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Topics - btcmacroecon

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Coming to town like the Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull

Looking for sponsors to sponsor me in finding sponsors for beer and pizza and more for Indexcoin! It's coming, need partners in business! Beer and Pizza helps the cause.

General Discussion / Indexcoin White Paper - Hello Bitshares
« on: March 06, 2015, 08:50:22 pm »
There is a reason I am here. I operate and I am trying to network with others to help bust Corporate Ameica up but can't do it all by my lonesome. i was referred to Bitshares and was told that Bitshares could be the place 'to breathe life" into my project indexcoin. I have a few aces up my sleeve. But here goes. My goal is to create a new cryptocurrency while creating REAL jobs, remote jobs, jobs in remote villages, and that means partnerships, ancillary businesses, and development, and with that being said, means to not go it alone, but with community support and interaction. I mean I suppose somebody could fight 2 hour traffic jams to get to the heart of the city if they so love it, i know there are people that thrive in the city, i just don't happen to be one to like the urban jungle. And i believe it's time to spread the job creation around and end the urban crawl and traffic jams and do away with the pathetic mentality of corporate America. So i come into this project in the right mindset :) The question is are you down? Are you ready? Are you ready? LET'S GET IT ON!

This is a project that is no longer going to be talked about, but it needs to be implemented and executed and that is why i am here. You haven't seen anything like it yet and that's why I want to move forward with this project immediately and I need some sponsorship before i get sucked into a city or 2 hour traffic jams. Can we work together to end this paradigm and slave system? I have considered a way to pay developers and investors back if that is desired, but that is different subject matter. i want to create jobs, REAL jobs, for others and myself so the intent would be to see to it that people are paid along the way, and this is why i would like to seek sponsors and that may also include PiZZARIAS & MICROBREWERIES!!! Think I am kidding?

Like any ideas or concepts, they must start from an idea and begin at a Stage 1.
I have an idea, or concept, and it’s in proof of concept stage, but the idea has merit.

I would like to establish a cryptocurrency, IndexCoin. This cryptocurrency is an index of cryptocurrencies by percentage of coins and I want to kick this off by establishing some coins to be indexed in the ultimate trading coin. I would genuinely like to find investors and developers over time to make this project a reality.

Since the coins are owned by the owners of IndexCoin, the blockchain technology will be utilized by the owners of IndexCoin and the blockchain technologies will be tied together so one coin has all the capabilities, a daunting task actually, yet conceivably possible.

This coin will bring value based on the trading aspect, but the value will be in the blockchain technologies that will be utilized with one coin.

I would like to find traction and work with others. The percentages of coin to be utilized can change over time and coins can be entered in or removed depending on valuations and developments, that is the beauty of an indexed cryptocurrency. But given the volatility of the market, this particular cryptocurrency stands to bring great value and market capital in time, if not in years. It would be great to develop such a coin with others and become a leader in the marketplace. Are you interested in this from a development or investment standpoint? The valuations and platform could be utilized to further fund development but would need strong management and integrity or there is no point in even discussing it further. With this comes the need for absolute security – and that takes know how and best practice. This is the ultimate in creating opportunity and I hope to create an opportunity for myself and many others with this stage 1 project. The first thing that needs to come from such a project is interest and traction but then project management would require investment and communication. But I can say that you have not heard of an indexed cryptocurrency and if you have, you heard about it via Bitcoin Macroeconomics.

I do have some wild cards for cryptocurrencies that could be added, but the coin is not developed yet, but that would be the nature in general, and I do believe this would take consensus and from board members essentially.

How would the allocations look (let alone how would the blockchain technology be tied together?)

Hypothetically and something to consider…

Bitcoin 20%
Darkcoin 20%
Hypercoin 10%
Namecoin 10%

This scenario brings us to 60% of the required 100% for an indexed coin. The remaining 40% would require other coins, consensus, and that may tie to ease and ability of tying those blockchain technologies into the IndexCoin. But this is where it could get interesting and it will.

If the other coins go up in value, IndexCoin would go up in value accordingly and based on allocation or percentage of coin to the index. Likewise, if Indexcoin where to go up in value, that could correlate to the valuation of the indexed coins, though that would remain to be seen.

This would bring rise to strong partnerships and innovation, but alliances should be formed nonetheless. Alliances should not be formed simply with cryptocoins or developers, but with other innovators and investors. Others would benefit from the technology and I would like to see if any exchanges,tip bot programs, and security or cold storages would be interested in forming an alliance and working towards developing IndexCoin and working at arriving at the percentages while looking at first rounds to invest in tying the blockchain technologies together.

This is the ultimate in grass roots job creation and innovation and these sorts of jobs should be able to be spread around the globe and not hoarded in some urban center controlled by elites.

If you are interested in forming an alliance, developing, or investing, contact me and let me know what you bring to the table and what stake you can bring in advancing this from a Stage 1 concept and into IndexCoin – the leading market cap trading cryptocurrency. I’d like to take things from hypothetical to Stage 2.

Indexcoin Calculations

So why not establish an index of cryptocurrency and track the valuations. For the purposes of doing so I will list 5 cryptocurrencies and am using Bittrex or the current prices. For ease, i am using 5 coins and 20% would be the mock percentage in the Indexcoin.
So for this purpose I am going to start with 1 Bitcoin as the basis point so 1 Bitcoin equals the current market value ($272.97 per Bitcoin). So 20% of the Index is going to be 1 Bitcoin and for starting reference point that $272.97 is the current market price, and that amount or valuation will be then translated into what $272.97 could buy in Darkcoin, etc…to come up with the equal 20% of the pie until the 100% total. For ease I am going to round off and not arrive at the exact prices of current market, but that will come in time.

I would like to see if there are any math majors looking for a cool college project/paper, or any Cryptocurrency enthusiasts to get involved in the start up of Indexcoin to prove this point and arrive at the metrics to tie into buy ins and sells at any given point in the market – ongoing. This is where the math comes in. This is where it starts to come together. Where it gets more complicated is the introduction of new cryptocurrencies and percentages into the index, and likewise, the deletion of cryptocurrencies from the index (over time) as required. Where it gets more complicated yet still….is the creation of multiple indexes ….on down the line … each standing as their own cryptocurrency and how to take this “index’ and calculate it into 1 value or stand alone cryptocurrency for introduction into the exchanges.

So if you are interested in an idea for a college paper or project or want to join in this project, this is where it’s going down….right here. This will get done, but will take some math to make it work, but it is not a complicated process, as this is just an index, but in doing so creates a new cryptocurrency based on existing cryptocurrencies.

***Note also not calculated in but must be considered are fees for in and out buying and selling of the “indexed coins” on an ongoing basis which needs to be arrived at as per the exchange where this is going to be bought at…and that right there is why I need to partner with an exchange. This is how an ancillary business and a new job opportunity meet. And that is part of this project is partnership and job creation, hopefully in remote locations far away from the Urban Crawl and traffic jams….because that is what technology should do unless people absolutely love living in the city or driving in traffic jams for a living. And then there are many other side projects to consider from there, but let’s keep it to a basic index at this point. Hit me up if interested and you can take not only get involved with Indexcoin at a very early stage, but you can also have a college project to work on.

1 Bitcoin Current price:$274.05
88 Darkoin 0.01246235
2,000,000 Doge 0.00000051
23,000 Vericoin 0.00004914
15,750 Blackcoin 0.00006379

This is by no means what Indexcoin is going to be but merely an example to demonstrate how the Indexcoin will be comprised. Obviously if someone wanted to buy in with $10, they would get the fraction of the above index, for all concerned purposes. It just takes a little math calculation.

The next step would be to simply track this index, in terms of (Bitcoin) and the USD, but that is the starting point. Any one of these coins could be removed and likewise other cryptocurrencies can be added in, it’s just who makes that call? The community voting or a “board”? Most people would distrust a “board” in the world of cryptocurrencies, but that all needs to be decided or the index could be built and that’s it. And then another index could be built, all Indexcoins, all stand alone cryptocurrencies, all with the ability to trade, and where it gets interesting is the ability to utilize the blockchain technologies since ownership is in the coins. For example Darksend feature or ability to pay with Indexcoin wherever Bitcoin is accepted through Veribit (Vericoin), but all that would take work and cooperation. I don’t know that is going to be that easy, so for the purpose of this demonstration, let us just arrive at the “Index”.

Now imagine the Top 100 market cap coins in one index, or Top 500, and if one drops out, it is replaced automatically. Or imagine a top 20. Or imagine the index where the select blockchain technologies get added, or the fact that community could vote for the index…this is what’s coming for the future with Indexcoin….and in time you will see Indexcoins. Better get ready.

Bitshares community, is this anything that you would be interested in being a part of and how could Bitshares "breathe" life into this project?

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