Author Topic: 该主题由于脏话太多被删  (Read 8190 times)

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其实说是这样说,目前这套来说,股东对III 没任何制约作用,除非股东选监事职位,进入公司的日常管理。

The shareholders have done exactly that.

The CEO sets the vision.
The COO runs the company.
The CTO creates breakthroughs.

The COO is not so foolish as to fence in the CTO.
So he coordinates a surrounding team of talent to complement the CTO and carry all things across the finish line.
We are architecting the company to deliver max value to the holders of III, PTS, AGS and their derivatives.

Both CEO and CTO understand each other's strengths and weaknesses and agree on the present approach with the vast majority of all Invictus shareholders.

Those who continue to hold such shares know they are investing in something extraordinary.
We have no plan to follow the path of the ordinary.  There are many who are better than we at that.


« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 01:47:22 am by Stan »
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline cdryan

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其实说是这样说,目前这套来说,股东对III 没任何制约作用,除非股东选监事职位,进入公司的日常管理。

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Forum Donation: PforumPLfVQXTi4QpQqKwoChXHkoHcxGuA
Personal Address: PakhuBkqTu4oTHJ4ZffvzVwCGCMfuqazgm

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Offline logxing

楼上是水军马甲,懒得屌你。哥就算只投了0.1BTC的AGS 哥也有权利发言。因为3I用的是我们的钱
 3I上个月28号才来了个snap shot刺激AGS捐赠,现在又要来snap shot。
 有意思么?忽悠了那么多钱 做出半点实质性的东西没有?
BTS Account:logxing


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楼上是水军马甲,懒得屌你。哥就算只投了0.1BTC的AGS 哥也有权利发言。因为3I用的是我们的钱
 3I上个月28号才来了个snap shot刺激AGS捐赠,现在又要来snap shot。
 有意思么?忽悠了那么多钱 做出半点实质性的东西没有?
貌似是你一直在妄想被人打脸摸胸吧,整个topic里似乎是你抗议的最厉害吧哥们,如果你再激动点觉得抗议不够用了 ,请你自豪地以你那agser股东的身份去炸掉3I总部吧 :D。只想赚快钱,劝你去坑小白拉山寨吧谢谢

Offline ww0207

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 楼上是水军马甲,懒得屌你。哥就算只投了0.1BTC的AGS 哥也有权利发言。因为3I用的是我们的钱
 3I上个月28号才来了个snap shot刺激AGS捐赠,现在又要来snap shot。
 有意思么?忽悠了那么多钱 做出半点实质性的东西没有?

Offline Maxwell

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Follow-up from this thread:

This past week I visited invictus. I got to know Dan, Stan, Pam, and Arlen, and also briefly met Dan N and Eric V. Here are my thoughts, from best to worst:

Major confidence boost: Future I3 DACs (not BTS X)

Dan worked on refactoring the BTS X code into a "shell DAC" which is easily extensible. While he did this I used this new shell to work on BTS DNS. The ease with which I was able to implement an MVP (well, not actually "viable" without tests/a client/CLI/RPC, but still) gives me great confidence that there will be a critical point after which we'll be seeing many new DACs in the same way we see tons of new BTC clones every month. Arlen will be working on the Lotto DAC while documenting the process to make it super easy for other developers to follow. Eric V and possibly another recruit both have networking experience and will be working on the hard parts (from my perspective) of the client which will be used by all DACs.

Minor confidence boost: Business Development & Marketing

This stuff is largely invisible to the outside community (as it should be - only engineering should have open WIPs IMO) and so hearing the stuff Stan, Brian, Greg, and Charles were working on was really reassuring. I'm not one to judge how effective all this work is going to be, but it suffices to say that if the rest of the team is half as good at what they do as Dan is at engineering then Q2 should be great for AGS/PTS holders.

Minor confidence loss: BTS X

This is by *far* the most complex DAC idea that invictus has and unforunately the community should not expect a feature-complete product in Q1. Since Dan has already mentioned it elsewhere, I suppose it's safe to say that you should expect XT to launch pretty soon but without any market functionality - this chain will test TAPOS and other non-market mechanics and will be the snapshot for BTS X chains with the real X functionality. The good news is that this means the chance of reset is very low so everyone can trade shares in future X chains without fear. Q2 went from "definitely" to "if nothing major goes wrong" for having a fully-featured BTS X chain.

Note that while this is a drop in confidence my confidence is still high - I will be buying XTS like crazy if the price drops below pre-snapshot levels after the shares are made liquid.

Major Minor confidence loss: Keyhotee

EDIT: Dan N has written a response here, it seems like I3 has switched gears to p2p client and blockchain code and I just missed the memo.

Previously, I had written:
This really left a bad taste in my mouth. We are approaching 3 months delay for having a blockchain launched. The scariest part is that Dan L agrees that having a blockchain + client is more important than having a UI with mail and chat system, AND thinks it would not take him very much time to do this. (I still would prefer he works on the DACs and not keyhotee though). What gives? There's gotta be some systemic problem within I3 that I could not deduce. Communication issues? Internal politics? Lack of trust? No idea, but it left me scared and confused.

I've brought this up a few times in the forum and by email and have been blown off every time. I have two suggestions for pressuring I3 on this, after which I'm giving up on Keyhotee.
1) This poll (also a chance to see if maybe my opinion is just wrong)
2) From now on, everyone make it clear whether you are talking about Keyhotee-the-ID-system or Keyhotee-the-app. For example:

"Why isn't KID ready yet?"
"Well there were some problems with the mail system..."
"No, I don't care about the app or extensions, I mean KID, why isn't it ready yet?"
"Well founder registration isn't done yet"
"Ah ok, how can we move that along?"

I know at least one outside engineer who wants to work on keyhotee integration but is blocked because there is no client. Given that I3 is short on talent this is a huge deal. For every skilled c++ network engineer there are 100 HTML5/JS engineers who can whip up a UI in no time. How long did BTC exist without a UI? My opinion is that starting Keyhotee App without a blockchain already launched was a huge mistake and I3 needs to cut their losses immediately and get Dan N's team on launching a blockchain with CLI/RPC access ASAP.

Questions from previous thread:

* Can we move part of the AGS funds into a multi-sig controlled by people outside of invictus?
* How are you going to most effectively allow proper utilization of the funds raised from AGS?

Discussed ad neauseam in other threads.

* Can we please get a response in this thread: ? I've emailed several I3 members asking to get Brian in here and there is no response. Read the whole thing!

After my visit and seeing the intensity of the planned marketing effort I am much more comfortable with the idea of letting Brian do "real-world" marketing and letting the forum self-organize marketing efforts for other online communities.

* A (realistic) timeframe for completion of Keyhotee
* A (realistic) timeframe for completion of BitShares X

Partially addressed above. My guess is this month for XT and Q2 for BTS X with a market. For keyhotee, I have no idea, see above.

* We need pretty and logical GUI's to make the software appealing to a broader audience

IDK, my personal opinion is that we should let 3rd parties do this.

* More details on DAC development kits / events / tutorials...Would be awesome to have a simple demo DAC to our disposal

Addressed above, Dan and Arlen are working on exactly this right now.

* More detail on the new website which should be launched this month as far as I remember

I think March 21st is still the target date, I saw a preview of the new site and it looks like a reasonable target.

* A roadmap of the marketing plan and activities

Not sure.

* ...Perhaps someone else can answer this, but: In one, easy to understand sentence; What is the competitive advantage BitShares has compared to all the other competitors? (i.e.Eethereum, colored coins, Mastercoin, ripple, NXT, Counterparty)

The short answer is, each DAC is specialized and profitable. CC, Ripple, MSC, and XCP are all just IOU trading platforms, BitShares Me is their competitor. Ethereum is like a DAC prototyping platform OR platform for non-profit-seeking DAOs to use without having to do lots of work. Any profitable business model will want to move off of their blockchain.

* How are Daniel and Stan related?
* From a philosophical perspective, what are the biggest challenges that keep you up at night?
* From a technical perspective, what are the biggest challenges that keep you up at night?

Answered by Stan in the other thread

* To each I3 employee - If you could have any mediocre superpower, what would it be?

I forgot to ask this, what a shame =P

* A lot more documentation
* A lot more specifications

Arlen is working on this.

* How many developers  are working full times for 3I ?

Right now - 3? 4?

* Any new employees hire lately ? 

Eric V, then there are 2 or 3 potential recruits

* What exactly Arlen del Castillo is working on right know ?

Documentation, mostly. Also some recruiting.

Overall a very positive experience. I am glad I visited and am more excited than ever.


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来自我的 HUAWEI HN3-U01 上的 Tapatalk

PTS: Pu3UNPm2CbkZw8s7zreArHm472x8F3uWXj
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Offline Musewhale

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昨晚我骂了,然后3.15晚会没状况,就去买了PTS,MD :'( :'( :'(
MUSE witness:mygoodfriend     vote for me

Offline ripplexiaoshan

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LZ 不要太激动啊,标题里脏话太多给你删了。给 3I 压力是对的,不过要用合理的,可信的言语,否则只能让人觉得咱们的素质低啊。 你去英文版块儿看看,很多老外也经常骂,但都是讽刺为主。
BTS committee member:jademont

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