Author Topic: 0.1 PTS/ea - EASY MONEY: Post Undiscovered Articles & Press Here - [CLOSED]  (Read 29675 times)

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Offline 70231f697a2b3c2b

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Hey guys.  Coming back online now; it's morning here in Asia (:

I understand your concern over some of the links; I tried to get through the list reasonably quickly to give the I3 team as much time as possible to review the links.

My interpretation of I3's needs might also be different than your (or even I3's) understanding of what they are looking for, so some legit URLs may have been filtered out incorrectly.

Also, I apologize for leaving the filter on so that only accepted URLs were visible; I (incorrectly) thought that anyone else who viewed the spreadsheet would be able to toggle it on and off.  I will leave the filter off now.

Thank you for double-checking my work.  I will be going through the remaining posts on this thread and correcting any URLs that should be forwarded to the I3 team.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2014, 02:58:16 am by todofixthis »


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I thought about everything, and I think I acted like a drama queen. Everyone makes mistakes and I am happy with any outcome. The most important is that we pull together on one rope and not let get little things in the way that blocks the whole flow.

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Thanks for helping get us paid. Because you activated the filter, I can't see why some of mine were rejected. These four in particular...

This is off topic?:

The next panel was Future Development, dominated by Charles Hoskinson and Daniel Larimer of Invictus Innovations who unveiled their BitShares project along with the Keyhotee project for identities. The BitShares project, as promising as it seems by tracking prices based on a prediction system, needs to prove its worth in the real world. The beta is slated for December 2013 and it would be interesting to watch it grow and progress. Charles ended with a mention of a mysterious hardware device that will be coming soon but didn’t provide any more details.

Crypto Currency Conference 2013 Atlanta Charles Hoskinson <2 Pictures>
Charles Hoskinson introducing the BitShares idea
Charles Hoskinson talked about “A New Approach to BTC Exchanges” and introduced the BitShares ideas and Daniel Larimer talked about “Decentralized Solutions to Centralized Problems” introducing the Keyhotee identity system and a plan for decentralized, secure communication including text and voice.

You accepted this link for someone but this one from me wasn't?


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Todofixthis, you already had to admit to users that you made mistakes. I have no nerves to check if you also made a mistake with some of my links. I also don't know how to filter things.

B said he will do it. I made mistakes to too by posting unwanted stuff, sorry for that. I will stay away from this thread now. I cannot handle confusion.

Offline jernau

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All you guys need to do is go to File > Make a copy, then filter the now editable spread sheet. That's what I did.


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Wow. Awesome. Will look through these this weekend. Keep em coming. B

I am also disappointed now. You said that you will do this. Now half of my links are gone and I lost track about everything.

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« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 04:53:10 pm by currencydebt »


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Offline jernau

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Regarding the last point (, check out bullet point 8 which corresponds to slide 8 of 10. I'll quote it here:

"8. THE FUTURE – PROJECT KEYHOTEE Communication and Payment as One -"

I'm not sure about this one, but I'll go ahead and add it back; technically, there is an entire slide dedicated to Keyhotee, so it could qualify.  The I3 team has final say anyway, right?  (:

:) Yup.

Offline 70231f697a2b3c2b

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Regarding the last point (, check out bullet point 8 which corresponds to slide 8 of 10. I'll quote it here:

"8. THE FUTURE – PROJECT KEYHOTEE Communication and Payment as One -"

I'm not sure about this one, but I'll go ahead and add it back; technically, there is an entire slide dedicated to Keyhotee, so it could qualify.  The I3 team has final say anyway, right?  (:

Offline jernau

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Hi Jernau.  Thanks for the clarifications.

Agreed with your first 4 points. Regarding the last point (, check out bullet point 8 which corresponds to slide 8 of 10. I'll quote it here:

"8. THE FUTURE – PROJECT KEYHOTEE Communication and Payment as One -"

Offline 70231f697a2b3c2b

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Hi Jernau.  Thanks for the clarifications.

Offline jernau

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I don't agree with your summary that these two links (the first one being a dutch article on BitShares and the second being the dutch author's english translation) are not articles. If you read them carefully, they definitely are articles...


This is advertising Daniel Larimer's expertise in cryptocurrency and presence at the 2013 Atlanta Bitcoin Conference. Why is this not press?

One more thing:

I quote the summary: "This presentation was given to representatives from Bank Negara on the 4th of November, 2013 in their first official public meeting with local Bitcoin enthusiasts." Isn't that pretty strong publicity?

Offline 70231f697a2b3c2b

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Thanks Nutterboy for pointing that out.

I re-reviewed the link in question.  This one's definitely not a repost; sorry about that.  I'm still not sure if it qualifies, though; the article did not seem to be specifically about I3 nor any of its products — one sentence out of a page-long article is tough to qualify as press for I3, I think.

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You've cut this link putting it as a repost, but the article part that is relevant
Invictus Innovations introduced a new platform dubbed BitShares which is intended to replace all common Internet applications such as domain names, e-mail, and payments with a cryptographically secure platform comparable in scope to Android or iOS.

It is part of an article spreading good press about the company, not sure why its been cut out :/

The others that you've cut of mine were reposts annoyingly :/

Add that one back in tho? Thanks todofixthis