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Messages - cryptosile

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General Discussion / Re: Test Net for Advanced Users
« on: August 19, 2015, 08:17:00 pm »
Also, to help with testing I'm pushing Docker containers for witness and cli in an automated fashion.  I will post instructions on how to join using docker later tonight.,17935.0.html

Technical Support / Re: Automated build and test server for graphene
« on: August 15, 2015, 09:29:25 pm »
I'm taking a look now.

It had some weird error about not having dependencies.  I'd just try running it again or try it without either of the --make options, by default it will build both cli and witness.

Just running again with no options worked for me.  I'll see if I can do anything to avoid the make error in the future.  That will take some more investigating.

Code: [Select]
sudo docker run -v /home/clayop:/build sile16/graphene-build
#Update 2
It looks like the combo of -j4 and specifying both cli and witness is what breaks some dependency in the make process.  I did two things:
I made the default script to not specify -j4 .  Going for less speed but more dependable.  I added an option to specify the jobs for the people who want to speed up the build process.  I also change the target selection so by default it builds all unless you just want to specify a single target.

with these two changes I don't think this problem can happen for anyone else.

Technical Support / Re: Automated build and test server for graphene
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:41:58 pm »
yeah, I can do that tonight probably.  It already looks at the return code and colors the test box green if the return code is 0 for all test passed.  If it's red 1 or more tests failed.  You can click the log link to look at the full build log or individual test logs. 

I can probably make the test cell link directly to it corresponding log and also on failure report the # of failed tests.

Technical Support / Automated build and test server for graphene
« on: August 13, 2015, 01:23:58 am »
I started off by making this docker build box:

After that I thought, it can't be too hard to automate the build process so when a new commit hits github I'll run the build capture the output and print to html.  Took about 10 times longer than it probably should but here it is:

Every 5 minutes my server checks for a new commit, will download build and update the webpage with the results.  It also builds docker images once a day for the witness node and cli, but those aren't quite ready for use as I still need to tweak the docker configs to allow the correct ports through etc.  But theoretically i'll be able to deploy witness nodes from the auto generated docker images:

Once we actually have a taged release on github for graphene those tags should propagate into the docker image as tags.   I'd like to do this for the testnet / devshares as well but not sure what github repo will be used for that whether bitshares/devshares will be used or cryptonomex/devshares   ... 

I'm new to all this docker stuff so if you have a good idea how to make it better let me know.

Oh,, and all the code i'm using the automate the build process is at:

I'm sure someone is going to tell me you can do this with jenkins in like 2 lines of code or something.....  hahaha

General Discussion / Re: Build issues with secp256k1-zkp
« on: August 10, 2015, 02:56:23 pm »
So, it looks like this issue can occur from several reasons.

Lack of --depth on the clone.... not that
submodule not pushed.....not that
git push --force   .... looks like this is what happened, effectively deleting the tree bd067945ead3b514fba884abd0de95fc4b5db9ae from the commit history. 
Vikram cloned this repo into, and you can see bd06794 in the commit history on May 29th.  This commit is no longer a part of the  history and can't be checked out.

Currently the submodules are setup like:
cryptonomex/graphene -> cryptonomex/FC -> ElementsProject/secp256k1-zkp

How to fix:
Since vikram has already cloned secp256, probably the best way is to just update the fc repo to point to cryptonomex/secp256k1-zkp rather than the ElementsProject/secp256k1-zkp

However, this doesn't fix historical builds which are not very nice unless you go in and manually git clone and checkout specifically to bd06794

Or maybe talk with ElementsProject and see if you can get them to agree to never git push -f again... so we can trust using their commit trees directly.

Workaround to get project to build:
git clone
cd graphene
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd libraries/fc/vendor/
rm -rf secp256k1-zkp/
git clone
cd secp256k1-zkp/
git checkout bd067945ead3b514fba884abd0de95fc4b5db9ae

General Discussion / Re: Build issues with secp256k1-zkp
« on: August 10, 2015, 04:21:08 am »
I've tried several times and from different computer and different networks... Thought GitHub might be rate limiting me or something but that didn't seem to work either. 

General Discussion / Build issues with secp256k1-zkp
« on: August 09, 2015, 04:34:44 pm »
Submodule path 'libraries/fc/vendor/websocketpp': checked out 'c5510d6de04917812b910a8dd44735c1f17061d9'
Unable to checkout 'bd067945ead3b514fba884abd0de95fc4b5db9ae' in submodule path 'libraries/fc/vendor/secp256k1-zkp'
Failed to recurse into submodule path 'libraries/fc'

I can't get past the git commands.  These same commands have worked for me tons of times before but now I can't checkout head or even get older commits to work either. 

The tree seems to exist:

General Discussion / ethereum is android vs Graphene is Ios Comparison
« on: August 01, 2015, 02:30:19 am »
On today's dev hangout Dan made the comparison between graphene and ethereum.  Ethereum is an interpreted language and anyone can submit and start running code.  Whereas, graphene is a pre-compiled chain with many smartcontracts as modules and adding features really isn't "that" much harder than in ethereum and anyone can submit a pull request to get their feature into the codebase.  The additional challenge is getting into the code base and then deployed out into the network, which is similar to getting approval in the Apple app store with the end result of a highly optimized compiled version of a specific smart contract.  I really like this comparison and it makes it easier for people to conceptualize the different approaches. 

I think it would be awesome to embrace this, one key challenge is when choosing a platform to develop to it's not just the code.  If we are really saying and encouraging people to contribute additional smart contracts to graphene, the whole toolchain and process needs to be documented and made as simple as possible:

1.  Document graphene internal api's , data flows, objects, etc.
2.  Make getting a development environment up and running very easy with step by step instructions. like what files are necessary, make files, etc.
3.  Provide examples of several simple smart contracts.
4.  Provide a policy to which pull requests are evaluated.  Need to have public guidelines that need to be met to be considered for acceptance.  Just like apple store policy, (but maybe try and be even more transparent.)

Until this is available I don't think it's really a legitimate comparison.

I'm curious if we could provide these two things:
1.  Allow a specific smart contract to pay 10% of fees to the creator of said smart contract.
  - This would incentivize a lot of developers to submit smart contracts and compete for inclusion into the blockchain.
2.  From a security point of view could these smart contracts be sandboxed in such a way so that a secuirty issue in a specific smartcontract doesn't put the whole chain at risk? 

If these two possible and we had all the documentation, toolchains, and processes in place it would be a very powerful story to attract new developers.

General Discussion / Re: Brownie Distribution Update
« on: August 01, 2015, 02:10:23 am »
just added mine cryptosile | cryptosile | cryptosile

General Discussion / Docker build box
« on: July 27, 2015, 10:33:43 pm »
Update: 8/2/2015
I added a script for easier use, moved the build files outside the container, and made the container smaller.
The original example will still work but a new easier method is now available:

docker run -v <local host path for build>:/build sile16/graphene-build [optional tag or commit sha]

[Install docker on ubuntu, sudo apt-get install docker]
sudo docker run -v /home/sile:/build sile16/graphene-build
this builds the latest master into -> /home/sile/graphene

now... I think i'm close to where I can automate the creation of runtime docker containers with just binaries...  to be continued..

=========  Original Post  ===========================
I was wanting to learn docker so I thought I'd make a build box for graphene:

Docker Image on Docker Hub:

The image gets everything installed right before you download graphene and compile.

Now if you want to compile graphene you can use the following docker file:

Code: [Select]
FROM sile16/graphene-build:pre

# Install Graphene
RUN cd && git clone
WORKDIR /root/graphene
RUN git submodule update --init --recursive
RUN make -j4

Actually do the build
Code: [Select]
#docker build -t build01 .
Start a shell inside the docker container to run tests / use graphene , etc
Code: [Select]
#docker run -it build01 /bin/bash

Here is the docker file i used to create sile16/graphene-build

My Dockerfile:
Code: [Select]
FROM ubuntu:14.04

# Prep Server
RUN apt-get update

# Install Prerequisite Packages
RUN apt-get -y install git libreadline-dev uuid-dev g++ libdb++-dev libdb-dev zip
RUN apt-get -y install libssl-dev openssl build-essential python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev
RUN apt-get -y install libbz2-dev automake doxygen cmake ncurses-dev libtool nodejs nodejs-legacy npm mc
RUN apt-get -y install autoconf wget
RUN apt-get -y autoremove

# Install Boost 1.57
RUN wget -c ''
RUN tar -xf download
WORKDIR /tmp/boost_1_57_0
RUN ./ --prefix=/usr/local/
RUN ./b2 install

#Cleanup Boost Install
WORKDIR /root/
RUN rm -rf /tmp/boost_1_57_0
RUN rm -f /tmp/download

if there are ways to make this better please let me know.  I'm definitely not an expert in this stuff just dabbling.

DevShares / Re: DevShares forked...
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:08:36 am »
Also on this chain:

main (unlocked) >>> blockchain_get_blockhash 621266

40.08% delegate participation

DevShares / Re: How to register a delegate?
« on: January 28, 2015, 04:17:00 pm »
Later if you update the registration. To a higher pay rate does that invalidate all the votes?

General Discussion / Changes to Cover Rules - Eliminate 5% fee
« on: January 28, 2015, 04:15:05 pm »
Don't change collateral requirements, bitshares needs less change and more stability.   All the rapid changes adds uncertainty.  Investors hate investing in something that may change rapidly.  It's good to be able change when absolutely necessary but arbitrarily moving the call bar from 150  to 200 is a mistake.  Go back and fix the blogs not the code.  We will still have over 2x collateral on average. 

Additions/ new functionality are not bad , but going back and readjusting things is awful.

The new order type is nice to be able to cover using locked collateral that is fine.

So, you are saying that in an upcoming hard fork this will change to 200% ?   Was there a discussion around this somewhere I missed?

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