Author Topic: What happens when you're the first black president?  (Read 7230 times)

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Offline jae208

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OP has been so badly deceived in so many ways and on so many levels that I wouldn't know where to begin his disillusionment process.

On the other hand, having any discussion at all with a person who's mind frame is trapped within a framework of partisan politics and parties to begin with .... there is little use presenting any economic realities to him.

Since we are fast approaching Remembrance Day, suffice it to say that he reminds me of the (un)thinking lemmings in the 1st World War who charged into machine gun fire ostensibly for their kin and country but in fact, because they were too lazy and uncritical, for  the profit of another Banker's War. Am I going to celebrate those brain-dead idiots by glorifying their "exploits"? Yeah, right. Go peddle your poppies to today's zombies.

There are better ways to spend your time. Be thankful he is here complaining as opposed to doing something more destructive with his ignorance.

Again rather than ad hominem attacks please try and debunk the numbers I provided in the original post.
The truth is that you won't be able to debunk those numbers as they are factual. You remind me of the climate deniers who choose to believe what they believe despite thousands of scientific papers making the case that our continued fossil fuel use is harming the planet. There is a reason the planet Venus is the hottest planet yet second planet from the sun and it is because it has a high level of carbon dioxide.

 As I asked already are we as a nation better off today than we were in 2008-2009? Is the economy growing?  Is unemployment down? Are housing prices up? How is the stock market doing now versus the last few years of Bush? If the economy is better off today there has been significant improvement over the last few years than why has the right been vehemently opposed to the president? They'll say that it is because of his policies blah blah blah but I think it really is because he is a biracial man in the White House. Its so obvious and it has been very obvious since the beginning. 

I have news for you.  There is no such thing as republican or democrat.  It is all an illusion.   As for using the word racism...when people use this crap it just means they want to win an argument without substantive points.

I don't really identify as a democrat although I do lean left. There is such a thing as a conservative and progressive. Call it republican or dixiecrat it doesn't matter. Apparently there are visible differences in the brains of both. Most notably conservatives tend to be more anxious and fearful which is why they are xenophobic and quick to go to war even if there are no funds for the war. Oh gotta love W. Liberals have a higher openness to experience and openness to experience is the only personality trait that directly correlates  with intelligence. So yes liberals are in general more intelligent which is why you tend to find a higher percentage of non believers with people who lean left. Seriously it is embarrassing that people believe in ridiculous fairy tales that aren't backed by empirical evidence but in order for evolution to work you do need variance in intelligence. That is why on the one hand you have someone like Ray Kurzweil and on the other you have Sarah Palin who apparently is able to see Russia from her home in Alaska lol.

There is a reason the United States is becoming less conservative. It is because less intelligent conservatives ideas are being displaced by more logical ones. Survival of the fittest.

I've talked to many conservatives in person and live in a conservative states. As I read their body language and ask them questions it becomes very apparent to me that the reason they don't like Obama really is because he is black and they are racists.

As far as winning an argument, if you can please debunk my argument that we are better off now than we were right before Obama became president please do so. Don't post opinionated posts as that doesn't count as evidence. A work in progress
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Offline jae208

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Since we are fast approaching Remembrance Day, suffice it to say that he reminds me of the (un)thinking lemmings in the 1st World War who charged into machine gun fire ostensibly for their kin and country but in fact, because they were too lazy and uncritical, for  the profit of another Banker's War. Am I going to celebrate those brain-dead idiots by glorifying their "exploits"? Yeah, right. Go peddle your poppies to today's zombies.

My intention isn't to state whether or not I agree with you.
I think, however, it's worth bearing in mind that it was a lot harder to educate oneself in the early 20th century. Decent information was much harder to obtain, predominantly due to the lack of internet. Do you think you are viewing this from a strong point of retrospect?

"Decent information" and the advances in computer technology and information systems are irrelevant to the hard work of going inside and examining how your beliefs were formed and coming to an understanding of how your perceptions are skewed, and reinforced, by those beliefs.

I understand, and agree in large part. However, "decent information" is'nt completely irrelevant. The way I see it, when a broad base of information is easier to come by, it is harder for the powers that be to affect people's opinions.

It is easy to get frustrated by the fact that many people don't bother to think hard about the world around them, and about the way their own thoughts and actions arise. It leads to problems when people are easily manipulated.

The internet allows the wide availability of information, and also the ability to share thoughts and ideas quite freely. I say that this makes it harder for the powerful to brainwash the masses. If only more people would stop playing Farmville on Facebook, and start to delve a bit deeper!

Yes, the information is out there: 

The Republican Senate Will Love Loretta Lynch

But the automatic gatekeepers in the unexamined mind will keep it out  (or rather twist and cripple it on entry) :)

How is that empirical evidence? That is an opinion piece. -.-
Much like saying idiots like Ted Cruz actually have a shot of being President. A work in progress
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Offline ticklebiscuit

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OP has been so badly deceived in so many ways and on so many levels that I wouldn't know where to begin his disillusionment process.

On the other hand, having any discussion at all with a person who's mind frame is trapped within a framework of partisan politics and parties to begin with .... there is little use presenting any economic realities to him.

Since we are fast approaching Remembrance Day, suffice it to say that he reminds me of the (un)thinking lemmings in the 1st World War who charged into machine gun fire ostensibly for their kin and country but in fact, because they were too lazy and uncritical, for  the profit of another Banker's War. Am I going to celebrate those brain-dead idiots by glorifying their "exploits"? Yeah, right. Go peddle your poppies to today's zombies.

There are better ways to spend your time. Be thankful he is here complaining as opposed to doing something more destructive with his ignorance.

I have news for you.  There is no such thing as republican or democrat.  It is all an illusion.   As for using the word racism...when people use this crap it just means they want to win an argument without substantive points.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 09:44:41 pm by ticklebiscuit »

Offline GaltReport

Whether you are a wolf or a wolf in sheep's are still a wolf.  Either way you get the same results.  Just different wedge issues to divide people by and create the illusion of choice.

Offline onceuponatime

Since we are fast approaching Remembrance Day, suffice it to say that he reminds me of the (un)thinking lemmings in the 1st World War who charged into machine gun fire ostensibly for their kin and country but in fact, because they were too lazy and uncritical, for  the profit of another Banker's War. Am I going to celebrate those brain-dead idiots by glorifying their "exploits"? Yeah, right. Go peddle your poppies to today's zombies.

My intention isn't to state whether or not I agree with you.
I think, however, it's worth bearing in mind that it was a lot harder to educate oneself in the early 20th century. Decent information was much harder to obtain, predominantly due to the lack of internet. Do you think you are viewing this from a strong point of retrospect?

"Decent information" and the advances in computer technology and information systems are irrelevant to the hard work of going inside and examining how your beliefs were formed and coming to an understanding of how your perceptions are skewed, and reinforced, by those beliefs.

I understand, and agree in large part. However, "decent information" is'nt completely irrelevant. The way I see it, when a broad base of information is easier to come by, it is harder for the powers that be to affect people's opinions.

It is easy to get frustrated by the fact that many people don't bother to think hard about the world around them, and about the way their own thoughts and actions arise. It leads to problems when people are easily manipulated.

The internet allows the wide availability of information, and also the ability to share thoughts and ideas quite freely. I say that this makes it harder for the powerful to brainwash the masses. If only more people would stop playing Farmville on Facebook, and start to delve a bit deeper!

Yes, the information is out there: 

The Republican Senate Will Love Loretta Lynch

But the automatic gatekeepers in the unexamined mind will keep it out  (or rather twist and cripple it on entry) :)

Offline hadrian

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Since we are fast approaching Remembrance Day, suffice it to say that he reminds me of the (un)thinking lemmings in the 1st World War who charged into machine gun fire ostensibly for their kin and country but in fact, because they were too lazy and uncritical, for  the profit of another Banker's War. Am I going to celebrate those brain-dead idiots by glorifying their "exploits"? Yeah, right. Go peddle your poppies to today's zombies.

My intention isn't to state whether or not I agree with you.
I think, however, it's worth bearing in mind that it was a lot harder to educate oneself in the early 20th century. Decent information was much harder to obtain, predominantly due to the lack of internet. Do you think you are viewing this from a strong point of retrospect?

"Decent information" and the advances in computer technology and information systems are irrelevant to the hard work of going inside and examining how your beliefs were formed and coming to an understanding of how your perceptions are skewed, and reinforced, by those beliefs.

I understand, and agree in large part. However, "decent information" is'nt completely irrelevant. The way I see it, when a broad base of information is easier to come by, it is harder for the powers that be to affect people's opinions.

It is easy to get frustrated by the fact that many people don't bother to think hard about the world around them, and about the way their own thoughts and actions arise. It leads to problems when people are easily manipulated.

The internet allows the wide availability of information, and also the ability to share thoughts and ideas quite freely. I say that this makes it harder for the powerful to brainwash the masses. If only more people would stop playing Farmville on Facebook, and start to delve a bit deeper! | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline onceuponatime

Since we are fast approaching Remembrance Day, suffice it to say that he reminds me of the (un)thinking lemmings in the 1st World War who charged into machine gun fire ostensibly for their kin and country but in fact, because they were too lazy and uncritical, for  the profit of another Banker's War. Am I going to celebrate those brain-dead idiots by glorifying their "exploits"? Yeah, right. Go peddle your poppies to today's zombies.

My intention isn't to state whether or not I agree with you.
I think, however, it's worth bearing in mind that it was a lot harder to educate oneself in the early 20th century. Decent information was much harder to obtain, predominantly due to the lack of internet. Do you think you are viewing this from a strong point of retrospect?

"Decent information" and the advances in computer technology and information systems are irrelevant to the hard work of going inside and examining how your beliefs were formed and coming to an understanding of how your perceptions are skewed, and reinforced, by those beliefs.

Offline hadrian

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Since we are fast approaching Remembrance Day, suffice it to say that he reminds me of the (un)thinking lemmings in the 1st World War who charged into machine gun fire ostensibly for their kin and country but in fact, because they were too lazy and uncritical, for  the profit of another Banker's War. Am I going to celebrate those brain-dead idiots by glorifying their "exploits"? Yeah, right. Go peddle your poppies to today's zombies.

My intention isn't to state whether or not I agree with you.
I think, however, it's worth bearing in mind that it was a lot harder to educate oneself in the early 20th century. Decent information was much harder to obtain, predominantly due to the lack of internet. Do you think you are viewing this from a strong point of retrospect? | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline jae208

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OP has been so badly deceived in so many ways and on so many levels that I wouldn't know where to begin his disillusionment process.

On the other hand, having any discussion at all with a person who's mind frame is trapped within a framework of partisan politics and parties to begin with .... there is little use presenting any economic realities to him.

Since we are fast approaching Remembrance Day, suffice it to say that he reminds me of the (un)thinking lemmings in the 1st World War who charged into machine gun fire ostensibly for their kin and country but in fact, because they were too lazy and uncritical, for  the profit of another Banker's War. Am I going to celebrate those brain-dead idiots by glorifying their "exploits"? Yeah, right. Go peddle your poppies to today's zombies.

I must have struck a nerve. lol

Can you debunk my numbers rather than resorting to ad hominem attacks?
I don't think you will be able to debunk those numbers.

Has GDP grown since Bush? Obama belongs to what party? Who controlled the senate? What happened during the time they had control? Are we in a depression? Has deficit been going up and up and up? A work in progress
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Offline jae208

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[No I'm not a black person defending a black President]
I don't watch mainstream news.

When Jindal says Republicans are the stupid party, you know there is an issue. You make some valid points above, my main point is that the numbers should speak for themselves.

Are we, objectively speaking, better off today as a nation than we were before President Obama? I think that yes we are. We are no longer in a recession, real GDP has gone up, consumer spending and confidence has gone up, less soldiers are dying in foreign lands (send in the drones), the deficient and discretionary spending has gone down since Bush etc. People were motivated to vote out of hate for the black man.
This recovery and improvement has happened despite GOP obstructionism.

Oh don't forget the hysteria over Ebola. That is just beyond stupid how people were so afraid of Ebola. The numbers show that you are more likely to die of the flu than ebola. Plus, Ebola could only be transmitted if you came in direct contact with an infected person's bodily fluids. You literally need to get their blood or genital fluids inside your body.

Like I said the people that most hate the President should be renamed the American Taliban. Only difference between the non moderate Christians in America and the Muslim extremist in the middle east is that Christians are tame in comparison. I guess they learned from other Christian's mistakes, from the crusades and inquisition.

Very similar beliefs between these groups but luckily not the same thirst for violence.

There is a reason that the United States is becoming less conservative and more progressive and it has to do with evolution. In order to survive and thrive in modern times you need to have higher and higher intelligence. You just won't cut it with a below average IQ and a greater and greater number of jobs are knowledge based rather than physical. There is a reason why highly educated individuals tend to lean left such as scientists, doctors, mathematicians, silicon valley white collar workers etc.

The reason is that there is an inverse relationship between how intelligent you are and religiosity. Jobs will only get more sophisticated as we become a more technologically advanced society and this will pressure humanity to become more intelligent otherwise you won't pass on your genes because you can't survive in this technologically advanced world.

 A work in progress
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Offline onceuponatime

OP has been so badly deceived in so many ways and on so many levels that I wouldn't know where to begin his disillusionment process.

On the other hand, having any discussion at all with a person who's mind frame is trapped within a framework of partisan politics and parties to begin with .... there is little use presenting any economic realities to him.

Since we are fast approaching Remembrance Day, suffice it to say that he reminds me of the (un)thinking lemmings in the 1st World War who charged into machine gun fire ostensibly for their kin and country but in fact, because they were too lazy and uncritical, for  the profit of another Banker's War. Am I going to celebrate those brain-dead idiots by glorifying their "exploits"? Yeah, right. Go peddle your poppies to today's zombies.

Offline donkeypong

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They won the senate because all the hate they have towards the black man in the white house.

You mean the Kenyan terrorist?  :o

Offline donkeypong

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Voter turnout is very low for the midterm elections. If Democrats don't vote, then how can they expect to win? If you look at a map of the Senate elections (which states were up this year) it's a very conservative group to begin with. Many months ago, every single expert solidly predicted this outcome because they knew Democratic turnout would be low.

Now check out the 2016 map for the U.S. Senate races. Republicans must defend something like 8 competitive seats and Democrats only 2 or 3. With a strong presidential candidate, Dems will easily retake the Senate in 2016.  If there was a strong Democratic presidential candidate running every two years, then there wouldn't be a Republican Party.

My point: the media wants you to think this is some kind of angry tide of public opinion that comes every 2, 4, or 6 years. And there are some angry folks, no question (angry folks who are being presented with nothing but an illusion of an alternative). But we're really just looking at a swing of less than 10% for these elections and the rest of the populace is voting with their own party line every time. Less than 10% is hardly a revolution, nor is it a mandate one way or the other. The media wants you to think it's a mandate because that's exciting. But give these jokers two years (even two months) and you'll be yearning for the other guys again.

So the pendulum swings back and forth from tweedledum to tweedledee. And thus we are presented with a false choice: two apparently different futures. But even though I do like one party a lot better than the other, the truth is that each of the two big parties simply represents a different set of special interests. Both are bought & paid for, so who they represent is about the only difference between them these days.

Offline jae208

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Not all Republican are racists but ALL racists are Republican!

Again white trailer trash people don't like Obama simply because he is black. If you look at it objectively we are way better off in 2014 than we were in 2009 after Obama took over the disastrous damage George W Bush caused. When republicans say we are going to take back our country, I'm not sure if they mean taking over Great Britain or have a homogeneous white population in America like it was decades ago where segregation was legal.

Now versus 2008-2009

Unemployment rate is down to 6.1%        it was 8.3% in 2009
Real GDP is $16.2Trillion now                  it was $12.5 trillion in 2009
GDP growth   is POSITIVE 4.6%              it was NEGATIVE 5.4% in 2009 because of stupid Bush

DOW(Stock Market) $17,113 NOW          it was $7,365  in 2009
Housing Prices POSITIVE 8.9% NOW      it was NEGATIVE 7.1% in 2009

Even discretionary spending has gone down under President Obama's watch and a Democratic Senate.

Discretionary spending has gone down to $1.1 Trillion NOW

In 2009 because of Mr Bush's term discretionary spending was $1.4 trillion

Not to mention that the difference between Romneycare and Obamacare is simply that for the latter being black causes massive opposition.

Republicans so blinded by racism that they fail to see that President Obama has actually helped navigate this country out of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression!

The Teabaggers here should be called the American Taliban. They have similar beliefs as the middle eastern extremists without the violence of course.

They want a theocracy not really fond of seperation of church and state

They ignorantly believe the theory of evolution is a belief system! WTF?! Theory in science has a different definition than in everyday language. Theory = Explanation.  Explanation derived from experiments, facts, laws etc. There is a thing called the Theory of Gravity but no one is going to jump off a 6 story building and say, "oh yeah gravity, its JUST a theory and a belief."

Anti gay
Anti women
Anti Science
Anti Education
Anti tolerance
Anti Minorities

Pro War
Pro destruction
Pro ignorance
Pro theocracy (Iran is a theocracy I bet we'd love to have that here)
Pro racism
Pro white supremacy

They won the senate because all the hate they have towards the black man in the white house. A work in progress
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