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Messages - eagleeye

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General Discussion / Re: Delegate Legal Fund
« on: September 02, 2014, 04:17:03 am »
Thomas Jefferson was a liberal.  I have no problem with that label. 

I don't have time to debate early American economics with you.  Naturally I disagree with you about both the frequency of what used to be called panics (you got one thing right.  We don't have them anymore.  Now we call them recessions). And what caused these panics.

You have bought into the lie that governments are necessary.

I'm sorry I'm a little busy right now.  I really would love to debate these things with you some day.

We will debate some day, for sure!  You will probably win.

I am just saying that.  We are a republic.  The idea of a republic is 2500 years going back to the Greeks and Socrates who I believe is a hero Philospher.

a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
a group with a certain equality between its members.

This does not mean the system does not have to change meaning there should be a test to become a politician, or we should all be voting on the Internet (if that was the solution)

General Discussion / Re: Cannot cancel BitUSD order
« on: September 02, 2014, 04:05:27 am »

Just pick a lane.
Buy BTSX or go back to your NXT shell.

Posting here trying to do damage is not the most productive use of your time, regarding your own benefit.

How am I doing damage Hero Member, TheOnion.  Please private message me on mumb**, Skype or WhatsApp.  NXT is distracted I am helping the GUI of Bitshares.

General Discussion / Re: Cannot cancel BitUSD order
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:57:39 am »
I'm also getting this error and have enough funds to cover any fees.  Shortly after it occurs it says "Not connected" and occasionally tries to sync to catch up... so I'm guessing that it's not canceling due to connection issues?

more than likely that is the problem , make sure you have the most recent version and good luck.

How do you update the software and can the software in the future update itself when your going to login?

Also should have an "Updates" page at the top.

BitShares doesn't release BTSX it's another company DACsunlimited you can also go to

At the moment you update it by downloading the latest version from there but it is very new software so there may be bugs etc. & frequent updates

Is on this forum and is = DACsunlimited?  If so they are immense allies

No they are separate. As far as I understand it, BitShares just develop most of the foundations for DAC's like BTSX but it's up to third parties or other companies if they want to release it.

Edit: So like is the website for the guys behind BitShares and this is the forum but DACsun is separate guys and company based in Hong Kong is my understanding

How do we get in contact with the people.  Also what is a DAC?   Digital something currency?

You have already been in contact with many of them but they are very hard to reach.  Sometimes they can go for hours without a post.  :)

Global Moderator.  (bows).  Hello

Are they on the mumb** server?

General Discussion / Re: Delegate Legal Fund
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:56:19 am »

No it should not happen that people steal property under threat of kidnapping or death.  However, everyone should have a house.  Everyone should be almost free to pursuit what they want to do.  We can not have a few people own most of the system or 90% of the system.  We must spread around the wealth and that is why Norway having lots of resources (much like United States) but it has an extremely high absolute standard of living.  It has low suicide rates, it has a high general of happeniness and cohesion.  We must not have the Wal-Mart family who only helps themselves and empoverishes the rest of 3 million people.  Costco will be bigger than Wal-Mart one day, and it pays its employs $18 - $20 dollars an hour, a middle class or almost middle class wage.

Fight who? Who are you talking about?

Free people will never be equal, and equal people will never be free.

I agree with you about a lot of the problems this world faces.  I am not a fan of governments or corporations.  I just want you to realize that when you say taxes.  What you are actually talking about is men with guns stealing peoples property under the threat of kidnapping or death.  That is what taxes are.  If you don't believe me, stop paying yours and see what happens.  You could argue that we must allow men with guns to steal peoples things so they can give them to the poor.  I however would disagree.  I think that theft is always wrong.  Even if you intend to do good with it.  (this is totally ignoring the efficacy of welfare.  Thats an entirely different argument.)

Also.  You are the one that keeps saying we are in a war.  What do you do in a war?  Why do Americans always want to wage wars on things?

I have no wish to fight a war against anyone.

If we do not have taxes?  Who will fund the military to protect us?  (That does not say we need a $600 billion military budget) We will not have regional warlords.  We need a military who believes in the just and proper values.  To protect us, even from ourselves.

Before taxes in America, America was very isolationist due to maybe the Monroe Doctrine.  "a principle of US policy, originated by President James Monroe in 1823, that any intervention by external powers in the politics of the Americas is a potentially hostile act against the US."  We wanted to be left alone.

We did not go to wars much but the system was unstable.  There were continous economic crises, up and down, up and down, much like the early stages of bitshares.  A lack of taxes was early stage.

We need government or else we will go back to kings, which the people of the world will not do, no matter how much money one has the people will not relent.

I do believe in Libertarian policies however, a Libertarian, is a liberal, I am not saying a Libertarian is a Democrat.

Each person to sign up gets 2 bitUSD!

Get a 3 bitUSD bonus if you have more than 1000 followers!

Get a 5 bitUSD bonus if you have more than 5000 followers!

Get a 10 bitUSD bonus if you have more than 10 000 followers!

Please help support the Campaign!

Post here after to get your bitUSD!

Tell your social friends! :)

Initiative and organization by G1ng3rBr34dM4n.
Funds provided by G1ng3rBr34dM4n and robrigo!
Cost of registration paid by community fund

This is a good idea, but it needs development.

General Discussion / Re: Delegate Legal Fund
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:31:50 am »
Rather than being defensive and assuming the government will go after delegates, I think a better solution would be for delegates to be proactive and participate in discussions with regulators. My strategy is to be 100% legit all the time, I'm not going to hide and hope my anonymity can protect me (it can't). At the same time, I don't see any clear regulatory problems at the moment, but I plan on participating in discussions with regulators and complying with whatever comes up as the proper way to legitimize/protect consumers/follow the law (whatever someone wants to call it). As of now, BTSX and BitUSD are just crypto currencires and as such I'm following the proper tax laws and FINCEN guidance as any miner of cryptocurrencies should.

If bitsharesx really takes off, delegates (and users) may want to get together and figure out a centralized approach to handling regulation - sort of like the bitcoin foundation does for bitcoin.

well said  +5%

funds could be pooled to create a lobby group to proactively work with regulators

100% "legit" means that the interests who are currently employing treasonous measures against the public will gain more control over the ecosystem.  The only reason, for instance, that the IRS still exists and forces "taxes" (read theft) on citizens is because there have not been enough people who got pissed off about the IRS' Illegal Operations to change the status quo ( 

Being "legit" is fine...but it is a whole other thing to comply with illegal requirements simply out of fear that we will be imprisoned or otherwise penalized.  This simply lends to the public's sense of legitimacy over these types of institutions...which most can agree, are illegal (meaning those working for them should be the ones penalized!). 

This is precisely why I am thinking it is important to have a legal team there and ready in the instances that legal cases present themselves as opportunities to set precedents favorable to our ecosystem.

You have to understand taxes are good, America in itself has a large part of the population that is in poverty.  It is the US government that has the wrong priorities ($600 billion US a year in military spending, while only $6 - $30 billion a year in food stamps, MAYBE (MAYBE I am wrong in how it should be set up)).

What im getting at is some taxes is good like Canada with only 20% and (I know Russia is our enemy at the moment) but Russia at 10 - 15% taxes (I believe).

We need to get a large part of the population out of poverty but military spending and an imperialistic mentality (in terms of US government foreign policy) will not help our population.

You must realize (im sorry if I say that too much) but this is a very disruptive technology.  We could put lots of people out of work (bank tellers, people that work for NYSE, NASDAQ) so we do have enemies and this is a war.
I like Wikipedias definition of taxes
A tax (from the Latin taxo; "rate") is a financial charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay, or evasion of or resistance to collection, is punishable by law. Taxes are also imposed by many administrative divisions. Taxes consist of direct or indirect taxes and may be paid in money or as its labour equivalent.

While poverty can be a terrible thing.  If your solution involves men with guns stealing peoples property under threat of kidnapping or death, then I cannot support it.  You are essentially saying that theft is okay, as long as you intend to do good with it.  I believe that the initiation of violence or the threat of violence for any reason other than self defense is immoral. 

This is disruptive technology.  Many individuals will find themselves freed from unproductive use of their abilities, as more productive means become available.  This will allow them to pursue more productive uses of their assets.  This will no doubt be unpleasant for some.  Some of them may even attempt to fight this progress.  They will probably find like minded simpletons in places of power throughout the worlds governments. 

This is not a war, and the only enemies I can see are those that believe they have the right to use violence against people engaged in peaceful commerce.  I do not propose that we fight them.  I propose that we continue to work to make them and their disgusting world view irrelevant.  That is ultimately what this technology makes possible.

No it should not happen that people steal property under threat of kidnapping or death.  However, everyone should have a house.  Everyone should be almost free to pursuit what they want to do.  We can not have a few people own most of the system or 90% of the system.  We must spread around the wealth and that is why Norway having lots of resources (much like United States) but it has an extremely high absolute standard of living.  It has low suicide rates, it has a high general of happeniness and cohesion.  We must not have the Wal-Mart family who only helps themselves and empoverishes the rest of 3 million people.  Costco will be bigger than Wal-Mart one day, and it pays its employs $18 - $20 dollars an hour, a middle class or almost middle class wage.

Fight who? Who are you talking about?

General Discussion / Re: We are in the lead and NXT knows this.
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:25:05 am »
The title has already been changed.  I may have strong opinions but I am pragmatic.

dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.
"a pragmatic approach to politics"
synonyms:   practical, matter-of-fact, sensible, down-to-earth, commonsensical, businesslike, having both/one's feet on the ground, hardheaded, no-nonsense; informalhard-nosed
"she remains pragmatic in the most emotional circumstances"
antonyms:   impractical
relating to philosophical or political pragmatism.
of or relating to pragmatics.

Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.

Sun Tzu

Too late...  :(

BTSX is @ no.4 so there will be many visitors

'Whether the object be to crush an army, to storm a city, or to assassinate an individual, it is always necessary to begin by finding out the names of the attendants, the aides-de-camp and door-keepers and sentries of the general in command. Our spies must be commissioned to ascertain these.'

Sun Tzu

More Oasis.

General Oasis.

General Discussion / Re: Get Ready for another Ride!
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:24:11 am »

Buy side looks good on Bter.

Short term price is pretty irrelevant except for trading. BTSX today is somewhere between $45-75 million but the awareness is there and we've already seen $4 million 24hr volumes can arrive at the drop of a hat.

As soon as the market thinks the incentives for BitAssets are right, there's  a robust wallet and a decentralised developer system/process behind it, then the $ billion dollar plus valuation will be there so quick it will blow your mind imo.

Thank you Oasis.  We need the GUI to be there. 

General Discussion / Re: Delegate Legal Fund
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:19:55 am »
What if all Delegates in the BitShares Ecosystem were to agree on a few absolutely imperative collaborative efforts in hopes of protecting each other in the case of legal entanglements with institutions that (although showing they do not deserve it) wish to have ultimate control over all human interaction?  They would do this through their well established "legal" pathways and regulations.  We can bet that when the system starts to really falter that crypto (not corruption of the current leadership) will be blamed--CryptoTerrorist is a term that will likely become common place as the powers that be try to push the buck onto those who are trying to fix the problems they created. 

With that said, Delegates will be the first place for these institutions to attack...So wouldn't it be worth it for all delegates to sign on to give a small % of their tx fees to a fund for legal fees in the case that any delegate is so labeled and embroiled in mounds of legal consequence?

We could even ask users if they would like to increase their tx fees by a slight amount to ensure that the fund becomes robust as quickly as possible.  Just a thought--please consider and give opinions below.

What do you mean CryptoTerrorists?  Do you believe because we will be putting people out of jobs?  Or that a hacker will hack the system?  Or that the NSA will hack the system because they have corrupted PGP (Pretty good programming encryption) and cause a false flag?  I have PGP from 30 years ago that the NSA does not have corrupted from a scientist.  It is on CD.

General Discussion / Re: ELI5 for Bitshares X
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:13:32 am »
Now Bitshares X asks this question: can a prediction market successfully exist with no settlement date and no delivery of the underlying asset?
If the answer turns out to be "yes" - that will be a major breakthrough.
If the answer turns out to be "no" - then Bitshares X has a solid back-up plan: the use of an external feed to supply the btsx/USD rate into the blockchain. With the external feed the only risk for the system is low liquidity.
How does the price feed provice/replace a settlement date and delivery of the underlying asset?

That's a good question. This was my understanding of the discussion between bytemaster and sportscliche in this topic

I guess the external feed does not replace a settlement date but it does replace the delivery: in my understanding the feed is the final judge who decides whether it's been better to be short bitUSD or long bitUSD.
But I would love to hear the opinion of someone wiser than me on that.

The only purpose of the feed is to initiate the market and make sure no one abuses the 'not-yet-activate-due-to-just-started' market peg.
From my understanding, the price feeds is only relevant for the first 1 hour .. after initialization .. after that 1hr-moving average will take over the price feed which limits the price for any SHORT order placed in between +-10% around the feed.

How would someone abuse the "not-yet-activate-due-to-just-started" market peg?

General Discussion / Re: ELI5 for Bitshares X
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:12:20 am »
We translated the article into Chinese version. Hopefully you don't mind. :)

Good job friend and ally.

General Discussion / Re: bitBTC market is now up and running!
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:07:35 am »
Sure.  What do you means about the blockchain?

eagleeye, you obviously like writing/posting. If so, you can mine some coins doing just that. Here are some links:

What do you mean mine?  I have the capability to register servers though I do not have the technical background to mine coins.

General Discussion / Re: Delegate Legal Fund
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:06:27 am »
Rather than being defensive and assuming the government will go after delegates, I think a better solution would be for delegates to be proactive and participate in discussions with regulators. My strategy is to be 100% legit all the time, I'm not going to hide and hope my anonymity can protect me (it can't). At the same time, I don't see any clear regulatory problems at the moment, but I plan on participating in discussions with regulators and complying with whatever comes up as the proper way to legitimize/protect consumers/follow the law (whatever someone wants to call it). As of now, BTSX and BitUSD are just crypto currencires and as such I'm following the proper tax laws and FINCEN guidance as any miner of cryptocurrencies should.

If bitsharesx really takes off, delegates (and users) may want to get together and figure out a centralized approach to handling regulation - sort of like the bitcoin foundation does for bitcoin.

well said  +5%

funds could be pooled to create a lobby group to proactively work with regulators

100% "legit" means that the interests who are currently employing treasonous measures against the public will gain more control over the ecosystem.  The only reason, for instance, that the IRS still exists and forces "taxes" (read theft) on citizens is because there have not been enough people who got pissed off about the IRS' Illegal Operations to change the status quo ( 

Being "legit" is fine...but it is a whole other thing to comply with illegal requirements simply out of fear that we will be imprisoned or otherwise penalized.  This simply lends to the public's sense of legitimacy over these types of institutions...which most can agree, are illegal (meaning those working for them should be the ones penalized!). 

This is precisely why I am thinking it is important to have a legal team there and ready in the instances that legal cases present themselves as opportunities to set precedents favorable to our ecosystem.

You have to understand taxes are good, America in itself has a large part of the population that is in poverty.  It is the US government that has the wrong priorities ($600 billion US a year in military spending, while only $6 - $30 billion a year in food stamps, MAYBE (MAYBE I am wrong in how it should be set up)).

What im getting at is some taxes is good like Canada with only 20% and (I know Russia is our enemy at the moment) but Russia at 10 - 15% taxes (I believe).

We need to get a large part of the population out of poverty but military spending and an imperialistic mentality (in terms of US government foreign policy) will not help our population.

You must realize (im sorry if I say that too much) but this is a very disruptive technology.  We could put lots of people out of work (bank tellers, people that work for NYSE, NASDAQ) so we do have enemies and this is a war.

I don't think NYSE/NASDAQ are our enemies. The NASDAQ will not be replaced by Bitshares X. It will be supplemented but not replaced because Bitshares X is like a parallel virtual market.

We cannot issue legal securities on Bitshares X so what does NASDAQ have to worry about?

As far as putting people out of work? Automation is going to put hundreds of millions of people out of work in the decades ahead. Does that mean the entire IT industry is the enemy to the service and other industries?

When you look at the big picture you see that DACs are just part of the larger trend toward automation. If technological unemployment is a result then maybe people can work for DACs and there can be employment in these new industries we are trying to create. Old industries have to fall sometimes so that the economy can survive.

Bitshares could in the future gain the legal right to supplement the NASDAQ meaning they will know this and they will think of us as the enemies and try to crush us.

I agree automation will put people out of work and automation is technology therefore no one should fear technology.  Do not take what I am going to say lightly.  If you believe this and I believe this (that technology is NOT our enemy) then cryptocurrencies has nothing to fear, correct?  But we still fear (And we should till we have the friends to back us up militarily, law enforcement, lawyers and politically).  Once we do not have anything to fear then everything is fine HOWEVER do not believe we can disrupt other countries unless in specific targeted fashions that benefit them as a whole rather than letting ISIS and Assad in Syria now fight when a year ago it was US and ISIS against Assad in Syria. 

General Discussion / Re: Cannot cancel BitUSD order
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:00:03 am »
I'm also getting this error and have enough funds to cover any fees.  Shortly after it occurs it says "Not connected" and occasionally tries to sync to catch up... so I'm guessing that it's not canceling due to connection issues?

more than likely that is the problem , make sure you have the most recent version and good luck.

How do you update the software and can the software in the future update itself when your going to login?

Also should have an "Updates" page at the top.

BitShares doesn't release BTSX it's another company DACsunlimited you can also go to

At the moment you update it by downloading the latest version from there but it is very new software so there may be bugs etc. & frequent updates

Is on this forum and is = DACsunlimited?  If so they are immense allies

No they are separate. As far as I understand it, BitShares just develop most of the foundations for DAC's like BTSX but it's up to third parties or other companies if they want to release it.

Edit: So like is the website for the guys behind BitShares and this is the forum but DACsun is separate guys and company based in Hong Kong is my understanding

How do we get in contact with the people.  Also what is a DAC?   Digital something currency?

General Discussion / Re: bitBTC market is now up and running!
« on: September 02, 2014, 02:55:46 am »
Hope this helps!

Thank you Mr. TheOnion.  What page are you specifically on?

The right side below "Open Orders" above "Bid 16,150, 0.0010000 16.149999" needs titles above them.

You are a true genius... the GUI needs work...
[edit] they have titles... the file conversion must have eaten them...

Now, let's get back to digging (mining) my funds out of the blockchain... :)

Who cares if the GUI needs work.  It will be done by the developers.

Sure.  What do you means about the blockchain?

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