -

中文 (Chinese) / 新推出的PTS 2.0链
« on: December 15, 2014, 03:49:02 pm »



General Discussion / Re: BitShares SAFE MODE - New Features Coming Soon
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:10:18 pm »
+5% +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: Network issues
« on: December 15, 2014, 10:46:32 am »
Does somebody know whether bter/btc38/... are reading these forums? Or if someone knows how to contact them? Because I believe that they should either:
 - make sure they are on 0.4.26 as all the delegates (on a frozen network, granted)
 - freeze deposits/withdrawals if they are still on 0.4.25 as people could do a double-spend then

Reverting back to 0.4.25 for delegates on friday was the best solution as most, if not all users, were still on 0.4.25, but 0.4.26 has now been published on so it's hard to estimate which fork it's better to move on to...

bter has frozen bts.

General Discussion / Re: Network issues
« on: December 15, 2014, 10:34:02 am »

 +5% even though the superhero voice inside my head tells me that downgrading to v0.4.25-RC2 might solve the issue (for now, with the potential security issue open again), the reasonable voice inside my head (which usually ends up being right) says to not do anything until we have bytemaster or vikram pitch on the issue...

The delegates are certainly waiting for their superheroes to appear. BM, Vikram - Help! Help!

General Discussion / Re: Network issues
« on: December 15, 2014, 10:20:21 am »
what about downgrading to v 0.4.25-RC2 again?

or v0.4.24.1?  This is the stable version before the major patches.

General Discussion / Re: Network issues
« on: December 15, 2014, 10:12:57 am »
I have suspended the Bitshare faucet.  Let's hope we can resolve this soon.

BitShares PTS Upgrade is launched. :)


i tried the link and when i click "authenticate with google" it just goes to a blank white screen.

The faucet was suspended during the latest frantic delegate upgrade to 0.4.25, downgrade to and upgrade to 0.4.26.  This delegate upgrade exercise is completed and the faucet's operation is resumed.

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